Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.2. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: Main page.

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From MoodleDocs
No edit summary
No edit summary
Line 272: Line 272:
  [[Keyholder_role]] - someone who manages the Enrolment key in courses
  [[Keyholder_role]] - someone who manages the Enrolment key in courses
  [[Course_requester_role]] - for restricting users who can make course request  
  [[Course_requester_role]] - for restricting users who can make course request  
===Site-wide role settings===
===Sitewide role settings===
  Brief intro to flag the items on the menu/template
  Brief intro to flag the items on the menu/template
=====User policies=====
=====User policies=====
Line 286: Line 286:
=====Unsupported role assignments=====
=====Unsupported role assignments=====
  [[Unsupported_role_assignments]] - stub, Moodle 2 but needs all the work
  [[Unsupported_role_assignments]] - stub, Moodle 2 but needs all the work
===User authentication and access===
  key article [[Authentication]] - it's pretty much a run down on items below but parts not up to date
  key article [[Authentication]] - it's pretty much a run down on items below but parts not up to date
  also [[Authentication_FAQ]]
  also [[Authentication_FAQ]]
====Authentication methods [Eq. to Authentication plugins]====
Authentication methods [Eq. to Authentication plugins]
overview, intro
=====Manual accounts=====
=====Manual accounts=====
  [[Manual_accounts]] - U, Feb 11, very basic, some useful links (eg. to [[Upload_users]]), expand, check accuracy & format consistent with
  [[Manual_accounts]] - U, Feb 11, very basic, some useful links (eg. to [[Upload_users]]), expand, check accuracy & format consistent with
Line 323: Line 322:
=====Web services authentication=====
=====Web services authentication=====
  Need a link to [[Web_Services]] where web services (a very important new feature of Moodle 2!) are/will be described  
  Need a link to [[Web_Services]] where web services (a very important new feature of Moodle 2!) are/will be described  
====Customise login instructions====
=====Customise login instructions=====
  (the auth_instructions capability) no page yet specifically for it. More design oriented but appropriate place here...  
  (the auth_instructions capability) no page yet specifically for it. More design oriented but appropriate place here...  
==Customising appearance==
==Customising appearance==

Revision as of 07:34, 12 May 2011


Feel free to join the community discussion on this topic.

Introduction to Moodle

Broad intro, a clip or series of would be great and invitation to browse the menu/template on pages or search for items using Search function 
(or this table of contents)

About Moodle

About_Moodle - intro, links in menu to existing Background,
add Features


existing Philosophy - links nicely into five_key_principles,


existing License,


existing Usage and update info useful - Large_installations

Versions of Moodle

basic text at Teacher_documentation#Versions_of_Moodle, can draw on Moodle_version_history  and Release Notes

Moodle 2.1 Release Notes

existing Release Notes , adjust for each release

Moving to Moodle 2

Upgrading_to_Moodle_2.0 - GU, Feb 11, more for Admins but some useful info here for teachers to be aware of (eg. some 3rd party mods 
n/a etc) need a doc with main differences between Moodle 1.x and 2 (maybe need one earlier, not just here...), list of main issues people 
need to be aware of when moving 1.9 to 2.0, even examples, links to discussions?

Moodle version history

Moodle version history - keep as is and up to date
interesting document is Online Learning History - stopped at 2008 but interesting read, could add, link?


existing Future, update to reflect CURRENT plans 

Glossary of Moodle terms

need one, link Glossary of common terms - GU, 
urgent update needed, many key Moodle 2 items not there

Moodle community

basic text at Teacher_documentation forums

overview of forums at and how to use them, see any related pages

Moodle Partners

Moodle_Partners - Could expand this a bit, include info on hosting, mention 'free hosting' offers and pros and cons ?

Moodle Docs

Only a brief overview, launchpad for menu/template items
Docs MoodleDocs:Guidelines_for_contributors - very useful
How to use Moodle Docs
Write in line with NEW wiki, not old. How to find things, search, browse, navigate, Table of Contents etc.
Contribute to Moodle Docs
Docs MoodleDocs:Guidelines_for_contributors - very useful, but keep in mind Moodle Docs article - avoid (over)duplication
Moodle Docs FAQ
Moodle_documentation_FAQ - P, 

Moodle Tracker

Tracker - G, Feb 11, check to reflect the CURRENT workflow
Report a bug
see Tracker for this sub-item, can expand the basics here 
Suggest improvements
see Tracker for this sub-item, can expand the basics here 

QA Testing

QA_testing - re-use!===Moodle Mobile===


link to Educators course on, only brief info about it and a screenshot needed here really
Point to useful starting points for educators here in Docs - Managing a Moodle course, Learning and evaluation tools and Managing content and 
briefly flag what is in each of them (keep it short!)

====Moodle events]

active list of Moodle events around the world - moots, workshops etc.
see/mention MoodleMoot for example and others

Moodle Mobile

Mobile_Moodle_FAQ - O, April 11, update & expand

Moodle accessibility

accessibility - PU, 2009, ancient and in bad need of update!
useful link: Accessibility forum

Moodle myths

Top 10 Moodle Myths could keep these in menu and include [ 5 Myths about teaching and
learning with Moodle], see Teacher_documentation

Moodle FAQ

Link to Category FAQ, entry page to all FAQ, existing

Getting your Moodle

Roughly the main start-up items here. They should all inform the reader what to do 
before they install Moodle and during installation. Once Moodle is successfully 
installed the person can move on to info in the next main topic 'Managing your 

Download packages

link to Downloads page and explain the basics, put in useful links

Installation guide

Installing_Moodle_2.0 - very similar to Installing_Moodle
see existing Docs on Apache, IIS, PHP, MySQL, 
User_site_capacities , PHP_settings_by_Moodle_version, Installing_Apache,_MySQL_and_PHP and more
many of these terms could simply go in the Glossary of Moodle terms
much duplication in the existing menu at Installing_Moodle clean up the structure,
useful menu items there, useful list of links but please CHECK for quality and relevance to Moodle 2 

Moodle directory

useful Moodle_site_moodle_directory, check for any changes in Moodle 2	

Moodle site database

useful -> Create_Moodle_site_database - changes in Moodle 2?

Moodle site data directory

Moodledata_directory - G, Moodle 2 specific, use it!

Installation FAQ

Installation_FAQ - Include installation troubleshoot, common problems, point to [ Installation 
Problems] forum !? Some troubleshooting already at Installing_Moodle#Troubleshooting,
CHECK for accuracy of info relating to Moodle 2
consider breaking up FAQ page into sections (eg. before installation, troubleshooting, upgrading ...)
consider also a range of installation guides for different systems, examples:
Step by Step Installation on a Mac OS X Server
Step-by-step Guide for Installing Moodle on Mac OS X 10.4 Client
Step-by-step Install Guide for Debian
Step-by-step Install Guide for Ubuntu using apt-get
Step-by-step Installation Guide for Ubuntu

Upgrading to Moodle 2

Upgrading - general page with common info
Upgrading_to_Moodle_2.0 - GU, Feb 11, more for Admins but some useful info here for teachers to be aware of (eg. some 3rd party mods 
n/a etc) need a doc with main differences between Moodle 1.x and 2 (maybe need one earlier, not just here...), list of main issues people 
need to be aware of when moving 1.9 to 2.0, even examples, links to discussions?

Site registration

Site_registration - OU, Aug 10, good, re-use. Mainly hubs, any other purposes of registration 
(eg. registered sites stats, versions running...). Mention that registration of site = registration on MOOCH.

Try Moodle

Demo, School Demo, maybe Partner offers?

Demo sites

Must mention School Demo, Demo, QA and a course at dedicated to these sites

Free Moodle

M, often asked for! Need a page

Choosing a web host

Finding_and_Selecting_A_Web_Host - GU, Aug 10, detailed, check for currency and accuracy of this information!
could incorporate info from Decision_FAQ
also very useful:
Hosting_for_moodle_teachers - GU, Aug 08, very useful, well written
Hosting_for_moodle_admins - GU, 09, the 'basic' page, solid
Hosting_for_moodle_admins_advanced - incorporate this with [[Hosting_for_moodle_admins really...

Managing a Moodle site

This section is about managing things the entire site. It contains 
information about many features only Moodle Admin can manipulate but which may be 
of use to users, particularly teachers and administrative staff in various 
organisations (eg. managers), - useful as a reference point & see what Docs exists but
make Moodle 2 relevant!

Moodle site - basic structure

create this, links nicely with glossary above; stuff like context, role, 
course, category etc but KEEP IT SIMPLE and use DIAGRAMS, examples
Something along the lines of these slides.
These will be very short, introductory, pointing to parts where we expand on each 


Context - OU, Nov 09, 1.8 VI, update this, simplify, some info useful


 redirect link to  Roles and permissions


M! We DON'T have a page dedicated to Categories yet! I suppose this one is IT -> 
Add/edit_course_categories - OU, Oct 10, some useful general 
info on categories,  Admin but good for teacher to know what they are and how they 
work borrow from/link to 


redirect link to Managing a Moodle course

Front page

redirect link to Front page and items there

My Profile

customisable, point location in Navigation,
Moodle_2.0_release_notes#User_profile_pages - pointers, handy
View_profile - Jan 11, Admin-focused but some aspects useful,
we need some images and examples, link to 

My Moodle

My_Moodle - OU, Feb 11, needs an update to reflect big changes in Moodle 2, user customisation possible etc
[[1]] - handy pointers


Brief intro, mention main navigation options, mention that using 'Back' button may not refresh 
eg. the latest forum posts.

Navigation block

Navigation_block - G, Jan 11, Moodle 2 specific (of course :D )
Structure of a Moodle site - forum thread, started 
by Tim Hunt see anything else related in

Navigation bar

Navigation_bar redirect from Breadcrumbs - OU, 08, a screenshot would help plus explanation of changes in Moodle 2 since 1.x 

Custom menu items

M, need a page on Custom menu items - really part of Themes but essentially a good way to navigate hence the inclusion here. Link from themes to here. 

Navigation display

Navigation display - M, need a page, perhaps an annotated screenshot of Site administration->Appearance->Navigation page
create a page with screenshots, provide/extend the context on that screen for each item, see the same thing for Blog and Calendar 

Editing settings

extract from Adding/editing_a_course, mention Settings block (new in Moodle 2), basics of editing, the turn edit on-change/create-set cycle...

Settings block

Settings_block - GU, Nov 10, rightfully mentions Context but Context page needs work, Context described in-depth elsewhere under Manage site

'Turn editing on' button

Turn_editing_on - OU, Dec 08, basic OK, icons mentioned, update to reflect Moodle 2, mention 'advanced web features' (Ajax) 

Editing icons and menus

shown and described Adding/editing_a_course#Editing_a_course,
M, no special page(s) on what each icon does or menu (eg. Add a resource...), would be useful. Include new items (eg. Ajax/Adv web button) not
included at Adding/editing_a_course#Editing_a_course 

Managing site users

General intro, flag what's in this section...max 200 words, mostly links.

Information mostly for Administrators, but useful for eg. management team to know 
what can be done with Moodle


Browse list of users

Browse_list_of_users -OU, Jul 09, basics OK, mention different views in Moodle 2, new screenshot

Bulk user actions

Bulk_user_actions - OU, Jul 10, OK, mostly Admin, some use in enrolment
need to mention Cohorts  as an option too in enrolment.
Bulk_course_upload - another 'bulk' item, may not be relevant here...

