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Upcoming events block

De MoodleDocs
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The Upcoming events block displays future events in a summarized list. The number of days in advance is determined by the calendar_lookahead setting in Site Administration > Appearance > Calendar. BUT it seems the look-ahead has a setting in Preference on the user page when logged in. This setting, when logged in, seems to over-ride the setting described above. It is not clear if there is a way to extend Calendar > Preference look-ahead setting, beyond the 20 days that it offers.


Events are generated directly from the calendar and/or activity deadlines, providing a link to full details or directly to the activity.

There are also links to Go to calendar... and add a New Event....

If you click on a date, you will go to the day-view calendar for that day. If the title of the event is a link, and you click on it, you will be taken to that event.