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La revisió el 13:39, 18 juny 2012 per Helen Foster (discussió | contribucions) (small rewording)
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The assignment module allows teachers to collect work from students, review it and provide feedback including grades.

Assignment example.jpg

Students can submit any digital content (files), including, for example, word-processed documents, spreadsheets, images, audio and video clips. Assignments don't necessarily have to consist of file uploads. Alternatively, teachers can ask students to type directly into a text field in Moodle. Or they can ask student to do both, upload a file or files and type text directly into Moodle. An assignment activity can also be set up to not accept any student submissions and serve as a reminder to students of a 'real-world' assignment they need to complete and to record grades in Moodle for activities that don't have an online component.

An assignment has an 'available from' date before which no students can submit anything, and a due date, after which teachers can choose not to accept submissions any more.

Markers can choose to be notified every time a student submits an assignment, or only for late submissions. Markers can choose to give students feedback in the form of text or uploaded files.

Note: The assignment module has undergone a significant rewrite for Moodle 2.3 and both the old assignment module with four subtypes (renamed as 'Assignments 2.2') and the new assignment module are included in Moodle 2.3. This allows administrators to transition users from the old assignment type to the new one and upgrade old assignments to the new one using the Assignment upgrade tool. Documentation on the old assignment module is available in the 2.2 documentation wiki:

See also