Add a new user

Add_a_new_user - stub, needs...everything

Upload users

Upload_users - G, Jan 11, detailed, includes Upload_users#Deleting_accounts useful links

Upload user pictures

Upload_user_pictures - GU, Jun 08, 1.9 VI, basics OK, defaults, screenshot?

User profile fields

Edit_profile - GU, Oct 10, references to 1.9, check but some useful info, a useful run down the profile page, changes in Moodle 2?  

Roles and permissions

Roles - OU, Sep 09, 1.8 VI (!) update to reflect changes in Moodle 2, handy 
menu, in intro already flag how pedagogically useful and powerful they can be, 
link to Useful_things_a_teacher_can_do_with_roles and more ... import from 
other parts of this doc

Uses of roles

Useful_things_a_teacher_can_do_with_roles is a start but this one needs expanding to really take Moodle 2 roles for a ride!


Role_permissions - OU, Jul 08, 1.7 VI (!),  
although flagged in Roles need a separate page since we are bunching Roles & Permissions together in this section. Just 
a basic intro will do!

Standard roles

Standard_roles - Aug 08, need Manager here 
Administrator - OU, Apr 10, basics OK, would be useful to mention Manager role in Moodle 2 - similar to Admin
Manager_role - stub, 11, basics OK, need to expand & link
Course creator
Course_creator_role - OU, Nov 09, basics OK, put in format with others
Teacher role - G, just shape a bit
Non-editing Teacher
M, no page about this role, only references to it..?
Student role - U, has links to Students (teacher's view of a student), Student FAQ, Student tutorials, 
must mention this role can be renamed (like any other)
Authenticated user
Authenticated_user - OU, Nov 08, 1.8 VI, shape a bit to format with others
Guest - G, Dec 10

Manage roles

*Define roles menu item
  • Assign roles menu item
Manage_roles - GU, Nov 10, good, has reference to changes in role archetypes in Moodle 2, handy links to examples
of custom roles, would be great to link to actual examples
Allow_role_assignments - OU, Sep 08, 1.7 VI (!!), old UI for changing roles (tabs)
Allow_role_overrides - OU, Jul 08, does this all play with M2? Very 'Admin' but important for teachers to know this 
can be done, perhaps a screenshot, example, then link to this article from M2 Docs, merge assignments & overrides?
Assign_roles - GU, Feb 11, useful info but a bit ... disorganised, equal headings make it difficult
Override_permissions - G, May 10, copy but check and leave mostly as is
need to match Assign system roles item in the menu, new wiki page for this and include on the menu on Manage_roles 
Risks - OU, Nov 09, any more than these? Include 'how to recognise' &
'what to do'. We are talking tech risks, not risks with innovative teaching methods...
Role_permissions - OU, Jul 08, 1.7 VI (!), 
Roles_FAQ - GU, Sep 10, great set of Q, mix of admin/teacher, update with more Moodle 2 related Q 
(What's new in M2? is there :D )

Create custom roles

useful info in the following pages (but try to avoid [over]duplication):

Manage_roles - GU, Nov 10, good, has reference to changes in role archetypes in Moodle 2, handy links to examples
of custom roles, would be great to link to actual examples
Allow_role_assignments - OU, Sep 08, 1.7 VI (!!), old UI for changing roles (tabs)
Allow_role_overrides - OU, Jul 08, does this all play with M2? Very 'Admin' but important for teachers to know this 
can be done, perhaps a screenshot, example, then link to this article from M2 Docs, merge assignments & overrides?
Assign_roles - GU, Feb 11, useful info but a bit ... disorganised, equal headings make it difficult
Override_permissions - G, May 10, copy but check and leave mostly as is
sample non-standard roles (maybe this would be better in Manage course roles and permissions section...teachers use, 
Admins create though)
Useful_things_a_teacher_can_do_with_roles - GU, Oct 10, excellent, can add more examples, link to them? 
Inspector_role - for providing external inspectors with permission to view all courses (without being required to enrol)
Parent_role - for providing parents/mentors/tutors with permission to view certain information about their children/mentees/tutees
[[[Useful_things_a_teacher_can_do_with_roles]] - GU, Oct 10, good collection, maybe add, link to example(s)
Demo_teacher_role - for providing a demonstration teacher account with a password which can't be changed
Forum_moderator_role - for providing a user with permission in a particular forum to edit or delete forum posts, 
split discussions and move discussions to other forums
Calendar_editor_role - for enabling a user to add site or course events to the calendar
[[Blogger_role] - for limiting blogging to specific users only (this changes in Moodle 2 and Blog Association...)
Quiz_user_with_unlimited_time_role - for allowing a user unlimited time to attempt a quiz which has a time limit set
Question_creator_role - for enabling students to create questions for use in quizzes
Keyholder_role - someone who manages the Enrolment key in courses
Course_requester_role - for restricting users who can make course request 

Sitewide role settings

Brief intro to flag the items on the menu/template
User policies
User_policies - GU, Dec 10, check for compliance with Moodle 2
Define system roles
Site administrators
Administrator - OU, Apr 10, basics OK, would be useful to mention Manager role in Moodle 2 - similar to Admin
System permissions
Check_permissions equivalent to Check_system_permissions - OU, Dec 10, basic OK, mention that a teacher can do 
this at course and activity level too in Moodle 2
Capability report
Capability_report - stub, Moodle 2 but needs all the work
Unsupported role assignments
Unsupported_role_assignments - stub, Moodle 2 but needs all the work


key article Authentication - it's pretty much a run down on items below but parts not up to date
also Authentication_FAQ
Authentication methods [Eq. to Authentication plugins]
Manual accounts
Manual_accounts - U, Feb 11, very basic, some useful links (eg. to Upload_users), expand, check accuracy & format consistent with
Auth Plugins section
No login
No_login - basic OK
CAS server (SSO)
CAS_server_(SSO) - GU, Oct 10, check and use the info
External database
External_database_authentication -  GU, Oct 10, check and use the info.
Mention this as a form of authentication (plugin) and enrolment (plugin), see under Course enrolment
FirstClass server [P]
 FirstClass_authentication - GU, Oct 10, check and use the info
IMAP server
IMAP_authentication - brief, basic OK
LDAP server
LDAP_authentication - detailed, check & reuse, any changes to this in Moodle 2?    
also useful, related is LDAP_enrolment - enrolment is described in Managing courses section of Docs 
MNet authentication
MNet - GU, Feb 11, clean up to refer to Moodle 2 only? Make it clear(er) this is NOT a Community Hub (mentioned, briefly). 
also Moodle_Network_FAQ - related, add Q and As
NNTP server
NNTP_authentication - one liner for now, does it need more anyway? Will people know? Will they want to know how? Any special requirements 
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
PAM_(Pluggable_Authentication_Modules) - basic & brief, links to Linux PAM module there
POP3 server
POP3_server_authentication redirect from POP3_server - GU, ah those cryptic links to forum discussions (let's at least put thread names there..)
RADIUS server
RADIUS_authentication - clean up to refer to Moodle 2 only. Basic info needed. Is the action described still needed, accurate?
Shibboleth - basic info OK, clean up to refer to Moodle 2 only.
Web services authentication
Need a link to Web_Services where web services (a very important new feature of Moodle 2!) are/will be described 
Customise login instructions
(the auth_instructions capability) no page yet specifically for it. More design oriented but appropriate place here... 

Customising appearance

Intro, Moodle is modular, greater flexibility in 2.0, new themes ... 


Themes - Nov 10, old but good, accurate general info, make it Moodle 2 specific, mention site, course, user themes and (not)forcing those, 
need some good visuals here! 
also Development:Themes_2.0 - very useful, detailed, merge/re-create this as a main Themes page?  
Theme_basics - OK but must check and rewrite for Moodle 2
also mention items like Custom menu items (new in Moodle 2, referred to/explained  
M, 'Custom menu items' page - new feature in Moodle 2, mentioned in Navigation but needs explanation here
Theme_references - ignore, delete, not worked on, include if relevant and can create quality page...
Theme_config_file - mostly developers really but could include in menu

Theme settings

Theme_settings - OU, Aug 10, clean up the info to refer to Moodle 2 only
menu items:

Standard themes

M, need this page! overview and selecting standard themes from Site admin menu as well as user and course, 
(visually) explain priorities/overrides with themes

Creating your own theme

Development:Themes_2.0_creating_your_first_theme - Moodle 2 specific! very useful
Creating_a_custom_theme - GU, Mar 11, detailed but MUST check how compatible is this with Moodle 2, article does refer to Moodle 1.9 install
very similar is Make_your_own_theme - again, check to make it Moodle 2 specific!
point to Themes forum,
useful to mention 'Additional HTML' from Site Admin->Appearance->Additional HTML item for creating custom headers & footers
other useful items here:

Themes FAQ

Themes_FAQ - some good Q and A, check for compatibility/relevance with Moodle 2 themes
this page could perhaps include CSS_FAQ
General overview of blocks - what they are, what can you do with them, how to set them up, a few visual examples. 
Need to mention new blocks in Moodle 2 
and new way of assigning appearance, weight & position on page, note that not all blocks are accessible to anyone or anywhere
useful info Blocks - GU, Jan 11, good intro, useful and much of it applicable in Moodle 2, Blocks 2.0 noted, needs a menu on the 
side like Activities, several links on the bottom are handy for Admin/Developer only
Blocks_2.0 - OU, Dec 10, a start, use info from Blocks & development pages to beef this up, pics/clip would be great, 
has links to MyMoodle, 
Dock,new blocks
Block_permissions - OU, Oct 09, 1.9 VI & text, OK but need to check and extend to Moodle 2 functionalities
Blocks_administration OU, Mar 10, most info for admins but could be useful for Teachers to know that blocks can be manipulated
Blocks_FAQ - OU, Nov 10, 10 Qs, needs a few more on Moodle 2 specific blocks, check for old info
Blocks forum
several pages in this section really better in Admin/Developer ...
Appearance and visibility of blocks
mention weighting, Sticky_blocks - need to clean up to refer to Moodle 2 only 
Docking blocks
M, create a Dock page

