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De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 09:59, 30 oct 2011 per Mary Cooch (discussió | contribucions) (added info)
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Courses are the spaces on Moodle where teachers add learning materials for their students. Courses are created by admins, course creators or managers and teachers can then add the content and re-organise them according to their own needs. The links below will provide more information about creating, organising and managing courses.

  • Adding a new course - how to create a new course on your Moodle site.
  • Course categories - how to organise your courses into a hierarchy suitable for your establishment.
  • Course settings - how to control how your course appears to participants.
  • Course formats - the different ways your course sections might be laid out.
  • Course homepage - an overview of a typical course home page.
  • Course FAQ - a list of frequently asked questions about Moodle courses.