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Ús del taller: diferència entre les revisions

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Si el Taller utilitza la característica de l'avaluació entre iguals, aquesta serà la fase en la qual els participants del taller avaluaran les tramesses que se'ls ha assignat perquè les revisen. Com en la fase de tramesa, l'accés es pot controlar especificant la data i l'hora des de què i/o fins quan l'avaluació està permesa.
Si el Taller utilitza la característica de l'avaluació entre iguals, aquesta serà la fase en la qual els participants del taller avaluaran les tramesses que se'ls ha assignat perquè les revisen. Com en la fase de tramesa, l'accés es pot controlar especificant la data i l'hora des de què i/o fins quan l'avaluació està permesa.

===Grading evaluation phase===
===Fase de qualificació de les avaluacions===

The major task during this phase is to calculate the final grades for submissions and for assessments and provide feedback for authors and reviewers. Workshop participants cannot modify their submissions or their assessments in this phase any more. Course facilitators can manually override the calculated grades. Also, selected submissions can be set as published so they become available to all Workshop participants in the next phase.
La feina principal en aquesta fase és el càlcul de la puntuació final de les trameses i de les avaluacions, i retornar informació (retroacció) als autors i als avaluadors. En aquesta fase, els participants del taller ja no poden modificar les seves trameses o les seves avaluacions. La persona que gestiona el curs pot esborrar de forma manual les puntuacions calculades. A més, algunes trameses destacades es poden definir com a publicades perquè, en la fase següent, estiguen disponibles per a tots els participants del Taller.


Revisió del 10:33, 13 des 2013

Nota: Aquesta pàgina està en procés de traducció. Si us plau aneu a la pàgina de comentaris o al fòrum de traductors de la documentació a per a qualsevol dubte o suggeriment

Moodle 2.4

Fases del Taller

Es pot considerar que el taller es desenvolupa en cinc fases. Un taller típic pot durar dies o fins i tot setmanes. El professorat és qui canvia el taller d'una fase a una altra.

Un taller típic segueix un traçat lineal que va des de la Configuració a la Tramesa, l'Avaluació, la Puntuació/Qualificació, i acaba amb la fase de Tancament. Però també és possible un traçat recurrent més avançat.

L'avenç de l'activitat es pot veure en l'anomenat Planificador del taller. Mostra totes les fases del Taller i destaca la fase actual. També fa una relació de totes les tasques que l'usuari ha de fer en la present fase del taller, amb informació sobre si la tasca ja s'ha acabat, encara no s'ha acabat o, fins i tot, si s'ha suspés.

Fase de configuració

En aquesta fase inicial. els participants del Taller no poden fer res (ni modificar les seves trameses ni les avaluacions). Els gestors del curs utilitzen aquesta fase per a canviar els paràmetres del taller, modificar l'estratègia de puntuació en els models de formularis de qualificació... Podeu canviar a aquesta fase sempre que necessiteu variar els paràmetres del Taller i evitar que l'usuari pugui modificar el seu treball.

Fase de tramesa

En la fase de tramesa, els participants del Taller fan la tramesa del seu treball. Podeu fixar les dates del Control d'accés perquè, encara que el Taller estiga en aquesta fase, la tramesa es limite només a un període determinat. Es pot especificar tant la data (i l'hora) d'inici de la tramesa com la data (i hora) de tancament, o ambdues.

Fase d'avaluació

Si el Taller utilitza la característica de l'avaluació entre iguals, aquesta serà la fase en la qual els participants del taller avaluaran les tramesses que se'ls ha assignat perquè les revisen. Com en la fase de tramesa, l'accés es pot controlar especificant la data i l'hora des de què i/o fins quan l'avaluació està permesa.

Fase de qualificació de les avaluacions

La feina principal en aquesta fase és el càlcul de la puntuació final de les trameses i de les avaluacions, i retornar informació (retroacció) als autors i als avaluadors. En aquesta fase, els participants del taller ja no poden modificar les seves trameses o les seves avaluacions. La persona que gestiona el curs pot esborrar de forma manual les puntuacions calculades. A més, algunes trameses destacades es poden definir com a publicades perquè, en la fase següent, estiguen disponibles per a tots els participants del Taller.


A closed workshop

Nova funcionalitat
del Moodle 2.4!

Whenever the Workshop is being switched into this phase, the final grades calculated in the previous phase are pushed into the course Gradebook.This will result in the Workshop grades appearing in the Gradebook and in the workshop (new in Moodle 2.4 onwards). Participants may view their submissions, their submission assessments and eventually other published submissions in this phase.

Workshop grading

The grades for a Workshop activity are obtained gradually at several stages and then they are finalized. The following scheme illustrates the process and also provides the information in what database tables the grade values are stored.

The scheme of grades calculation in Workshop

As you can see, every participant gets two numerical grades into the course Gradebook. During the Grading evaluation phase, course facilitator can let Workshop module to calculate these final grades. Note that they are stored in Workshop module only until the activity is switched to the final (Closed) phase. Therefore it is pretty safe to play with grades unless you are happy with them and then close the Workshop and push the grades into the Gradebook. You can even switch the phase back, recalculate or override the grades and close the Workshop again so the grades are updated in the Gradebook again (should be noted that you can override the grades in the Gradebook, too).