Blocks in Moodle [insert version number]

quick intro of blocks, something visual? List?
Activities block
Activities_block - OU, Jan 11, OK, update pic
Blog menu block
Blog_Menu_block - OU, Aug 10, up to date, include 'linked to activity' explanation/example (mentioned), links to old blog pages OK
see/point to more in Blogs section
Blog tags block
Blog_Tags_block - OU, Jan 09, useful, add a pic, expand to include user and official tags
Calendar block
Calendar_block - OU, Apr 08, basic OK, has menu. 
link to Calendar under Sitewide communication tools, more info on item 
Comments block
Comments_block - U, Nov 10, basic, has pic, 2.0 VI, need to flesh out more, uses/examples links
Community finder block
Community finder - N. Search returns only forum posts references on CF block. Edit as pages for other blocks in Docs 2.
Courses block
Courses_block - OU, Dec 09, clean up references to 1.6, update info, this is Admin's block really, difference to noted, 
perhaps useful to make sticky on site? 
Course completion status block
Course_completion_status_block - G, Feb 11, good start, pic included, maybe a link to example, scenario? 
Link to Course_completion essential.
Course list block
Courses_block - in Moodle 2 this is 'Courses' block which gets automatically renamed 'My courses' when displayed. Maybe we should address 
this, a few similar 'course xyz' references...?
Course overview block
Course overview - no Docs page yet, create following the format, show example, mention this block is available on MyMoodle (My Home) - the nomenclature 
is really getting a little confusing, not all blocks user has access to show up in all places... 
Course/Site description block
Course/site_description_block - OU, Mar 09, pic there, include link to example, creative uses (?) especially for larger installs. 'Site' part?
Feedback block
Feedback block - edit this new page, link to example and a pic, cover possible uses of this block & show link to Feedback_module as new 
activity in Moodle 2 core, more info there really. Tested the block - shows nothing but a link to Feedback. Right? Check... 
This block is also only available in a course, not on eg. My Moodle or profile. Need a list of what blocks are available where OR make them all available
Flickr block
 Flickr_block - U, Jul 09, nice pic, average user can't actually add this to Tags (referred to) or anywhere ?? Would be very handy for users to be 
 able to add Flickr block to eg. their profile by default
Global search block
Global_Search_set-up - OU, Feb 10, 1.9 VI, test the function, need examples, pics, how & why
Global_Search_statistics - U?, Dec 07, 1.9 VI, pretty much Admin related info, need 'how could this be useful to a teacher/student'
HTML block
HTML_block - OU, Apr 09, very basic, examples and pics could help a lot!
Latest news block
Latest_News_block - OU, Marc 10, needs a bit more, eg. examples of use, link to News_forum essential
News_forum - G, Mar 10, solid, just add examples of use
Login block
Login_and_logout_block - Dec 08, refers to a particular plugin, not sure if this works in Moodle 2
Login_block - edit this page (new) according to the format for block
Mentees block
Mentees_block - OU, Oct 10, 1.9 VI, pretty good but explain/mention a particular role that can/needs to be created, more examples & pics,
good reference to Parent_role as example. Changes in Moodle 2 & beyond?
Messages block
Messages_block - OU, Mar 10, bare bones How to there, need a pic at least, page part of Messaging menu
More about this below when talking about Messaging in general, see the relevant section
My private files block
My_private_files_block - PU, Sep 10, bare bones but has 2.0 VI and link to Private_files
Navigation block
Navigation_block - OU, Jan 11, good start, mention docking too, benefits of using Navigation block, maybe links to Navigation in Moodle 2?
Network servers block
Network_servers_block - OU, Mar 10
Online users block
Online_Users_block - OU, May 08, check references to messaging people with Moodle 2 messaging system
People block
People_block - OU, Aug 08, check the procedure of 'adding people' described still applies in Moodle 2, maybe add a link to enrolment then
update pics
Quiz results block
Quiz_Results_block - OU, Feb 08, mentions groups yes, add example and why would you use it (maybe a bit more creative use than that...)
Random glossary entry block
Random_Glossary_Entry_block - OU, Jan 09, format 'how to' with other blocks, include example of use, pic there but update, use another,
use pics to show possibility of embedding pics (eg. staff list), video (eg. festival) - opens different purposes
Recent activity block
 Recent_Activity_block - OU, Feb 09, put the admin info either separate or below or link, clear(er) how to, examples of use/why useful
Recent blog entries block
Recent blog entries - new in Moodle 2, construct the page according to the format for Moodle Docs on blocks, basic info there for now
Remote RSS block
RSS_feeds_block - OU, Feb 09, make it clear that only Admin can add new RSS feeds to site (by default, can change capabilities) - 
useful to know for a teacher. Visuals and links to examples needed. 
Search forums block
Search_Forums_block - O, Feb 09, OK (would be great to have Search Course block one day ...). Connect this with info under Forum
Section links block
Section_Links_block - OU, Jan 10, has link to Section links for Admin but useful for teacher, show how this could be useful, pic, 
link to a clip? (Mary's?) ie why would you use this (design, accessibility, younger users etc...)
Section_Links_block_settings - linked to as Admin settings, needs clearer explanation, a pic would be great!
Self completion block
Self_completion_block - G, Jan 11, good, maybe examples of use, why/when is this useful? connect with info under Tracking progress section
Settings block [link]
Settings_block - OU, Dec 10, check for some statements ('usually found on the left'??), add a clip, example of use, why handy to have like this
Social activities block
Social activities - a new page for an old block, edit in line with Moodle 2 Docs format for other blocks
Upcoming events block
Upcoming_Events_block - OU, Jul 10, need a link to example (maybe that pic is enough, update for consistency?), link this item to Blocks 
section as well since this blocks is mentioned with all others 
Tags block
Tags_block - OU, Mar 10, OK but add a few possible uses & benefits, better pic needed
Tags - OU, Jun 10, 1.9 VI, linked to from Tags_block, check for changes in Moodle 2 to this
Youtube block
Youtube_block - OU, Aug 09, only available on Tags page (that only Admin can set by default...) must make this clear(er), possible uses
and benefits, example

Blocks FAQ

M, need a general FAQ page for the blocks


useful Category page
Language - basic info, pre-Moodle 2 but info/references/links there to use, particularly Language_customization
Translation - G, Moodle 2 specific, include on the menu on Language page ?
more a developer item but AMOS may be useful 

Language settings

Language_settings - OU, check and see what info needs updating for Moodle 2, see also Language_customization for info.

Language packs

referred to at Translation, needs a separate page (this one) Example would be great to see, screenshots... 

Language customization

Language_customization - G, great, Moodle 2 only, check and keep

Front page

Front_Page - GU, Dec 10, make it 2.0 specific, keep most info, very good

Front page settings

draw from Front_Page, room to expand the basics here

Front page roles

draw from Front_Page, room to expand the basics here

Front page filters

draw from Front_Page, room to expand the basics here

Front page backup

draw from Front_Page, room to expand the basics here

Front page restore

draw from Front_Page, room to expand the basics here

Front page questions

draw from Front_Page, room to expand the basics here

Front page FAQ

draw from Front_Page, room to expand the basics here

Site-wide display settings

Calendar display

link to Calendar settings, related info there

Blog display

link to Blog settings, related info there

Navigation display

link to Navigation section and explain there briefly, related info there

Course contacts display

M, need a page, refers to Site administration->Appearance->Course contacts

HTML settings

HTML_settings - OU, 1.9 VI, mix of 1.9 and 2, clean this up, add a screenshot perhaps...
Display_emoticons_as_images - see under Filters!
Emoticon_images_2.0 - check, re-use here

Additional HTML

M, need a new page for this item. More part of theming (headers and footers...) really but keep here since it is a menu item

Tags display

link to Tags settings, related info there.

HTML editors

HTML_editor - pre-Moodle 2, old screenshots but see for any info to take from, 
HTML_editor_2.0 - G, very good, re-use and make central page in this section
Text_editors - stub

TinyMCE editor

TinyMCE - G, re-use, all links OK?

AJAX & Javascript

merge these into one? Explain/show in lay terms what AJAX & Javascript do, screenshots welcome
AJAX - OU, while clearly written for developer/admin, some examples or screenshots would be great for the mere mortals?
Javascript_FAQ - clean up for current info and Moodle 2


Brief intro, mention Admin responsible for site but courses can/must be secure too ... Link to Security forum

Common security risks

M, create an introductory page
Technical and human ... Malicious code, spam, privacy ...
Related Development:Security  
also handy is Security_overview although getting old (1.8 VI suggests)
add a section on 'how do you know (security breach)?' and 'what to do?' 
don't forget simple stuff like enrolment keys

Security overview

Security_overview - OU, Aug 10, 1.8 VI, please update this to reflect Moodle 2 security overview only (found under reports but included in here)
has links to pages that all need to be updated/checked for currency in Moodle 2! Any missing here? Add it...: 

Register globals

existing report/security/report_security_check_globals - check, update and expand, example

Insecure dataroot

existing report/security/report_security_check_unsecuredataroot - check, update and expand, example

Displaying of PHP errors

existing report/security/report_security_check_displayerrors - check, update and expand, example

No authentication

existing report/security/report_security_check_noauth - check, update and expand, example  


existing report/security/report_security_check_embed - check, update and expand, example
very common risk, mention the risk via Flash in particular, Admin to turn on
Iframe - OU, Nov 10, useful, mention that 'EMBED and OBJECT tag' must be on by Admin
Flash - OU, Dec 10, extract the most useful info only, some irrelevant

Enabled .swf media filter

existing report/security/report_security_check_mediafilterswf - check, update and expand, example

Open user profiles

existing report/security/report_security_check_openprofiles - check, update and expand, example

Open to Google

existing report/security/report_security_check_google - complete stub 

Password policy

 existing report/security/report_security_check_passwordpolicy - check (many Moodle 1.x references), update and expand, example

Password salt

existing Password_salting - G, check and update if needed, good info

Email change confirmation

existing report/security/report_security_check_emailchangeconfirmation - check, update and expand, example

Writable config.php

existing report/security/report_security_check_configrw - check, update and expand, example

XSS trusted users

existing report/security/report_security_check_riskxss - check, update and expand, example. Would be useful to include info on how to spot XSS
attack and what to do in case of one... maybe in the intro section too, the Common security issues.


existing report/security/report_security_check_riskadmin - check that info on roles and working in contexts (?), update 

Backup of user data

existing Backup_of_user_data - check this definitely for Moodle 2 changes, update and expand, link to System backup section too 

Default role for all users

existing report/security/report_security_check_defaultuserrole - check, update and expand, example

Guest role defined

existing report/security/report_security_check_guestrole - complete stub, needs creating

Frontpage role defined

existing report/security/report_security_check_frontpagerole - check, update and expand, example

IP blocker

IP_blocker - Dec 10 - Dec 10, a sentence for now, no how to or useful cases 

Site policies

Administration > Security > Site policies
Site_policies - G, check and re-use, many new ones in Moodle 2,
maybe a screenshot of Administration > Security > Site policies with annotations to support, expand on what is already there if needed
(eg. examples, useful links)
All these items could be itemised in a list or menu too, lots of with other areas though (eg. Blog visibility - should really go where blogs are
described, not here.

HTTP security

existing HTTP_security - GU, check, update with Moodle 2 relevant info, clean up refs to old versions unless necessary.

Module security

Module_security - check, re-use


item Administration > Security > Notifications
Notifications - check and update if needed
related Notification_page


Anti-virus - very brief, is there more to it?

Spam cleaner

Spam_cleaner - clean up, update, example (ah, that viagra :D ...)

Security FAQ

Security_FAQ - GU, checj, update & expand, new ways of preventing and addressing issues in Moodle 2 

Site backup & restore

flag what's in here, maybe this is a page with the main menu to backup & restore items


Useful info from
Backup - U, old, pre Moodle 2, only some info useful to re-use
Backup_2.0 - OU, Jan 11, needs work, has 1.9 -> 2.0 section (oft asked), Merge Site_backup and Backup_2.0 into one page that would the 
main page for this section? 
Backup_FAQ - GU, Jan 11,22 Q&A, includes Moodle 2 (what's new) info but check all other FAQ for accuracy in Moodle 2
Course_restore - OU, Nov 10, useful general info but not consistent with Moodle 2, points to Backup_2.0 
point to places sharing courses (Hubs!) and activities (DB DB, Glossary DB...)
Site_backup - good but check how well this still applies to Moodle 2? Merge Site_backup and Backup_2.0 into one page that would the 
main page for this section
also handy to at least link to Tools_for_backing_up_server_files...


