Autoattendance block
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This autoattend block is a modification of the Attendance block by Mr. Dmitry Pupinin et. al (v1.0.8, 2007).
In addition to the original manual mode, automatic mode (from the access log of Moodle) and semi-automatic mode (user clicks a link) are also possible.
Used in association with the Autoattendance module, this allows teachers quick access to the Attendance functionality, and allows students quick access to a summary report for their own attendance.
The author strongly recommends a combination of Auto Attendance block (autoattend) and Auto Attendance module (autoattendmod).
- Download page is
- Install as all other Blocks
- Remeber to install also the Autoattendance module
- Session: Lesson to be performed at a certain time.
- Class: Classification of students at a session.
Automatic mode
- Attendance is taken automatically when the student has access (login) to the course.
- As the access log is checked by Cron, when you want to get the newest information, ther will be a time lag.
- It is also possible to obtain the newest information by clicking the "Refresh" button manually.
- You can add a restriction by IP address.
- You can also prohibit the attendance by several students from the same PC.
- If Moodle Logs are kept, you can retry to attend at any time.
Semi-automatic mode
- The teacher can take the student's attendance by clicking the link of attendance.
- It is required that the student clicks the link of attendance.
- The teacher can confirm the attendance in real time.
- The teacher can add a restriction by IP address and/or key words.
- The teacher can also prohibit the attendance from the same PC.
- The attendance module (autoattendmod) must have been previously installed, otherwise it will be in attendance link instead.
- If you have not installed the attendance module, it is necessary to paste the following link as an attendee link.
- If there is no class of semi-automatic mode is taking attendance in the appropriate time, attendance link displays the detailed data of attendance.
Manual mode
- Teachers will record by taking the roll call manually. It is flexible, but cumbersome.
- Please use in the classroom and do not use the computer or use in the correction after taking the automatic and semi-automatic mode
- This menu displays a table of course attendance. If the class is defined, you can also select the display class.
- Refresh button: This button will update the information attendance start and end time. Also, in automatic mode, update the attendance information from the Moodle Logs.
- (Select All), (Clear All) and Delete Select button. You can remove the session that is selected in the check box.
- Operation button
- Attendance icon: View the attendance information for each student, and edit it if necessary. (Red circle: session does not start. Square of orange: in session. Green circle: session was finished.)
- Edit icon: Edit session information.
- Check box: Check the session you want to delete.
Add (one)
- Add one session.
- Late Time: Students who delay time greater than or equal to this will be "late" with automatic or semi-automatic mode.
- keyword: Please see below Keyword section.
- Allowed IPs: Please see below Allowed IPs section.
- Deny same IP: Ignore the roll call from the IP address that attendance has been taken already. This is for prevention of answer a roll call for a friend.
Add (multi)
- Add some sessions.
- Show the attendance report of all students. Each period, each class is also available.
- Classify students. (grouping)
- There are exceptional classes, No Class and Exclusion.
- No Class: This is a default student class. If you do not perform the classification, there is no problem that all students are in this class. Students of no class can belong only to the session for All students.
- Exclusion: Students of exclusion never belong to any class and attendance is not displayed.
- Unknown Class: Class to which student belong has been removed, belonging class of student will be Unknown Class.
Class Settings
- When performing classification in class, add the name of the class, edit, and delete.
- All students is a default session class. This is not displayed at this setting.
Grade Settings
- Set the score attendance, late, leave early and absence.
- When taking attendance with the semi-automatic mode, the keyword (alphabet) which a student should input is specified. When you check the "Random Key" checkbox, the small letter of five characters is generated automatically. In the case of automatic and a manual mode, this is disregarded.
Allowed IPs tab
- The range of the allowed IP addresses of student PCs which permits attendance. Basically, the format is a list of "IP address/submetmask" which are separated by a blank space or a comma. But you can use the following formats, too.
- The prefix length notation is also possible instead of a subnetmask. =>
- When a part of IP address is omitted, it is regarded as 0.
202.26./ =>
- When a part of subnetmask is omitted, it is regarded as 0. => 202.26./255.255.255. =>
- When all subnet masks are omitted, the portion omitted by the IP address is 0.
202. =>
- Example of one setting:
autoattendmod module
It works only in the block, but if you add a module, the following functions are added:
- Attendance is added to the grade.
- Cron works.
- It can be used as a link attendance entry in semi-automatic mode.