During the grading evaluation, Workshop grades report provides you with a comprehensive overview of all individual grades. The report uses various symbols and syntax:

Value Meaning
- (-) < Alice There is an assessment allocated to be done by Alice, but it has been neither assessed nor evaluated yet
68 (-) < Alice Alice assessed the submission, giving the grade for submission 68. The grade for assessment (grading grade) has not been evaluated yet.
23 (-) > Bob Bob's submission was assessed by a peer, receiving the grade for submission 23. The grade for this assessment has not been evaluated yet.
76 (12) < Cindy Cindy assessed the submission, giving the grade 76. The grade for this assessment has been evaluated 12.
67 (8) @ 4 < David David assessed the submission, giving the grade for submission 67, receiving the grade for this assessment 8. His assessment has weight 4
80 (20 / 17) > Eve Eve's submission was assessed by a peer. Eve's submission received 80 and the grade for this assessment was calculated to 20. Teacher has overridden the grading grade to 17, probably with an explanation for the reviewer.

Grade for submission

The final grade for every submission is calculated as weighted mean of particular assessment grades given by all reviewers of this submission. The value is rounded to a number of decimal places set in the Workshop settings form.

Course facilitator can influence the grade for a given submission in two ways:

  • by providing their own assessment, possibly with a higher weight than usual peer reviewers have
  • by overriding the grade to a fixed value

Grade for assessment

Grade for assessment tries to estimate the quality of assessments that the participant gave to the peers. This grade (also known as grading grade) is calculated by the artificial intelligence hidden within the Workshop module as it tries to do typical teacher's job.

During the grading evaluation phase, you use a Workshop subplugin to calculate grades for assessment. At the moment, only one subplugin is available called Comparison with the best assessment. The following text describes the method used by this subplugin. Note that more grading evaluation subplugins can be developed as Workshop extensions.

Grades for assessment are displayed in the braces () in the Workshop grades report. The final grade for assessment is calculated as the average of particular grading grades.

There is not a single formula to describe the calculation. However the process is deterministic. Workshop picks one of the assessments as the best one - that is closest to the mean of all assessments - and gives it 100% grade. Then it measures a 'distance' of all other assessments from this best one and gives them the lower grade, the more different they are from the best (given that the best one represents a consensus of the majority of assessors). The parameter of the calculation is how strict we should be, that is how quickly the grades fall down if they differ from the best one.

If there are just two assessments per submission, Workshop can not decide which of them is 'correct'. Imagine you have two reviewers - Alice and Bob. They both assess Cindy's submission. Alice says it is a rubbish and Bob says it is excellent. There is no way how to decide who is right. So Workshop simply says - ok, you both are right and I will give you both 100% grade for this assessment. To prevent it, you have two options:

  • Either you have to provide an additional assessment so the number of assessors (reviewers) is odd and workshop will be able to pick the best one. Typically, the teacher comes and provide their own assessment of the submission to judge it
  • Or you may decide that you trust one of the reviewers more. For example you know that Alice is much better in assessing than Bob is. In that case, you can increase the weight of Alice's assessment, let us say to "2" (instead of default "1"). For the purposes of calculation, Alice's assessment will be considered as if there were two reviewers having the exactly same opinion and therefore it is likely to be picked as the best one.

Backward compatibility note

In Workshop 1.x this case of exactly two assessors with the same weight is not handled properly and leads to wrong results as only the one of them is lucky to get 100% and the second get lower grade.

It's not final grades what is compared

It is very important to know that the grading evaluation subplugin Comparison with the best assessment does not compare the final grades. Regardless the grading strategy used, every filled assessment form can be seen as n-dimensional vector of normalized values. So the subplugin compares responses to all assessment form dimensions (criteria, assertions, ...). Then it calculates the distance of two assessments, using the variance statistics.

To demonstrate it on example, let us say you use grading strategy Number of errors to peer-assess research essays. This strategy uses a simple list of assertions and the reviewer (assessor) just checks if the given assertion is passed or failed. Let us say you define the assessment form using three criteria:

  1. Does the author state the goal of the research clearly? (yes/no)
  2. Is the research methodology described? (yes/no)
  3. Are references properly cited? (yes/no)

Let us say the author gets 100% grade if all criteria are passed (that is answered "yes" by the assessor), 75% if only two criteria are passed, 25% if only one criterion is passed and 0% if the reviewer gives 'no' for all three statements.

Now imagine the work by Daniel is assessed by three colleagues - Alice, Bob and Cindy. They all give individual responses to the criteria in order:

  • Alice: yes / yes / no
  • Bob: yes / yes / no
  • Cindy: no / yes / yes

As you can see, they all gave 75% grade to the submission. But Alice and Bob agree in individual responses, too, while the responses in Cindy's assessment are different. The evaluation method Comparison with the best assessment tries to imagine, how a hypothetical absolutely fair assessment would look like. In the Development:Workshop 2.0 specification, David refers to it as "how would Zeus assess this submission?" and we estimate it would be something like this (we have no other way):

  • Zeus 66% yes / 100% yes / 33% yes

Then we try to find those assessments that are closest to this theoretically objective assessment. We realize that Alice and Bob are the best ones and give 100% grade for assessment to them. Then we calculate how much far Cindy's assessment is from the best one. As you can see, Cindy's response matches the best one in only one criterion of the three so Cindy's grade for assessment will not be as high.

The same logic applies to all other grading strategies, adequately. The conclusion is that the grade given by the best assessor does not need to be the one closest to the average as the assessment are compared at the level of individual responses, not the final grades.

Groups and Workshop

When a workshop is used in a course using separate or visible groups and groupings, it is possible to filter by group in a drop-down menu at the Assessment phase, manual allocation page, grades report and so on.

"Group filtering"
Group filtering drop down

See also