 No,  Moodle 2 will not as yet restore a Moodle 1.9 course - and that is an excellent reason for you to stay clear of Moodle 2 for the present!
Restore - stub for now
Site_restore - OU, check this thoroughly
even Site_restore_for_low-tech_users...

Backup and restore FAQ

Backup_and_restore_FAQ - GU, Jan 11, check for info accuracy in all question please and make Moodle 2 relevant/specific

Site-wide communication tools

There to make things easier, can work across the site, overview and basics (!) to template items


Development:Comments_2.0 - Aug 10, developers page, handy main points intro the tool
mention Comments report 
Consider that several activities (eg wiki), blocks and other tools (eg blogs) include comments, see 'Enable comments' 
Link to main article on Comments in Site-wide communication tools.
Related/useful info to create this article:
Comments_block - OU, Nov 10, basic, need examples, creative uses
Development:Comments_2.0 - Aug 10, developers page, handy main points

Comments settings

M, include Comments display - missing for now, preferences, permissions, Comments report etc.

Using Comments

M, need it!

Comments FAQ

M, need it!

Blogs [Eq. to 'Blog']

Don't forget to include Blog association, importing, Forum - Blog-like format too as an option ... lots of the material here can be re-used. 
Blogs - GU, Dec 10, has menu, good general intro 
Blogs_2.0 - G, Jan 11, up to date, maybe more links to examples
Blogs_and_forums - U, Jan 06, a well explained but horribly out of date page (06!), re-use some info though
menus will need a bit of work in this section

Blog settings

Adding/editing_a_blog_entry - OU, Nov 09, basic OK, streamline 'how to' part, add a pic
Add/delete_blog_tags - OU, Jan 09, needs an update, reference to a capability (still there? changed?)
Blog_permissions - PU, Jan 08, 1.7 VI, some use, check new permissions in Moodle 2
Blog display - M, need a page, perhaps an annotated screenshot of Site administration->Appearance->Blog page
Blog_preferences - incorporate this, silly to have this one-sentence standalone page
Don't forget Blog-related blocks 
*Blog menu block
Blog_Menu_block - OU, Aug 10, up to date, include 'linked to activity' explanation/example (mentioned), links to old blog pages OK
*Blog tags block
Blog_Tags_block - OU, Jan 09, useful, add a pic, expand to include user and official tags
*Recent blog entries block
Recent blog entries - new in Moodle 2, construct the page according to the format for Moodle Docs on blocks, basic info there for now

Using Blogs

M, need it! Draw from exiting sources, see page comments at Blog settings for useful links

Blog association

Mention this is new in Moodle 2
Blogs_2.0#Blog_associations - re-use, expand with examples
Capabilities/moodle/blog:associatecourse - expand on this, examples and visuals welcome
Capabilities/moodle/blog:associatemodule - expand on this, examples and visuals welcome

External blogs

External_blogs - PU, Jan 11, basic OK, need pic, example, benefits? Exporting to external blogs? 

Blogs FAQ

Messaging [Eq to 'Messages', 'Messaging system]

Messaging - GU, Dec 10, useful info, can copy most but check M2 compatible, has link to Messaging_2.0 to flag changes in Moodle 2
menu items:
Message_history - PU, a sentence, no pics ...
Messaging_2.0 - OU, Dec 10, start of M2 doc, maybe same menu as Messaging
Don't forget items like 
Messages_block - OU, Mar 10, bare bones How to there, need a pic at least.

Messaging settings

M, Messaging display - create it
Messaging_permissions - capabilities only, has link to two forum threads on (dis)abling student messaging,
Messaging preferences and similar items 

Using Messaging

M, create

Messaging FAQ

Messaging_FAQ - OU, Nov 10, update with Moodle 2 improvements/changes


Notes - OU, Oct 10, add some creative uses/link to examples to make the most of this (see Uses of Notes), 
can be a very useful function (eg keeping personal records, informing of changes in student/staff, TO DO lists etc...)

Using Notes

M, create it! Examples very welcome
Site Notes
M, create it! Examples very welcome
Course Notes
M, create it! Examples very welcome
Personal Notes
M, create it! Examples very welcome

Notes FAQ

M, create it!


Tags - GU, Jun 10, 1.9 VI, re-use most of the info
Don't forget related items like 
Tags_block - OU, Mar 10, OK but add a few possible uses & benefits, better pic needed
and Tags display

Tags settings

Tags - OU, Jun 10, 1.9 VI, linked to from Tags_block, check for changes in Moodle 2 to this
related (menu on Tags page:
Search_tags - OU, Sep 09, 1.9 VI, what can the teacher do with this? Incorporate ...
Tag_editing - OU, Jan 09, 1.9 VI, OK, has link to capabilities, indicate why is this useful again?
Manage_tags - G, Jul 10, 1.9 VI, good, as above - add a scenario where this would be useful, state clearly this is Admin function
only but can be done if teachers request 
Tag_permissions - Jan 09, 1.9 VI, good note about allowing all/some to create tags
also see Search tags Tag editing  
Manage tags Tag permissions - all need checking, 
mention personalisation options in Moodle 2 (eg. you can have this on My Home, even My Profile), explain Tags pages
and who can edit them (Admin only?) and the fact that some blocks only appear on tags pages.

Using Tags

M, create it!

Tags FAQ

M, need it


Calendar - G, May 10, re-use, incorporate a lot of this info in Using Calendar
Don't forget related items like:
*Calendar block
Calendar_block - OU, Apr 08, basic OK, has menu. 
link to Calendar under Sitewide communication tools, more info on item 
*Upcoming Events_block [P]
Upcoming_Events_block - OU, Jul 10, need a link to example (maybe that pic is enough, update for consistency?), link this item to Blocks 
section as well since this blocks is mentioned with all others  

Calendar settings

include items like Calendar preferences,
Adding/editing_a_calendar_event - G, check & re-use, lots of it will go to Using Calendar
Calendar_permissions - PU, Moodle 1.7 VI (!), some capabilities there, link to Calendar_editor_role, check and update this please
also useful Calendar_editor_role
Calendar_preferences - G, check & re-use, some 'creative use' examples would be great in Uses of Calendar
Calendar display - M, need a page, perhaps an annotated screenshot of Site administration->Appearance->Calendar page

Using Calendar

M, related Calendar_editor_role - OU, Aug 08, useful, check the capabilities referred to, changes in Moodle 2 (?), example & pic
Calendar_export - OU, May 10, Moodle 1.8 VI, check and update with Moodle 2-relevant info
Adding/editing_a_calendar_event - (see what's in Calendar settings first to avoid duplication). G, check & re-use, mention possible use, customising options (eg put on My Home, make it sticky...) 

Calendar FAQ

Calendar_FAQ - OU, May 10, look in the forum for more FAQ to add
Calendar forum - handy link


intro to this section, menu of items to match the Site administration->Server-> menu

System paths

System_paths - check this for update and make Moodle 2-specific, see existing Moodle 2 reference 


Email_settings and Email_processing main references, both detailed. Check for relevance with Moodle 2.


Jabber_settings - stub but basics OK, check and re-use, expand

Session handling

M, can't find a dedicated page but Cookie_Sessions related, see how much this info is still relevant to Moodle 2. 


Statistics - GU, Jan 11, although this could probably go into 'reports' it should sit here since it appears in the Site administration->Server-> menu,
check this for Moodle 2


HTTP - O, basic, check if OK still

Maintenance mode

Maintenance_mode - GU, Mar 11, 1.9 VI, recently updated with Moodle 2 info, make it Moodle 2 specific, has link to Maintenance discussion


Cleanup - OU, Apr 10, 1.9 VI, check this for Moodle 2, mae Moodle 2 specific 


Environment - OU, Nov 10, detailed but check how much of this is still OK with Moodle 2 and later PHP

PHP info

phpinfo - more detailed than PHP FAQ where it also appears, check the currency & accuracy of info


Performance - G, Apr 11, very good, re-use, 
related and useful is Performance_FAQ


basic info about items on Site administration->Networking menu, items listed below...
all these seem to be MNet related. Perhaps these could all be included in a bunch on/via MNet page?


M, can't find dedicated page/info on 'public key' and expiration, need a brief page here   

Manage peers

M, no page on this, related pages Mnet and Moodle_Network_FAQ - Mnet discussed elsewhere though, see Authentication

SSO access control

M, another one Mnet related

Remote enrolments client

M, Mnet related  -  

XML-RPC hosts

M, please create. Could link this to Security too ... Another one with links to Mnet

Profile fields

M, another Mnet relation 

Sitewide Reports

brief intro, introduce the items on the menu/template and expand on their respective pages

Comments report

Link to Comments section and expand there!

Backups report

M, could write this whole item under the 'System backup' section and simply link to from here

Config changes report

M, need a page here, an important function to see changes

Course overview report

Course_overview_reports - G, Feb 11, good, check for Moodle 2 compliance and re-use, perhaps add example(s) of use/scenario

Logs report

Logs_report - OU, Sep 08, 1.7 VI, update this for Moodle 2 including new screenshot

Live logs report

Live_logs - a stub for now, more info to draw from currently at Reports#Live_logs_from_the_past_hour; pull from there to improve Live_logs
and (check to) make it Moodle 2 relevant  

Question instances report

Question_reports - change this info (and article name, see word instance) to Moodle 2 relevant, lose references to 1.9

Statistics report

Statistics_reports - basic OK, any expansion needed?

Reports FAQ

M, if we need it ...

Web services

Items on the Site administration->Plugins->Web services menu
Web_Services - links to useful docs for now, make this into (better) central page for this section
pages related and linked
How to enable web services for ordinary users - G, Jan 11, Moodle 2 relevant
How to enable web services for an external system
How to get a security key 

Site overview of web services

refers to Site administration->Plugins->Web services->Overview
M, something like an annotated screenshot of the page with explanations would be great. Mind you, it's all described in steps anyway...
Maybe we should actually rename this page in Moodle itself as a Web service setup (not 'Overview')

External services

definitely How_to_enable_web_services_for_an_external_system - Moodle 2 specific

Manage protocols

M,  although mentioned in few instances, nothing on AMP, REST & other protocols mentioned here in Docs? 

Manage tokens

M, same as above;  although mentioned in few instances, nothing on AMP, REST & other protocols mentioned here in Docs

Web service FAQ

M, if we need it...

Extending standard Moodle

General info, 
Modules and plugins database
Contributed_code_FAQ and 
even Installing_contributed_modules_or_plugins
mention that many not compatible with Moodle 2 but likely to be, consider proposals in this conversation 

3rd party modules, plugins and filters

M, create and expand

3rd party contribution guidelines

M, create and expand

3rd party FAQ

M, create and expand

Developer tools

general info, from the menu Site administration->Development (update references to any old path[s] on these items)  


related items:
Global_Search and Global_Search_set-up - Jan 10, check this for Moodle 2!?
Safe_exam_browser - May 10, check this for Moodle 2, write the path in Moodle 2
M, need a page for enablegroupmembersonly functionality - related to Groups  

Database transfer

M (?), please check for existing Docs on this and (re)write for Moodle 2

Database export

please check for existing Docs on this and (re)write 
? related Tracker - Experimental databse export not usable - unavailable for now? 


