
82行目: 82行目:
== カスケードCSS ==
== カスケードCSS ==

Moodle themes use style sheets to describe the Moodle "look" by controlling the layout, fonts and colors. These are constructed by a PHP script called "styles.php" in each theme directory, and controlled by a file called "config.php" in the same place.
レイアウト、フォントおよび色を制御して、Moodle「らしさ」を表現するため、Moodleテーマではスタイルシートを使用します。These are constructed by a PHP script called "styles.php" in each theme directory, and controlled by a file called "config.php" in the same place.

Moodle has a "standard" theme which is very plain and provides a basic layout for other themes to build on. Each theme may also have a "parent" theme, which will be included before the current theme.
Moodle has a "standard" theme which is very plain and provides a basic layout for other themes to build on. Each theme may also have a "parent" theme, which will be included before the current theme.

2008年6月2日 (月) 18:58時点における版

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2008年5月28日 (水) 11:31 (CDT)








header.html およびfooter.html


header.htmlおよびfooter.htmlでは、$CFG->wwwroot の代わりに $CFG->httpswwwroot を使用すべきです。この理由は、loginhttpsが有効にされている場合、適切なログインページ (および他のhttpsで保護されたページ) の処理を実行するためです。


$CFG  (すべてのシステム変数のオブジェクト)
$THEME (config.phpから取得した、現在のすべてのテーマ変数のオブジェクト)
$COURSE (現在のコースのオブジェクト)
$meta (stylesheetsを含んだ、すべてのメタタグ)
$home (論理型)
$title (ページタイトル)
$heading (ページのヘッディング)
$navigation (「ナビゲーションバー」ではなく、実ナビゲーション)
$navmenulist  (xhtml)
$menu (ポップアップメニューまたはボタン)


$direction (ltr または rtl)
$bodytags (bodyに追加する必要のあるタグ)


$homelink (現在のコースまたはサイトページから、「ホーム」へのリンクバック)
$loggedinas (ユーザ名をリンクとした文字列)
$performanceinfo (パフォーマンス情報の文字列)

最後に、ヘッダおよびフッタには、すべてのMoodle PHPコードを含むことができます。つまり、必要に応じてデータベースまたは環境変数から各種データを抽出することができます。






柔軟性、アクセシビリティ、自由なページデザインのため、Moodle 1.5から明確にプレゼンテーション層からコンテンツを分離することになりました。比較的簡単に少しの色とフォントの変更でテーマを変えるチャンスをあなたに与えるため、CSSは以下の3つのファイルに分けられました:


加えて、styles_moz.cssには、FirefoxおよびMozilla特有のフォーマット (特に丸角 rounded corners) を含んでいます。





ページのコンテンツ層はXHTMLを通して表示され、プレゼンテーション層はCSSを通して表示されます。両方のレイヤー (層) に接続するため、ページ内のXHTMLタグおよび名前付きフックが使用されます。Moodleのように複雑なウェブアプリケーションをデザインするには、これらのことに関して極めて多くのことを知る必要があります。


レイアウト、フォントおよび色を制御して、Moodle「らしさ」を表現するため、Moodleテーマではスタイルシートを使用します。These are constructed by a PHP script called "styles.php" in each theme directory, and controlled by a file called "config.php" in the same place.

Moodle has a "standard" theme which is very plain and provides a basic layout for other themes to build on. Each theme may also have a "parent" theme, which will be included before the current theme.

So, depending on your settings, you may have up to three stylesheets for a theme:

  1. "standard" theme - theme/standard/styles.php
  2. "parent" theme - theme/parenttheme/styles.php
  3. "main" theme - theme/yourtheme/styles.php

Due to the cascading character of CSS the definitions in later files can overwrite the definitions in the earlier CSS files. Moodle makes extensive use of the cascading character of CSS and gives the theme designer many opportunities. They range from easy development of themes based on the existing ones with few changes up to the design of a completely individual Moodle appearance with new CSS files.

Theme designers can define and add any CSS stylesheets and name them any way as needed for this theme.


Theme Standard

Figure 1: The theme "standard" with the CSS files "styles_layout.css", "styles_fonts.css", "styles_color.css" and "styles_moz.css".

Small changes

If you just want to make small changes to a theme like using different colors or adding a logo then your new theme will include the "standard" theme and you define a few extra CSS styles in a new CSS file.

As an example, see the "standardwhite" theme.

It uses the file "config.php" to set the appropriate options. The first entry $THEME->sheets = array('gradients'); defines the CSS file "gradients.css" as the file with additional CSS definitions. It also specifies $THEME->standardsheets = true; which says to include all the styles from the standard theme too.

Instead of basing the theme on "standard", you could base it on another theme by specifying $THEME->parent = 'cooltheme';

Theme Standardwhite
Figure 2: The theme "standardwhite" with all CSS files from the theme "standard" plus "gradients.css" from the selected theme.

Mixed CSS - standard layout plus your own fonts and colours

The theme "formal_white" mixes the page layout from the theme "standard" with its own layout, fonts and colours. This way all layout changes in the standard Moodle layout are kept. This is done by setting $THEME->sheets = array('fw_layout','fw_color','fw_fonts'); and $THEME->standardsheets = array('styles_layout'); in the config file.

Theme "formal_white"

Figure 3: The theme "formal_white" with the CSS file "styles_layout.css" from the theme "standard" and the individual files "fw_layout.css", "fw_fonts.css", "fw_color.css".

A theme using a parent theme (faked)

An advanced feature is to set any existing theme as the "parent" theme and offer variant themes to this. Two possible uses can be to design one "parent" theme with all CSS definitions. Then offer "child" themes with color variants to be chosen by the users according to their color preferences. These "child" themes need only one CSS file holding the different color definitions. Or create "child" themes which only vary in the logo/banner placed in the "header.html". These "child" themes do not need their own CSS files.

The configuration for the "child" themes could look like $THEME->sheets = array('my_layout');, $THEME->parent = 'formal_white'; and $THEME->parentsheets = array('fw_layout','fw_color','fw_fonts');

Theme Formalemwhite plus, faked

Figure 4: The faked theme "formal_white_plus" with the additional CSS file "my_layout.css".

A theme without standard dependencies (faked)

This theme would use its own CSS. The settings $THEME->sheets = array('styles_layout', 'styles_fonts', 'styles_color'); and $THEME->standardsheets = false; deactivate all other Moodle CSS and make a completely independent theme. All changes in the standard Moodle theme do not change this theme at all.

Theme Independent (faked)

Figure 5: The theme with it's own CSS files "styles_layout.css", "styles_fonts.css" and "styles_color.css".

Some more basic CSS files

In addition to theme CSS files, Moodle features a basic CSS file for every module, block and for every language. Developers can provide basic CSS properties for their modules and blocks to get the page or block layout right, if they need formatting for special functionality. The look and feel of Moodle is not changed by these layout basics.

These files are only loaded when the "standard" CSS is activated. They are loaded first before all theme CSS files.

Moodle CSS Loading Order

Figure 6: The CSS file loading order of all Moodle CSS and theme CSS files.
