Attention : vous consultez actuellement la documentation dédiée aux versions 1.x de Moodle. La documentation pour les versions 2.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Configuration des thèmes, celle pour les versions 3.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Configuration des thèmes et celle pour Moodle 4.x est consultable là : Configuration des thèmes.

Configuration des thèmes

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Paramétres des thèmes

The following variables may be set by the administrator via Administration >> Configuration >> Variables:

  • themelist - This lists the themes available for course and user themes. Leave this blank to allow any valid theme to be used. If you want to shorten the theme menu, you may specify a comma-separated list of names, though don't use spaces (e.g. standard,orangewhite).
  • allowuserthemes - If you enable this, then users will be allowed to set their own themes. User themes override site themes but not course themes.
  • allowcoursethemes - If you enable this, then teachers will be able to set their own course themes. Course themes override all other theme choices (site, user, or session themes)..

Types de thèmes

Thèmes de site

Site themes may be previewed and chosen via Administration >> Configuration >> Themes.

Thèmes utilisateur

If the option allowuserthemes is enabled, each user may select their preferred theme on the Edit profile page. All Moodle pages will be displayed in the user's theme, apart from courses where a course theme has been set.

Thèmes de cours

If the option allowcoursethemes is enabled, each editing teacher may select their course theme via the Force theme option on the Course settings page. The course will always be displayed in the theme specified in the course setting, with user and the site themes being overwritten.

Thèmes de session

Moodle offers an additional way to set a theme - the session theme. This is set with the URL and lasts until you log out. When you next login, the site/course/user themes are active again. This option is great for theme testing and works perfectly when you want to enable different themes for different situations.

For example you can offer a special link for PDA users and integrate the session theme orangewhitepda in that link. Nobody needs to change any settings, you just click on that link. The session theme is called by the URL parameter &theme=orangewhitepda. The whole URL without the session theme could look like and with the parameter for the PDA theme like "".

In a standard Moodle installation, session themes are not active. To activate them the administrator must add the parameter $CFG->allowthemechangeonurl = true; to the Moodle config.php file in the Moodle base directory.

Résumé sur les thèmes

Type de thème Overwrites Display Setting type
Site - all pages* saved in theme profile
User Site theme all pages* saved in user profile
Course Site, user and session themes one course saved in course profile
Session Site and user themes all pages* temporary until logout

(* except courses with the course theme set)