Debugging - OU, Dec 10, 1.7 VI, section for Moodle 2 exists. Clean up to make Moodle 2-only. 

XMLDB editor

XMLDB_editor - GU, Mar 11, 1.7 VI, check and make Moodle 2-only version

Web service test client

M (?), please check for existing Docs on this and (re)write for Moodle 2

MNet test client

useful MNet#Peer_to_Peer_Network but check. Include with the rest of MNet but just link from here

Purge all caches

referred to in Upgrading_to_Moodle_2.0 but no dedicated page on this menu item

Unit tests

Development:Unit_tests - G, Jan 11, has Moodle 2 section, re-use general info and make Moodle-2   
Unit_tests - Nov 10, the poor cousin of Development:Unit_tests, could be some info to re-use 

Functional DB tests

M (?), please check for existing Docs on this and (re)write for Moodle 2 

Managing a Moodle course

Brief basics, mention different understandings of a course: eg static 'to pass' or a dynamic community, keep it short. 
Flag (links in) this section.
Course - OU, Apr 10, need to insert a better set of links, even a menu perhaps
Manage_roles - permissions, mentioned in Enrolment, pull out some general info for this (eg. teacher, student, manager, parent ...)
Course_request - PU, Aug 09, OU, 1.6 VI (!!), some info OK but most needs update, some organisations/Admin may allow, 
mention course creator role (default in Moodle 2 install, check?)  

Creating a course

This section is directed more at people creating courses (most likely teachers)
Adding/editing_a_course - GU, Jul 10, update reference to some activities new or not there in Moodle 2, mention 
Settings block in Moodle as a good way to edit, create a new page for 'tips & tricks' ('look like webpage' example there already...)
Settings_block - OU, Nov 10

Course settings

Course_settings - OU, Feb 11, reference 'in Moodle 2 will..', check these again, maybe an annotated screen shot, mention Settings
block to access this... 

Standard course formats

Course_formats - OU, Oct 10, clean this up for changes in Moodle 2 (eg. no LAMS), check if/how those contrib formats work with Moodle 2
Course_administration_block - GU, Jan 11, has Moodle 2 section (what's new), incorporate this 

SCORM format

M, No separate page for it, referred to at Course_homepage

Topics format

M, No separate page for it, referred to at Course_homepage

Social format

M, No separate page for it, referred to at Course_homepage

Weekly format

M, No separate page for it, referred to at Course_homepage

Course FAQ

M, need one

Course appearance

flag info in this section... mention key items that Admin may need to enable sitewide

Course homepage

Course_homepage - GU, Dec 10, update to reflect changes in Moodle 2, good info but update, particularly in light of 
changes in course formats in 2 (and themes? mention two-column themes for example)
link to Themes too...

Course sections

 Course_sections - OU, Mar 10, has pics of diff formats
Label - OU, Oct 09, basic OK, provide a few more visuals (eg. examples of an image, video, link as label...)

Course blocks

Blocks_(teacher) - move this to Blocks section, some info handy here
Development:Page_structure_and_types - check
Sticky_blocks - OU, Jun 10, has Moodle 2 changes basic info, a pic would help, link to example 
Course_homepage#Make_your_course_home_page_look_more_like_a_regular_webpage - great one, maybe break this down
Dock - GU, Dec 10, all good, mention that some themes may not support it (check) or something else forgotten but essential...

Course theme

link extensively to Themes in Managing site section, point out the customisation options and priorities

Course language

link extensively to Languages in Managing site section, point out the customisation options and priorities

Course enrolment

Useful sources, remember there is an entire section on Authentication in 'Managing a site':
Enrolled_users - G, Dec 10, Moodle 2 VI & text, good mention of difference that ALL users now enrolled, need to 
mention 'visible' and not (eg Manager)Enrolment - OU, Sep 09, basics, needs Moodle 2 update
Enrolments_2.0 - Dec 10, stub, has Moodle 2 VI, basic structure can expand and incorporate parts form elsewhere
Enrolment_methods - Dec 10, stub, mentions diff in Moodle 2 but needs more, maybe a menu or link to the list - main source worked with
need some good pics of new enrolment plugin(s) throughout!
Enrolment_plugins - GU, Sep 10, Moodle 2 & several plugins links to
Unenrolment - O, Jan 10, Admin-focused but can extract useful info for teachers
Internal_enrolment - U, only pull out general info, lots of references to previous versions & changes
Upload_users - related but mostly Admin, a bit like Bulk_user_actions
Enrolment_FAQ - GU, Nov 10, 15Q see to changes in Moodle 2, 
Development:New_enrolments_in_2.0 - useful to draw from for Moodle2-specific stuff
Enrolment_plugins - GU, Sep 10, Moodle 2 & several plugins links to

Enrolment key

Enrolment_key - Dec 08, basics there OK, handy link to Create_group where enrolment key is mentioned

Enrolment methods (Eq. 'Enrolment plugins')

M, see Authentication section under 'Managing a Moodle site' section, perhaps write this more with eg. a teacher/user in mind

Manual enrolment

Manual accounts - see it included in Authentication section already, maybe re-direct this?
also in Enrolment_plugins


see Enrolment_plugins and related

Cohorts enrolment

Note there is an item Cohorts under Organising users, an organising place for Cohorts-related stuff.
Cohorts - GU, Dec 10, basics only, has two clips, need examples and use, 
'how to' Development:Cohorts - see aim of Cohorts: Replace category enrolments -
category enrolments have major design issues and are not compatible with incoming 
enrolment changes (check this & clean-up Categories?) Add cohort to a group - discussion

Metacourse (Course meta-link)

Metacourses - GU, Jan 11, use most of, has Moodle 2 section, good links, maybe a different organisation of this 
Metacourse_examples_of_use - G, Nov 10, some good scenarios, diagrams included. Mention working with Cohorts in Moodle 2, 
making particularly large number of users easier to manage. Should really do one on School Demo...
Related_courses_block - 3rd party, maybe just a link
Metacourse_FAQ - OU, Nov 10, 5 FAQ, add a few more, can gather from links on Metacourses,

Guest access

M, see related to Guest and/or Authentication and Enrolment plugin for useful info

Enrolment with payment

Two examples, Paypal_enrolment and Authorize.net_Payment_Gateway, any more?

Category enrolments

M, no dedicated page for this

External database

link to External database, to sit under Authentication, mention as authentication (plugin) and enrolment (plugin) 

Flat file (CSV)

Flat file - check & clean up for Moodle 2 info only

IMS Enterprise file

IMS_Enterprise - check & clean up for Moodle 2 info only

LDAP enrolments

link to and mention in LDAP, to sit under Authentication, mention as authentication (plugin) and enrolment (plugin)LDAP enrolment 
check & clean up for Moodle 2 info only, related to LDAP authentication 

MNet remote enrolments

link to MNet, to sit under Authentication, mention as authentication (plugin) and enrolment (plugin)
relates to other MNet-related items here in Docs, see under Networking and Web services. Sorry, haven't organised this section much...


Unenrolment - O, Jan 10, Admin-focused but can extract and re-write with info useful info for teachers too

Organising users

Overview of Groups, Groupings and metacourse stuff...


Groups - GU, Sep 10, intro OK, lose the older stuff in Moodle 2 version, menu on the side OK but check
menu items on Groups page:
Create_group - OU, Sep 10, missing Auto-create (?) at least link to, pic refers to 1.9, 
Assign_users_to_group - OU, Dec 10, 1.8 VI, basic OK, no Auto-create, needs work 
Auto-create_groups - OU, Dec 10, 1.9 VI, check this in Moodle 2, can add the fact you can create from cohort too


Groupings - OU, Dec 10, good intro, maybe lop off a bit and provide a visual instead
Groups_versus_groupings - OU, Dec 10, verbose but some good links


Cohorts - GU, Dec 10, basics only, has two clips, need examples and use, 
'how to' Development:Cohorts - see aim of Cohorts: Replace category enrolments -
category enrolments have major design issues and are not compatible with incoming 
enrolment changes (check this & clean-up Categories?) Add cohort to a group - discussion

Course security

add to this section...

Common course risks

link to the almost identical item in Managing Site. Here, state the most common risks teachers (no admins) are likely to deal with or cause

Good security practices

outline also how to recognise and what to do in case they do notice a security breach, mention how to report something in Moodle that would
cause security concern

Keeping and re-using courses and activities

basic info, flag what is in this section and avoid (over)duplication with what's in the menu/template

Course backup

Course_backup - GU, Nov 10, handy info including creative uses, can pull a lot from here but make sure it refers to Moodle 2! 
Include why & some creative uses.
The rest of the info on Backups (site related items) is in Managing site section, to avoid duplication!

General course backup defaults

Refers to Site administration->Courses->Backups->General backup defaults
General_backup_defaults - Feb 11, Moodle 2, stub for now. Could do an annotated screenshot of functions with expanded help.
related Backup_of_user_data - OU, check this for Moodle 2, definitely!

Automated course backup

Refers to Site administration->Courses->Backups->Automated backup defaults
M, no page on AUtomated course backup yet! Could do an annotated screenshot of functions with expanded help.
related Backup_of_user_data - OU, check this for Moodle 2, definitely!
Some other useful references to write this page:
Backup_2.0 - OU, Jan 11, needs work, has 1.9 -> 2.0 section (oft asked) 
Backup_FAQ - GU, Jan 11,22 Q&A, includes Moodle 2 (what's new) info but check all other FAQ for accuracy in Moodle 2
General_backup_defaults - Feb 11, Moodle 2, stub for now, Admin only really

Course restore

Course_restore - OU, Nov 10, useful general info but not consistent with Moodle 2, points to Backup_2.0 
point to places sharing courses (Hubs!) and activities (DB DB, Glossary DB...)
General_backup_defaults - Feb 11, Moodle 2, stub for now, Admin only really

Clone resource/activity

M, just landed in Moodle 2, need a new page !!!

Reset course

Reset_course - OU, Oct 10, 1.6 (!!) & 1.9 VI, useful general info, good inclusion of scenarios where you'd want to use it, can add 
possible creative use Roll_courses_forward or New school year old class discussion

Import courses or parts

Import_course_data - OU, Jul 10, check this for Moodle 2 info, include reasons why import/examples

Share material within your Moodle

mention a metacourse (ie a course with meta-link enrolment)..., possibly through file system (potentially more messy) & more

Community Hubs [Eq. to 'Community Hub']

Community_hub - GU, Dec 10, good intro, need more 'why would you want to use it?' (see Publish_a_course for a few examples, 
not just 'what is it and how it works, need a menu on the side, offer suggestions when you would use advertise or share option ...
Hub_FAQ - GU, Dec 10, good Qs, mostly technical at this stage, need more and more 'user/teacher' Q
Licences - for sharing/advertising courses on hubs (and beyond...), useful for File_picker
Don't forget to mention related:
Community finder - N. Search returns only forum posts references on CF block. Edit this newly created page following the format of other blocks. 

