
1行目: 1行目:
{{Moodle 1.6}}

作成中です - [[利用者:Mitsuhiro Yoshida|Mitsuhiro Yoshida]] 2009年5月9日 (土) 17:15 (UTC)
'ブログ' という言葉は 'ウェブログ' の短縮形です。ブログは、世界中の何百万人もの人々が自己表現や家族や友人とのコミュニケーションのために使用するオンラインジャーナルの形式です。ブログは通常、ブログの作成者によって作成された時系列の一連の投稿として編成されます。ブログは通常1人で作成されますが、一部のブログはグループで作成することもできます。

「ブログ (blog)」という言葉は、「ウェブログ (weblog)」を省略したものです。Blogs are a form of online journal used by millions of people around the world for self-expression and communicating with family and friends. Blogs are usually organized as a chronological series of postings created by the author of the blog. Blogs usually are written by one person, although some blogs can be authored by groups of people.

Blogs in Moodle are user based - each user has their own Blog. Admins, teachers, and students can create Tags - Admins can create site level tags, teachers can create Course level tags, and students can create their own list of tags.
* [[ブログの設定]]
* [[ブログの使用]]

When a blog entry is created, a user can select which tags they wish to associate with their new entry. Multiple tags can be selected. Users can also select who they want the blog entry to be available to (depending on the blog visibility site setting).
* [[ブログFAQ]]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7M3sZL6wts Blogs in Moodle 2.0 video]

[[Image:Blogsettings.gif|thumb|Setting blog visibility in Moodle 1.6]]

Site-wide blog visibility is set by an administrator via the bloglevel setting in ''Administration > Security > [[Site policies]]''.
By default, all site users can see all blogs. Blog visibility may be restricted so that users can only see blogs for people whom they share a course with or whom they share a group with. A further option is to disable blogs completely.
Note: Blog visibility is different from the options a user can publish their blog entry to. For example, if the blog visibility is set to "Users can only see blogs for people who share a course", then a user will have two publish options - "yourself" or "anyone on this site". If they select "anyone on this site" then, because of the blog visibility setting, only other course members will be able to view their entry.
Many companies and organisations on the web provide blog sites and they are generally free. The largest company to do this is [http://www.blogger.com Blogger] which is owned by Google. All you need to do is sign up for a [http://mail.google.com free Gmail account].  [http://edublogs.org/ Edublogs] also provides students and teachers with an easy to use interface for blogging.  Edublogs does not require students to use email addresses to log in, which is nice because some school districts don't have email addresses for students- especially at the elementary level. 
There are also many Open Source web applications that can be downloaded and installed freely. The most common of these is [http://www.wordpress.org Wordpress].
JW: Update 8.27.08 for Moodlerooms assignment
*[[Using Moodle book]] Chapter 11: Blogs
*Using Moodle [http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=2471 Blogs forum]
*Using Moodle [http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=44830 Blogs and comments] forum discussion
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weblog Wikipedia on Blogs]

2021年8月19日 (木) 06:06時点における最新版

'ブログ' という言葉は 'ウェブログ' の短縮形です。ブログは、世界中の何百万人もの人々が自己表現や家族や友人とのコミュニケーションのために使用するオンラインジャーナルの形式です。ブログは通常、ブログの作成者によって作成された時系列の一連の投稿として編成されます。ブログは通常1人で作成されますが、一部のブログはグループで作成することもできます。

