Read on for an overview of the key features and improvements in Moodle 4.0, or watch our YouTube playlist of 4.0 New features.
For role-specific information, see New for teachers, New for students and New for administrators.
The list of major features and improvements can be found in the Moodle 4.0 release notes.
New navigation
My courses
Access your courses easily from a My courses tab at the top of the site.
Dashboard and Timeline
Stay on target with deadlines with an improved Timeline on the Dashboard.
Course index
Move smoothly between course sections.
Activity completion
View complete and incomplete activities easily from the course index.
Course editing
Edit mode
Toggle edit mode and access the new block drawer to add or view blocks.
Easily add content
Add activities and resources with a simple click.
Contextual navigation
Find your way around the course and activities with clear tab menus.
Drag and drop to move
Move items from the course index or the central area.
Question bank improvements
Question bank plugins
Show or hide options such as comments and usage.
Improved question management
Save as draft or make ready; see version history and use custom fields when working with colleagues..
New in courses
Atto accessibility
The Atto editor has improved accessiblity thanks to an MUA funded project.
Grade to pass completion
Activity completion can now include a passing grade.
New activity icons
Colour-coded icons help identify the function of each activity.
Content updates
Notify learners when course content is added or updated.
Timed assignments
Specify a time on assignments to encourage learners to submit within the period.
Big Blue Button
Use a free trial of Big Blue Button for live web conferencing.
New for admins
Site admin presets
Easily offer a streamlined or full set of features to users. See Site admin presets.
Report builder
Set up Custom reports and share with selected users, roles or cohorts.
User tours
Improved User tours can also include graphics.
Login page
Define a background image for the improved login page.
Site support
A mandatory support email improves access to support.