Search for courses

Join_a_community_course - Sep 10, similar to Import_a_community_course, need to clarify wording of community and course

Publish_a_course - G, Feb 11, good, links to examples would help, just a bit more/clearer difference between 'sharing' and 'advertising',

Share courses

Publish_a_course - G, Feb 11, good, links to examples would help, just a bit more/clearer difference between 'sharing' and 'advertising',

Import courses from Community Hubs

Import_a_community_course - Sep 10, - simple how to there, need to clear this community and course language (is course a community, space 
for a community…can be all these things! Important IMO) 

Hub Administration

this is really the technical part of setting up hubs, for detailed info on Community hubs, MOOCH and the way they work

see Community Hubs section in 'Managing courses' part of Docs. 
Can extract some info from Development for now on these items below:

Hub settings

M, need for admins

Manage sites on hub

M, need for admins

Manage courses on hub

M, need for admins

Hub server registration

M, need for admins

Stolen secret

M, need for admins


Mooch - basic for now, expand, screenshots welcome

Community Hubs FAQ

Community finder - N. Search returns only forum posts references on CF block. Edit this newly created page following the 
format of other blocks.

Learning and evaluation tools

Resources (Eq. Resource module, Resource modules)


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Files - GC, Dec 10, includes reference to pre-Moodle 2, has links to Moodle 2 File handling 2.0 
File handling 2.0 - GC, Jan 10, best spot for Moodle 2 users, links include File manager in Moodle 2.0 forum discussion, couple of FAQ, need to expand
Course files - same as Files
Site files - OU, Apr 10, 1.9 VI, improve line re Moodle 2, mostly Admin use
File or website link - GU, Oct 09, 1.9 VI, useful info from old version but needs updating to Moodle 2 text & examples

File module settings

Everything BEFORE the resource is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 

Using File

Everything AFTER the resource is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, good practices, creative uses, examples, workflows, 
pedagogical implications etc.
M, good practices and workflows explained CLEARLY ...

File FAQ

M, would be good to have one...


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Folder - M, no page specifically for Folder, how to handle folders, subfolders etc., just a reference on Files
Directory - PU, Apr 10 (minor, last major edit in 08), very basic, no pictures, examples 

Folder module settings

Everything BEFORE the resource is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 

Using Folder

Everything AFTER the resource is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, good practices, creative uses, examples, workflows, 
pedagogical implications etc.M, good practices and workflows explained CLEARLY, links to examples, visuals great ...

Folder FAQ

M, would be good to have one...

IMS package

Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
IMS content package  OU, Sep 09, has 1.6 VI (!), admin descption of a very old way of adding IMS package, MUST update.

IMS package module settings

Everything BEFORE the resource is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 

Using IMS package

Everything AFTER the resource is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, good practices, creative uses, examples, workflows, 
pedagogical implications etc.
M, good practices and workflows explained CLEARLY, links to examples, visuals great ...

IMS package FAQ

M, would be good to have one...


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Label - G, Sep 09, handy link or two there, may need a more visual example of label (eg. image of diff. uses)

Label module settings

Everything BEFORE the resource is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 

Using Label

M, good practices and workflows explained, links to examples, visuals great

Label FAQ

Everything AFTER the resource is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, good practices, creative uses, examples, workflows, 
pedagogical implications etc.
M, probably short but stays in format of all other modules this way


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Web page - OU, Oct 10, refers to (old) Web Page, has 'how to' but with old pics
Text page - OU, Oct 10, refers to (old) Text Page, has 'how to' but with old pics
Page - M, need a new article since Web/Text Page merged into one in Moodle 2. Include how to & pics, options, uses.

Page module settings

Everything BEFORE the resource is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 

Using Page

Everything AFTER the resource is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, good practices, creative uses, examples, workflows, 
pedagogical implications etc.
M, good practices and workflows explained CLEARLY, links to examples, visuals great ... Mention Book module

Page FAQ

M, need one.


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
File or website link - GU, Oct 09, 1.9 VI, useful info from old version but needs updating to Moodle 2 text & examples,
has links to working with Google Docs, forms 

URL module settings

Everything BEFORE the resource is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 

Using URL

Everything AFTER the resource is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, good practices, creative uses, examples, workflows, 
pedagogical implications etc.
M, good practices and workflows explained CLEARLY, links to examples, visuals great ...


M, need one

Activities (Eq. Activity module, Activity modules)

As the name suggests, the course participants get to 'do' something by using Activities. One line intros of what each activity
mentioned on the menu/template does would be useful.


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain. 
Assignment module - G, Sep 10, check for updates in Moodle 2 (??), add 'creative uses', links OK but lose 'pre 1.7' 
List of four main types:
Upload_a_single_file_assignment - O, Jul 10, maybe add short 'how to' & pics
Online_text_assignment - O, Jul 10, has 'educational benefits, add short 'how to' & pics
Offline_activity_assignment - O, spartan, needs a mention that main reason is often to allow Gradebook entry, pic & how to? 
Advanced_uploading_of_files_assignment - G, Dec 09, pics & how to would be great, link to single file upload vs. advanced uploading thread.
Merge Viewing_an_assignment, Assignment_submissions & Assignment_permissions into one? All OU, check accuracy, add a how to & pic

Assignment settings

M, what and how to of module settings page.
Everything BEFORE the activity is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 

Using Assignment

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.

Assignment FAQ

Assignment_module_FAQ - OU, Oct 10, 7 Q OK but check for changes in Moodle 2, link to Forum 


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Chat_module - OU, Sep 09, needs a pic or two of new chat UI, creative uses (link is there to 'uses' forum)

Chat settings

Everything BEFORE the activity is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
Adding/editing_a_chat - GU, Sep 09, thorough, check for small detail on diffs from 1.x to 2.x 
Chat_permissions - PU, May 08, 1.7 VI, links to capabilities mod/chat

Using Chat

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Viewing_a_chat - PU, Nov 08, pretty basic, could merge a few of these pages into one
Chat_sessions - OU, Nov 08, 1.8 VI, check for accuracy of this Moodle 2
Chat_reports - OU, Nov 08, needs pic of Moodle UI, check text

Chat FAQ

Chat_module_FAQ - OU, Jan 11, 4 Qs only, has good list of alternatives for audio chat 


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Database_activity_module - G, Sep 10, thorough, pic or link to a gallery of databases would be good

Database settings

Guide the user through the first step of creation and equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). 
Everything BEFORE the creator clicks 'Save and display' and starts building (stage 2). 
Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
Database_permissions - OU, 1.7 VI, check links to those capabilities
Adding_a_database_entry - O, Feb 11,

Building Database

What the creator (eg. teacher) needs to do and in building the activity AFTER the initial setup (edit settings) and
and BEFORE it is opened to participants (eg. students).
Database_templates - GU, Sep 09, detailed but check for Moodle 2 detail, 1.9 VI
Database_fields - GU, Feb 10, detailed but check for Moodle 2 detail, 1.7 VI (!)
Database_presets - GU, Aug 09, detailed, good links, check for Moodle 2 detail, 1.9 VI
Database_export - OU, Aug 09, info on CSV export, need to include info on backing up activities in Moodle 2
Database_activity_import - OU, Aug 09, info on CSV export, need to include info on backing up activities in Moodle 2

Using Database

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Database_activity_list_template - stub, created in reply to Tracker item, useful basics in creating a table in/and templates.
check items in comments page for Building database and Database for more.
This is really for all items AFTER the activity is shown to students.

Database FAQ

may want to refer to
Database_activity_module - G, Sep 10, thorough, pic or link to a gallery of databases would be good
Database_activity_module_FAQ - G, Jul 10, 15 Qs, useful


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Feedback_module - OU, Jan 11, not on Activities menu at Teacher_documentation, pretty basic, has reference to Moodle 2 & plans to 
integrate, need pic/example, creative uses

Feedback settings

Guide the user through the first step of creation and equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). 
Everything BEFORE the creator clicks 'Save and display' and starts building (stage 2). 
Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
Adding/editing_a_feedback_form - GC, Jun 10, but check

Building Feedback

What the creator (eg. teacher) needs to do and in building the activity AFTER the initial setup (edit settings) and
and BEFORE it is opened to participants (eg. students).
Adding_Feedback_questions - G, Jul 09, old pic but info good
Viewing_Feedback_responses - G, Jul 09, add a pic

Using Feedback

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Feedback_module - OU, Jan 11, not on Activities menu at Teacher_documentation, pretty basic, has reference to Moodle 2 & plans to integrate, 
need pic/example, creative uses
Don't forget related items like Feedback block

Feedback FAQ

Feedback_module_FAQ - OU, May 10, reference to Moodle 2 and 'plans' there, install procedure not relevant since now in Moodle 2 core


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Forum_module - GU, Oct 10, detailed, lots of pedagogy (revisit/edit?), need 'creative uses' for Using Forum, needs ref. to 
the new Blog-like format.
News_forum - G, Aug 10, good, maybe mention Comments in Moodle 2 as alternative for very short, less permanent items, pic?
Forum_permissions - GU, Nov 09, 1.7 VI, good description of using roles, add example(s)?, check capabilities linked to
Forum_subscription - OU, Jan 10, need better organisation visually
Forum_ratings - OU, Apr 10, 1.9 VI, valid points but the separate/connected ways just doesn't fit, sorry. One could write more on 
MANY diff. ways of knowing - not the purpose of this page though but a separate page?
Advanced_forum_search - G, Nov 10

Forum settings

Everything BEFORE the activity is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
Adding/editing_a_forum - GU, Sep 10, detailed, references to pre-1.7 (?), need new pic

Using Forum

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Viewing_a_forum - GU, Nov 08, needs 'Blog-like format' entry too, maybe then update pics to be same
Forum_posting - G, Aug 09, insert an image, add/link to (?) useful guidelines/rules for posting, techniques to avoid spam etc
Mention related blocks and tools - eg. Latest news block

Forum FAQ

Forum_module_FAQ - GC, Jan 11, 14Qs


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Glossary_module - OU, Jun 10, creative uses there, good links, reference to 1.9, need pic/examples, better overview
Glossary_module_FAQ - OU, Dec 10, 5 Qs, need more than this, links to examples would be great

Glossary settings

Everything BEFORE the activity is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
Adding/editing_a_glossary_entry - OU, Sep 08, needs Moodle 2 update, need short 'how to' with pics, mention if Ratings on they enter Gradebook
Glossary_permissions - OU, May 08, 1.9 VI, links to capabilities, check these & new in Moodle 2 

Using Glossary

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Viewing_a_glossary - OU, Sep 08, needs description of new formats (eg. simple, FAQ, encyclopedia...), pic/example needed, has refs to autolinking
Glossary_comments - OU, Oct 07, mention comments in Moodle 2 anyway, need new pic
Editing_glossary_categories - OU, Jan 09, basic 'how to' there, good to include a pic and some examples of use
Import_glossary_entries - OU, Jan 11, check for the 'via XML' & 'backup' process to work, some good links to forum discussions
Export_glossary_entries - PU, Jan 09, poor cousin of 'Import' page, basic points mentioned

Glossary FAQ

M, need it...


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Lesson_module - GU, No 10, very detailed, good outline, some 1.6 VI & references to old versions, mostly good links but lose a couple, 
something to visually represent/explain this module would be great. Maybe a mini-glossary? (Content, Cluster, Question...)

