1.8 theme upgrade
What is new in the Moodle 1.8 standard theme?
The following links give you an overview of the changes in the header, footer, config.php and the CSS files from the actual 1.7.x to 1.8 version. When you open the linked pages you will see all changes made in that file.
You can add these changes to your theme header, footer and CSS files to update them for Moodle 1.8.
These html pages show only those parts of the files which are different, not the whole file. The line numbers of the 1.7 and 1.8 files will help you locate the areas. If you need to apply the changes to completely different files, you may search for the old (1.7) property in your files and replace it with the new/changed one.
- styles_layout.css
- styles_fonts.css
- styles_color.css
- styles_moz.css
- header.html
- footer.html
- config.php
New in Moodle 1.8 are Microsoft Internet Explorer specific CSS files to be able to add IE specific CSS without CSS hacks. Via "meta.php" these IE specific CSS files are added to the page headers. In "config.php" you define how "meta.php" is handled. You may read the comments in the config.php difference report for more details.
--Urs Hunkler 17:28, 11 April 2007 (WST)
New icons
Please add the icons adv.gif and req.gif to your theme pix folder.
See also
- Using Moodle Change in Moodle 1.8 and 1.9 : admin tree icons are now themeable - some themes need to be upgraded forum discussion