Hinweis: Sie sind auf den Seiten der Moodle 1.9 Dokumentation. Die Dokumentation der aktuellsten Moodle-Version finden Sie hier: Trainer-Rolle.


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Die Trainer-Rolle ist eine vordefinierte Rolle (Basisrolle) in Moodle. These roles have privileges and control what you can and can't do within particular areas of a Moodle. In short, an Administrator can do almost anything and go anywhere, a Teacher has control over a specifc course within a Moodle and the experience of their learners, and a Student participates in a course.

The term 'Teacher' can be changed to something else in the course settings or in the site settings. For example 'Tutor', 'Facilitator', 'Professor' or 'Instructor' might be more appropriate. The default term is Teacher and is generally used throughout Moodle documentation.

A participant/user is assigned the 'Teacher' role in a specific course. Being a 'Teacher' in one course does not give you any special privileges in another. For example, you must be specifically added to a course as a 'Teacher', or a 'Student', or be allowed in as a guest to have any access at all.

Course creator

In later versions of Moodle, the role of teacher has been further defined. There is now a role called "Course creator". This role can create a course, assign Teachers, plus have all the privileges of a Teacher.

Trainer/in ohne Bearbeitungsrecht

Diese Rolle ist für Tutor/innen oder Kursassistent/innen gedacht. Trainer/innen ohne Bearbeitungsrecht können keine Kurseinstellungen oder Kursinhalte ändern. Sie können jedoch Bewertungen vornehmen, Foren moderieren, Berichte sehen usw.

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