Lesson settings

M, need this specific page for the 'first stage'
Guide the user through the first step of creation and equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). 
Everything BEFORE the creator clicks 'Save and display' and starts building (stage 2). 
Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
lots of useful references in Lesson module also see page comments for Building Lesson for useful pages in creating it

Building Lesson

What the creator (eg. teacher) needs to do and in building the activity AFTER the initial setup (edit settings) and
and BEFORE it is opened to participants (eg. students).
Lesson_Pages - GU, Nov 10, good info but lots of text, making it more visual would be good for (particularly new user) to get the idea
Adding_a_content_page - GU, Nov 10, updated to reflect change of Branch to Content page but all this text screams for something visual...
Adding_a_question_page - OU, Jul 09, revise version references and content ('Moodle can be tricky...') & reflect changes in Moodle 2
Lesson_question_types - GU, Nov 10, can use most, detailed, has reference to Question bank but check. Screenshots would help
Jumps - G, Nov 10, good choice of P1,P2,P3 to explain, again - something more visual & less text needed.
Clusters - G, Nov 10, same as above really...
Lesson_reports - GU, Nov 10, just check for Moodle 2 changes with Gradebook
Import_questions - GU, Nov 10, detailed, references to older versions, check for all question formats in Moodle 2, see the Question bank menu
that appears here, is this up-to-date?
more to do...
Import_PowerPoint - OU, Dec 10, 1.8 & 1.6 VI, lots of info but really need to test all this to see things in Moodle 2

Using Lesson

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Viewing_a_lesson - GU, Nov 10, solid but unlike other activities no links to capabilities, some 1.6 & 1.5 references, check pics & add new?

Lesson FAQ

Lesson_module_FAQ - GU, Dec 10, good collection of Q & A (19Qs), need to update to sing with Moodle 2


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Quiz_module - OU, Dec 10, can improve the overview (Quiz module index page?) include a few pics of diff. Qs 

Quiz settings

Guide the user through the first step of creation and equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). 
Everything BEFORE the creator clicks 'Save and display' and starts building (stage 2). 
Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
Adding/updating_a_quiz - G, Dec 10, rich, all good but could do with some visuals
Quiz_permissions - PU, Mar 08, all need checking, more capabilities than this, ref to 1.7, 1.9

Building Quiz

What the creator (eg. teacher) needs to do and in building the activity AFTER the initial setup (edit settings) and
and BEFORE it is opened to participants (eg. students).
Editing_a_quiz - GU, Aug 10, good annotated visuals (but from 1.9, link to 'How to' video old version
Question_bank - OU, Feb 11, 1.9 VI, check info in detail for it to match Moodle 2 improvements, Tim best to do this, 
good menu on question types and question module?
Calculated_question_type - G, Nov 10, well explained
Simple_calculated_question_type - May 10, well explained
Calculated_multichoice_question_type - G, Jun 10, a pic maybe, example?
Description_question_type - OU, Mar 09, basic, a picture/example would be nice...
Essay_question_type - G, Nov 10, well explained, pic?
Embedded_Answers_(Cloze)_question_type - G, Jan 11, very detailed, any outstanding issues to be aware of here? Hotpot mentioned
Multiple_Choice_question_type - GU, May 10, mention of difference between Lesson & Quiz MC questions, pic?
Short-Answer_question_type - G, Feb 09, 1.6 VI and reference to go, pic of different uses would be good
Numerical_question_type - OU, May 10, good but clean up reference to Moodle 2, old references and VI there too
Random_Short-Answer_Matching_question_type - GU, Aug 09, example OK. Any changes to this in Moodle 2?  - 
I wish this question type would go away and die. No changes in 2.0--Tim
True/False_question_type - G, Sep 10, pic
sub-section on Question bank, appears in menu on Question_bank:
Question_categories - GU, May 10, well explained but references all to 1.9 and before, needs updating for Moodle 2 version
Question_permissions - G, May 10, refs to old capabilities, check Moodle 2, useful links 
Quiz_preview - O, Sep 08, could be merged with something here, a pic would help

Using Quiz

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Viewing_a_quiz - OU, Mar 10, info OK, again ... some pics would help
Effective_quiz_practices - GU, Jun 10, excellent, has excerpts from Using Moodle book, see for any updates to Moodle 2 quiz, 
particularly re Question bank
How_to_let_teachers_share_questions_between_courses (needs update) & Question_permissions_explained_with_diagrams
Question_contexts -G, Mar 10, 1.9 VI, useful diagram of contexts, any 1.9 - 2.x differences
Quiz_submission_email_notification - GU, Aug 08, 1.9 VI, seems OK but check accuracy, 'strings' section is perhaps more suited for admins??
Import_questions - G, Nov 10, check if all these still play in Moodle 2, any outstanding issues? Repositories work here? - 
Import and export only had minimal changes to work with the files API in 2.0. The main change is that on export, the file is downloaded 
immediately, not copied to course files.--Tim
Export_questions - as above
Questions_linking_to_files - OU, Sep 10, 1.9 VI, obsolete in light of new file management system & interface in Moodle 2 - 
Quiz_reports - GU, Oct 10, need pics of new UI, check accuracy of items, probably with Tim - 
This page is still documenting things as they are in 1.9. There were lots of changes in 2.0. Spec for the changes is here:  
Development:Quiz_report_enhancements, which should provide you the information you need to update the docs. Just check that was 
actually implemented matches the spec.--Tim

Don't forget related items like Quiz_Results_block

Quiz FAQ

Quiz_FAQ - GU, Dec 10, some Qs obsolete in Moodle 2, improve links in 'what's new in Moodle 2' Q - some old, obsolete/poor links
sub-section on question types, all have a 'question setup' section, appears in menu on Question_bank:

SCORM package

Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
SCORM_module - OU, Nov 10, OK but very technical (Clinton gets a mention?), need a simple 'what does it do?' with a pic, example 

SCORM package settings

Everything BEFORE the activity is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
Adding/editing_a_SCORM - GU, May 10, good detail & how to incl. pics but mostly 1.9, small section refers to 'changes in Moodle 2'

Using SCORM package

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Viewing_a_SCORM - PU, Feb 10, pic there but this needs to be improved & incorporated
SCORM_reports - G, Apr 10, OK visuals, just check for changes in Moodle 2 on this
Tools_for_creating_SCORM_content - GU, Feb 11, fantastic list of tools, need to check if all of these still around

SCORM package FAQ

SCORM_FAQ - OU, Nov 10, references to old fixes that will probably be obsolete? Check with SCORM users
SCORM exchange - 


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Please note: This module will get substantially re-written and incorporated with Choice & Feedback soon.
The plan is to include several common, often used survey instruments, which will be customisable. See TRacker item
Survey_module - PU, May 08, very basic

Survey settings

Everything BEFORE the activity is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
Adding/editing_a_survey - GU, May 10, sound, hope many different surveys will be represented here in the future
Survey_permissions - PU, Jan 08, permissions only, 1.7 VI

Using Survey

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Viewing_a_survey - PU, Oct 09, bare bones, some pic would be good, incorporate this page in other

Survey FAQ

Survey_module_FAQ - Mar 10, 'can I create my own' answered, note about future development


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain.
Wiki_module - GU, Oct 10, bit verbose in parts but a good overview, need Moodle 2 stuff (eg Comments), 
creative practices to go on Using Wiki, 
incorporated in a format applied across activities, some pic & link to clip needed, more useful links? 

Wiki settings

Everything BEFORE the activity is open to participants. Guide the user through the first step of creation and 
equivalent of clicking 'edit settings'(include permissions). Use headings, annotated screenshots welcome! 
Adding/editing_a_wiki - OU, Nov 10, the how to section needs cleaning and aligning with practice & format in new Moodle 2 wiki
Wiki_permissions - PU, Oct 08 (last significant), 1.7 VI, capabilities only
Wiki_administration - OU, Nov 09, check this in Moodle 2 wiki

Using Wiki

Viewing_a_wiki OU, Jan 11, OK but urgently needs update, pics with Moodle 2 wiki UI 
Wiki_standard_index_pages - OU, Dec 09, update with Moodle 2 UI pics needed, expand to include Comments section etc

Wiki FAQ

Wiki_module_FAQ - PU, Dec 09, stub, needs update badly


Brief, general intro page (appx 100-300 words; 7 - 20 sentences), visuals most welcome. 
Point the user to items that can be found on the template menu (box on the right) and what they contain. 
Workshop_module - G, Dec 10, excellent overview, excellent links, may break the front page up, depending on general format for all activities

Workshop settings

Adding/updating_Workshop - OU, Dec 10, check accuracy but good short explanation of functions. A link to video, pics might help. 
Remove the 'stub'

Using Workshop

Everything AFTER the activity is open to participants. Things like (if available) viewing, posting, grading, results, analysis, 
reports, good practices, creative uses, examples, pedagogical implications etc.
Workshop_work_flow - OU, Oct 10, good basics, put in some pics to reinforce, example link
Workshop_grading_strategies - GU, Oct 10, badly needs an example and a pic, maybe link to School Demo example available (like others..). 
Consider merging this with Workshop_grading 
Workshop_grading - OU, Oct 10, good, a link to example, in context, would be very useful

Workshop FAQ

Workshop_module_FAQ - U, complete stub, needs work

Tracking progress (check the relating blocks again!)

Brief info on what conditional etc are and point to items in the menu and what can be found in them.

Conditional activities

Conditional_activities - G, Jan 11, good, 'tricks', 'discussion' & similar things could go on a separate page
Development:Conditional_activities - useful, point format is great
Distinguish Automatic/Manual

Uses of Conditional activities

M, common/creative uses of this function in one place, some good info already at Conditional_activities...

Conditional Activities FAQ

M, good to have one...

Activity completion

= "tell when a part of a course is complete"
Activity_completion - GU, Jan 11, good, really need to come clean on naming these things, examples and pics or diagrams would be useful

Uses of Activity completion

M, common/creative uses of this function in one place...

Course completion status block

Course_completion_status_block - G, Feb 11, good start, pic included, maybe a link to example, scenario? Essential link to Course_completion

Activity Completion FAQ

M, good to have one...

Course completion

= 'Tell when a course is complete'
Course_completion - OU, Jan 11, OK, maybe include a graph, mention similarity/differences with conditional activities, has 
Manual completion sections, might add Automatic completion
Course_completion_tracking - OU, Jan 11, basic overview OK, useful link to Course_completion, link to comparison of 
course completion/conditional activities (new page?)
Course_completion_status_block - see above under blocks, linked to 
good link to Course completion screencast (Mary's)
could insert HQ clip on Activity completion (mess though, it has both activity and course completion)
Again, must distinguish this clearly from Conditional activities! 

Uses of Course completion

M, common/creative uses of this function in one place... 

Self completion block

see above under blocks, linked to

good link to Course completion screencast (Mary's)
could insert HQ clip on Activity completion (mess though, it has both activity and course completion)
Again, must distinguish this clearly from Conditional activities! 

Course Completion FAQ

M, good to have it...


General overview, link to glossary of terms? Need a good menu on this page...

Gradebook, redirected from Grades - OU, Dec 10, 1.9 VI, large menu on the side needs a review, rich but confusing for a newcomer,
need to make this whole section a lot more user/teacher-friendly (eg. 'pushed by a module' means little or nothing to thousands who (will)
land here, need lots of links to examples.
General_grade_settings - OU, Feb 11, 1.9 VI, combine with Gradebook for a better overview
Grade_permissions - O, Jan 11, site/course/module level links to capabilities. Incorporate this/link to?
Development:Grades#API_for_communication_with_modules.2Fblocks - developers only, link may be handy though
Simplifying_the_gradebook_by_changing_permissions - OU, handy but need to be fairly advanced before you can 'simplify'...?

