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Stamp collection module: diferència entre les revisions

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(6 revisions intermèdies per 2 usuaris que no es mostren)
Línia 1: Línia 1:
{{Infobox plugin
|type = Activity module
|entry =
|tracker =
|discussion =
|maintainer = [[User:David Mudrak|David Mudrak]]
By default, the module allows a teacher to give "stamps" (i.e. picture with a comment) to students so they collect these stamps. The activity can be used in many ways, such as motivative bonus marks, absence marks,
By default, the module allows a teacher to give "stamps" (i.e. picture with a comment) to students so they collect these stamps. The activity can be used in many ways, such as motivative bonus marks, absence marks,
certification records etc.   
certification records etc.   
Línia 5: Línia 14:

The module was created and is currently maintained by [[User:David Mudrak|David Mudrak]].
The module was created and is currently maintained by [[User:David Mudrak|David Mudrak]].


* Moodle 2.0 - upgrade in progress
* Moodle 2.x - see the instructions at the [ plugin entry] in the Plugins directory.
* Moodle 1.9 - checkout [[CVS for Administrators|CVS]] branch MOODLE_19_STABLE or download [ 1.9 build]
* Moodle 1.9 - download [ 1.9 build]
* Moodle 1.8 - checkout [[CVS for Administrators|CVS]] branch MOODLE_18_STABLE or download [ 1.8 build]
* Moodle 1.8 - download [ 1.8 build]
* Moodle 1.7 - is not supported nor tested. Maybe it works, maybe not. It was reported that the version for 1.6 worked in Moodle 1.7
* Moodle 1.7 - is not supported nor tested. Maybe it works, maybe not. It was reported that the version for 1.6 worked in Moodle 1.7
* Moodle 1.6 - checkout [[CVS for Administrators|CVS]] branch MOODLE_16_STABLE or download [ 1.6 build]
* Moodle 1.6 - download [ 1.6 build]
* Earlier version are not supported
* Earlier version are not supported

The source code for Moodle 1.x live in [[CVS for Administrators|CVS]] [ contrib/plugins/mod/stampcoll].
Since Moodle 2.0, the source code is managed using Git. The official public repository of the plugin is at
To checkout the current stable version for Moodle 1.9:
cvs -z3 co -d stampcoll -r MOODLE_19_STABLE contrib/plugins/mod/stampcoll
Since Moodle 2.0, the source code is managed using Git. The official public repository of the plugin is at

==How to report a bug==
==How to report a bug==
Línia 28: Línia 34:

{{Moodle 1.9}}
Roles and capabilities are supported since the version for Moodle 1.9. During the upgrade, the module settings "Publish" and "Teacher can collect stamps" are converted automatically into the role overrides.
Roles and capabilities are supported since the version for Moodle 1.9. During the upgrade, the module settings "Publish" and "Teacher can collect stamps" are converted automatically into the role overrides.

Línia 88: Línia 93:

David's note: Or, keep collecting stamps by individuals but display them in per-group (or grouping?) report. Simply sum all stamps collected by student in a given group and display them.
David's note: Or, keep collecting stamps by individuals but display them in per-group (or grouping?) report. Simply sum all stamps collected by student in a given group and display them.

==See also==
==See also==
Línia 94: Línia 98:
* [ The module record in Modules and plugins database]
* [ The module record in Modules and plugins database]
* [ The module forum in Using Moodle at]
* [ The module forum in Using Moodle at]
[[Category:Contributed code]]

Revisió de 14:49, 9 abr 2013

Stamp collection module
Type Activity module
Maintainer(s) David Mudrak

By default, the module allows a teacher to give "stamps" (i.e. picture with a comment) to students so they collect these stamps. The activity can be used in many ways, such as motivative bonus marks, absence marks, certification records etc.

The module uses capabilities to declare who can e.g. collect stamps or give stamps. Therefore, student can be allowed to give stamps to other students, the stamps may be given to teachers etc. Teachers can setup the module to show all stamps to all students, to show stamps only to the individual student to whom it was awarded or to hide stamps completely.

The module was created and is currently maintained by David Mudrak.



  • Moodle 2.x - see the instructions at the plugin entry in the Plugins directory.
  • Moodle 1.9 - download 1.9 build
  • Moodle 1.8 - download 1.8 build
  • Moodle 1.7 - is not supported nor tested. Maybe it works, maybe not. It was reported that the version for 1.6 worked in Moodle 1.7
  • Moodle 1.6 - download 1.6 build
  • Earlier version are not supported

Since Moodle 2.0, the source code is managed using Git. The official public repository of the plugin is at

How to report a bug

Please, use Tracker. Stamp collection if one of the components in "Non-core contributed modules" project. See the list of tracked issues at


Roles and capabilities are supported since the version for Moodle 1.9. During the upgrade, the module settings "Publish" and "Teacher can collect stamps" are converted automatically into the role overrides.

Capability Description Status
mod/stampcoll:collectstamps a user can be given a stamp implemented in 1.9
mod/stampcoll:givestamps a user can give a stamp from her own pool (and the collection pool) to the other user partially implemented in 1.9 (the pools not supported yet)
mod/stampcoll:viewotherstamps a user can view stamps given to other users implemented in 1.9
mod/stampcoll:viewownstamps a user can view stamps given to her implemented in 1.9
mod/stampcoll:managestamps a user can do anything with stamps, i.e. give, remove and update them implemented in 1.9

Feature ideas and requests

Note: This section will be moved to the tracker feature reguests.

Stamps pools (banks?)

There might be settings of a maximum number of stamps given in one collection (so called collection pool), given by a user (personal pool) and given to a user. All these limits can be combined (logical AND). Then there might be statistics like percentual/total number given from the collection/personal pool, the number of available (unassigned, free) stamps in pools etc.

Another scenario: you have student teams. You allow team leaders to give stamp (via capability) and set a limited number of stamp they can give. Team leader can dispatch stamps from his/her pool to team members according to their contribution.

Grade based on the number of stamps collected

When the feature of maximum number of stamps that can be collected within particular collection is implemented, it is possible to compute the grade based on the number of stamps collected.


Similar to overall feedback in the Quiz module, provide a possibility to map a number of collected stamp to a rank (letter or word "grade"). E.g. no stamps collected => Novice, 1 stamp collected => Beginner, 2 stamps collected => Advanced user, 3 stamps collected => Expert.

Forum patch

The patch adding a possibility to tie a stamp collection with a Forum module. Display similar selection box as for forum grading and allow adding stamp for a forum post.

Ajax support

Give stamps by drag and drop from the pool (bank) to a user.

Site level settings

The list of URLs to default stamp images (e.g. to some files at frontpage files section etc.)


  • text, CVS and Excel support

Group mode stamp awarding

A handy way to organize group competitions. Teachers should be able to award stamps for contributions (typically, forum posts and chat participation but other ideas are welcome too). Such stamps would be attributed not to the person who contributed but to his/her team and be accumulated by teams for later evaluation.

David's note: Or, keep collecting stamps by individuals but display them in per-group (or grouping?) report. Simply sum all stamps collected by student in a given group and display them.

See also