
1行目: 1行目:
* [[評定クイックガイド]]
* [[評定者レポート]]-すべてのコースの評定が照合される評定表または '評定者レポート' です。
* [[評定の設定]]-評定表をユーザに表示する方法のデフォルトと設定を設定するためのオプション。
* [[評定の管理]]
** [[評定の非表示]]
** [[評定項目]]
** [[評定文字]]
** [[評定カテゴリ]]
** [[評定計算]]
** [[評定履歴]]
* [[評価尺度]]
* [[アウトカム]]
* [[評定のインポート]]
* [[評定のエクスポート]]
* [[高度な評定方法]]
** [[ルーブリック]]
** [[評定ガイド]]
* [[評定FAQ]]

作成中です - [[利用者:Mitsuhiro Yoshida|Mitsuhiro Yoshida]]
<p class="note">'''注意:''' このページおよび右側にブロック内に一覧表示されているリンクは、Moodle 1.9以降の評定表に関して記述しています。Moodle 1.9以前のバージョンの評定表に関する説明は、[[評定 pre-1.9]]をご覧ください。</p>
Moodle 1.9において、「評点」および「評定表」のコンセプトは、完全に再検討されました。これらの用語およびモジュールは、以前のバージョンで使用されていました。1.9にアップグレードするユーザにとって、重要な相違点に関して説明します。また、新しいユーザにとっても、「評点」および「評定表」を理解するために役立ちます。
Moodle 1.9の評定に関する、中心となる2つの考え:
# '''評点 (Grade)''' はMoodleコース受講者の点数です。
# '''評定表 (Gradebook)''' はこれらの評点のリポジトリ (保存場所) です。モジュールは評定表に評点を送りますが、評定表はモジュールに何も戻しません。
Moodle 1.9で構築された3つのブロックは以下のとおりです:
* [[評定カテゴリ]]
* 評定 - コースにおける学生の点数です。
When activity modules produce grades, they use the [[Development:Grades#API_for_communication_with_modules.2Fblocks|gradebook public API]] to push (or send) their grades to the gradebook. These grades are then stored in database tables that are independent of the modules. The grades are still kept in the module database tables, and the gradebook will never access or modify these original grades.
The gradebook, however, provides administrators and teachers with tools for changing the ways in which grades are calculated, aggregated and displayed, as well as [[grade/edit/tree/grade|means to change the grades manually]] (a manual edit of a grade automatically locks the grade in the gradebook, so that the module which originally created the grade can no longer update that grade in the gradebook until the grade is unlocked).
Users with Teacher permissions for the course can add "manual" grade items to the gradebook through the Categories and Items section.
Being the smallest unit in the gradebook, the grade is affected by many settings at different levels. Here is a list of these levels, in hierarchical order:
*[[General_grade_settings|Site-wide general settings]]
*[[Grade_category_settings|Site-wide grade category settings]]
*[[Grade_item_settings|Site-wide grade item settings]]
*[[Gradebook_report_settings|Gradebook report settings]]
*[[Gradebook_course_settings|Course settings]]
*[[Grade_categories|Category settings]]
*[[Grade_items|Grade item settings]]
*[[grade/edit/tree/grade|Grade settings]]
[[Outcomes]] are specific descriptions of what a student is expected to be able to do or understand at the completion of an activity or course. An activity might have more than one outcome, and each may have a grade against it (usually on a [[Scales|scale]]).
==Gradebook reports==
The gradebook includes a variety of reports, available via the grades link in each [[Course administration block|course administration block]]:
* [[Grader report]] - The main teacher view of a course gradebook. The "[[Grade preferences|My report preferences]]" tab in the grader report enables teachers to change how the grader report is displayed.
* [[Outcomes report]]
* [[Overview report]]
* [[User report]]
==Grades organisation==
Teachers may organise grades into [[Grade categories|grade categories]], [[Grade import|import]] and/or [[Grade export|export]] grades, and make [[Grade calculations|grade calculations]].
Symbols to represent ranges of grades may be set as [[Grade letters|grade letters]].
Administrators may control the appearance of the gradebook site-wide by adjusting settings available via the grades link in the site administration block:
*[[General grade settings]]
*[[Grade category settings]]
*[[Grade item settings]]
*[[Gradebook report settings]]
*Using Moodle [http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=2122 Gradebook forum]
Video tutorials:
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeUy-_kbvqQ Basic Moodle Gradebook howto]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hrLNbifiGQ Gradebook reports]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXEefYe3qdk How to use the grade item settings and grade letters at admin level]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUslTuZPu6A Grade category settings]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB58W3KePBc How to set up the gradebook]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmkEGfvjj9U How to use outcomes in Moodle]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZcbN_7p2zI How to export grades from the gradebook]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6zWwJGb9TA How to use gradebook site settings and defaults]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKUGyzAXcyA How to set up calculations in the gradebook (basic)]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBEj8mmu8lM How to set up calculations in the gradebook (advanced)]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWPUEqdhI4A How to change the display of grades in the gradebook]

[[de:Bewertungen in Moodle]]

2020年11月6日 (金) 04:05時点における最新版