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Moodle 2.4

Qui usa Moodle?

Doncs una gran varietat d'institucions i individus, entre els quals:

  • Universitats
  • Instituts
  • Escoles de primària
  • Departaments governamentals
  • Organitzacions hospitalàries
  • Organitzacions militars
  • Línies aèries
  • Empreses
  • Pares i mares
  • Educadors independents
  • Educadors especials

Quants llocs Moodle hi ha al món?

Hi han desenes de milers de llocs Moodle registrats a la llista de llocs que mantenim a [1]però és impossible saber exactament quants, ja que Moodle és programari lliure, i es pot descarregar i instaŀlar lliurement sense haver de registrar-se. Sovint trobem instaŀlacions que mai no s'han registrat amb nosaltres

Per a les darreres dades estadístiques sobre llocs registrats vegeu la pàgina Moodle Statistics. Les dades mostrades en aquesta pàgina s'actualitzen diàriament i proveeixen un acurat sumari de la informació recaptada. També podeu mirar la pàgina Moodle Sites, que conté una útil llista de llocs registrats agrupats per països, amb tots els llocs Moodle que han optat per fer públiques les seves dades.

Com es recullen i mantenen les estadístiques


Tota la informació recaptada a la faciliten els administradors quan registren el seu lloc. Per raons de seguretat i privacitat els registre és un procés manual que només pot engegar l'administrador del lloc. El procés s'inicia des del bloc d'Administració del lloc > Notificacions, omplint el formulari que apareixerà.

Els llocs poden actualitzar la seva informació de registre en qualsevol moment, repetint el procés. És important fer notar que a causa del procés manual la informació recollida a pot ser inacurada o obsoleta.

Moodle since version 1.0 has allowed users to register their sites with us, registration being something that we encourage all publicly available sites to do. You can read more about registration, the registration process and what is collected on the Moodle Registration page.


To ensure that the statistics that we collect are as accurate as possible there are certain conditions that a registered site has to meet in order to be included into both the statistics and sites pages.

When a site first registers we check the information about the site to ensure that the URL they have provided is valid and that the email address for the site administrator is a valid email address. We also at this point sanity check the information being collected to remove obvious test sites.


Like most of the web many sites come and go. Since we strive to maintain accurate statistics we need to check registered sites on a regular basis and clean out old data. A sophisticated, automated site check process is used to undertake the task of checking every registered site on a weekly basis.

In checking registered sites every sites is visited by our site check program that then evaluates and scores each site individually based on a collection of 21 defined rules that we have set to identify each and every Moodle release. The score that a site receives determines whether the site remains in the list , is flagged for manual inspection, or marked as invalid. Any site that fails the evaluation two weeks in a row is then removed from the sites list, and not included in any statistics.

Ensuring your site passes the weekly evaluation

To ensure that your site passes the weekly evaluation check that your site meets the following three criteria.

  • Check the URL you registered is the URL of your Moodle registration. We check only the page returned from the URL you registered, we don't dig down into your site, or search any alternatives.
  • Check the site is publicly available on the Internet. We can't check your site if it is only available locally, or has been wrapped in any means of authentication.
  • Ensure you have content when you register your site. If you don't have any content when you register it is likely we will dismiss your site as a test site. Ensure that you have created at least one course, and three users within your installation before registering.

If you want to find out when we last came through you can check your personal site statistics or web server logs and look for page requests on your registered URL that have the following user agent Link Checker (

See also