Grade items

= 'grading individual activities'
Grade_items - OU, Aug 10, 1.9 VI, good breakdown (Activity, Outcome, Manual) but need to clear up & offer examples (!) 
Grade_calculations - O, Dec 10, averages, sums, weightings ... link to example(s) would be good
Edit_grade_calculation re-directed to Grade_calculations but not sure if that's where I'd go for editing...

Grade categories

=  'grading a group of activities'
Grade_categories - Dec 10, OU, 1.9 VI this thing sorely needs an example! 
Edit_categories_and_items - OU, Mar 10, 1.9 VI, detailed, includes info on legacy grades, moving categories & items, 
has pics but examples would be good
Category_aggregation - GC, Dec 10, 1.9 VI, good, include it, good note about 'empty grades'
Grade_category_settings - OU, Jan 11, 1.9 VI, from Admin menu, useful to pull some of these things to 'Advanced' for teachers, even though
Admin is the person to do it. Optional


=  'rating answers and contributions'
Scales - GU, Jun 10, good but must mention use for Ratings_2.0, also automatic entry of ratings to GB + only Teacher can edit (by default, 
can change), good for student/peer feedback if students able 
Ratings_2.0 - GC, Sep 10, just need a link to example or two, add some 'creative uses'


= 'creating standards of competency'
Outcomes - OU, Jul 10, 1.9 VI, need to clear this up...outcome is not like a (numerical, letter) grade. It's a statement that a person can
do something (eg. ride a bike), not necessarily how well they do it (eg. 73% well). OK, the link with scales ... test this! Maybe I am being
picky because I used outcomes extensively in schools and they never lent themselves well to classical 'grading'
Outcomes_report - OU, Jul 10, here it is again... how can you have an 'average of outcomes'? (can fly aeroplane, can't drive car - 
what's the average? ... arrrrgh
Metadata - redirect from Development: Outcomes - explained rationale, borrow and link

Grade letters

Grade_letters - GU, Sep 10, pretty good, has pics, 1.9 VI

Course reports

general info about types would be useful ...

Grader report

= 'see all grades in a course'
Grader_report - GU, Jan 11, 1.9 VI, main Teacher view

User report

= 'in depth, individual report'
User_report - G, Aug 10, good pic, any changes to this in Moodle 2? "Comments' ?

Course completion report

= 'check completion and progress in a course'
Course_completion - OU, Jan 11, OK, maybe include a graph, mention similarity/differences with conditional activities, see under 'Blocks' as well...
Course_completion_status_block - G, Feb 11, good start, pic included, maybe a link to example, scenario? Essential link to Course_completion 
Development:Course_completion - U, May 10, pre-Moodle 2 release, handy to see where it came from

Activity log

= 'check all activities by user in a course'
Participants (People block) -> Activity 
check for existing documentation...

Overview report

= 'see progress in several courses'
An Admin & Manager item but useful to know for a teacher
From here simply link to article on Overview Report in Managing Moodle site section, details there
Overview_report - PU, Aug 10, 1.9 VI, not sure about some of the statements made, must mention handy for default Manager in Moodle 2 
to get an overview of how students are doing across courses, not automatically available to teachers in a course

Managing content

brief intro, main points and links 
Docs Category:Moodle_2.0 - useful for links

Working with files and folders

main points, flag what is in this section...

File handling

File_handling_2.0 - GC, Jan 11, great start on FAQ, will need an entire section on this, need a page on FTP... 

File bank

File_bank - GU, Dec 10, main concepts linked to, pre and 2.0 mentioned, organising page for this section?


File_picker - OU, Jan 11, good start, has pics, link to Filepicker FAQ, improve the table of contents on this page
File_picker_FAQ - Mar 11, some good common questions to start with, answers need some work... 

Private files

Private_files - GU, Jan 11, basics OK, give examples why/when would one use Private files (and not)
My_private_files_block - related, only a stub with a sentence ATM

Legacy course files

useful references:
Course_files - GC, Jan 11, good explanations, again - maybe we could incorporate this in some sort of FAQ, important to leave
Legacy_course_files - OU, while correct, the sentence 'use repositories rather than course area files..' will set many off :P

Differences between Moodle 1.x and 2.x

Many links to the above: file handling, filepicker, private files etc
this section will need to be very, very good and clear thanks to a lot of heat in the community on this issue.
Useful references to (the past):
Course_files - GC, Jan 11, good explanations, useful references, workflows
Legacy_course_files - useful, stress that this is a plugin that Admin decides to turn on-offfor the entire site.

Working with media

Multimedia_plugins - GU, Mar 11, solid but need to clean up and organise better, perhaps briefly explain why have these
(convenience, security...)


we don't have a generic, introductory 'Video in Moodle' page?
get info from content section on uploading & repos, multimedia plugins and forum discussions, and of course create anew
do we have a new player?


Audio_in_Moodle - GU, Oct 10, very good, handy links, organise and clean up, check references to tools/plugins etc not 
supported or mentioned here, 
MP3_player - OU, Jul 09, handy although a bit long, re-organise & check for compatibility in Moodle 2
Speech_tools - Nov 08, looking at a title, I thought I was to do with Accessibility (as in Text-to-Speech & reverse)... 
consider renaming/redirecting and re-linking this
Podcasting - GU, Dec 10, basics very useful, check those tools listed for availability & compatibility, 'Podcast' module is 
contrib, not sure if compatible with M2


mention TinyMCE, Flickr, find ...

Embedding content

linked to HTML editor probably, media plugins, outline ways, pros and cons of embedding various things (eg iframes etc)
we don't have a 'unifying' page on embedding stuff in Moodle - would be very useful as a reference since embedding is so common

Editing text

brief intro, key links

HTML editor

HTML_editor_2.0 - GC, Dec 10
mention HTML tags in activity names + smileys (all in HTML Settings item for Admins to turn on/off ...)  

Plain text

Text_editors - OU,Dec 10, TinyMCE linked, other editors 'flagged' but none mentioned, examples would be useful 
check for Moodle-format, Markdown, Plain ... still there?


here in this section because they filter/do something with content... 
each filter to come with 'what is it used for', 'how to' and examples, links, screenshots wherever possible
Filters - GU, Jan 11, useful containing links to different filters and general info on filters
Filters_2.0 - GU, Dec 10, good general info copied from Filters and updated with things like course level (new in M2) etc, 
could perhaps do with a menu on the side, check for accuracy and how well filters are working in 2.0 (from memory there were 
problems with maths notation filter...)   
Filters_FAQ - OU, Dec 10, can be expanded
Development:Filter_enable/disable_by_context - important feature & good to get background for those writing the article
Text Filters forum

Activity Names Auto-linking filter

need a dedicated page for this ...
mentioned and single line on Filters

Algebra Notation filter

Algebra_filter - OU, Jan 11, bit technical but useful, an image/example of use would be great

Convert URLs into links filter

no dedicated page for this exists...

Database auto-linking filter

no existing page dedicated to this filter
Database_activity_module - tiny mention of the filter as an extra note..
Adding/editing_a_glossary#Automatically_link_glossary_entries - Under Glossaries, mentions glossary only

Display emoticons as images filter

Emoticon_images_2.0 - G, Nov 10
Display_emoticons_as_images - G, Nov 10, David

Email Protection filter

Mentioned only in Filters but no separate page for it. More Admin function anyway but useful for user/teacher to know that emails can 
be obfuscated for privacy reasons... 

Glossary auto-linking filter

Adding/editing_a_glossary#Automatically_link_glossary_entries - Under Glossaries, mentions glossary only

HTML tidy filter

no dedicated page for this filter exists
mentioned at Filters, perhaps not essential to an average user/teacher but ..

Multimedia Plugins filter

Multimedia_plugins - OU, Mar 11, a few handy discussion links, info looks OK & recent but tidy up organisation (eg FAQ?) 
into some sort of common template for all filters.

Multi-Language Content filter

general outline mentioned at Filters
Multi_language_content - Mar 10, technical but then again pitched to Admin... The feature would be handy for language teachers and multi/lang

TeX Notation filter

TeX_notation_filter - OU, Oct 10, see how this is working in Moodle 2, there had been issues with maths filters
Mathematics - G, good page on Maths tools (filters/plugins...), includes Accessibility data, links to DragMath, Wiris etc
Using_TeX_Notation - G, Dec 10, not sure how much of this plays with Moodle 2 but a great page of descriptions and use

Word Censorship filter

Word_censorship - OU, Apr 10, clean up references to 1.6 & similar, maybe an example...
:D Emily Dickinson -> Emily ****inson forum thread, more like it in Using Moodle teaching forums


Repositories - GU, Feb 11, technically good, need more examples and 'plain English', organising menu would be useful on this page
Manage_repositories redirected to Repositories

Alfresco repository

Alfresco_repository - one sentence admin stub

see Box.net_portfolio_plugin above 


Dropbox - Jan 11, brief intro and config notes only

File system

Moodle 2.0 file repository system - could pull things from here...
File_system_repository_configuration G, Dec 10, Admin focus (eg Moodledata directory - admin only), useful info but shape to user/teacher


Flickr_repository_configuration Dec 10, config info OK but check for currency, need uses and examples

Flickr public

Flickr_Public_Configuration - Dec 10, config there, need uses and examples

Google Docs

see/merge with stuff under portfolios?


Development:Mahara_Portfolio_Plugin - dev page, limited useful info for user/teacher

no Docs page on Merlot yet ...

Picasa web album

no Docs page on Picasa yet ...

Private files

Private_files - GU, Jan 11, basics OK, give examples why/when would one use Private files (and not)
My_private_files_block - related, only a stub with a sentence ATM
Like a few others, Private files is under both Portfolio and Repository heading. Keep it like that? It would make sense to follow menus users
will encounter while working with Moodle, hence inclusion in both. The article itself can describe PF as portfolio and as a repository

Recent files

no separate Docs page, mentioned on Repositories 

Server files

File_Server_Integration - Admin, related? mention FTP

Upload a file

Going by the menu displayed here, may ditch this item

URL Downloader

no page yet, people will wonder what this is (and it's a handy one...)

Youtube videos

no dedicated Docs page to YouTube as a repository

Custom external repositories

no Docs page to describe this, would be good to explain/show people that it is possible


Portfolios - GU, Dec 10, good intro page, need a menu on the side, 'why/when would you use' link(s)/examples and simple 'how to' somewhere 
Development:Portfolio_API - dev page, useful info there to extract for user/teacher
Portfolios_FAQ - PU, Aug 10, mere start, complete stub - category page internet storage

Box.net_portfolio_plugin -  Aug 10, short & technical only for now

File download

nothing so far, need a page...

Google Docs

many forum threads (dedicated Google Apps integration forum but no 'Google Docs & Moodle'
starting page to see
a few related:
Google_Apps_Integration - G, Feb 11, details on integration of Google Apps, excellent
Google_gadgets - brief technical 'how to'
Google Apps forum already mentioned

Custom external portfolios

give an example of such a least

Copyright and plagiarism


handy Licences - CC licences links, linked to Hubs but applicable widely,
looking for something related to licenses on offer in File Picker...

Plagiarism plugin

Plagiarism_Prevention - Sep 10, Moodle 2, related Development:Plagiarism_API