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Moodle 2.0 Versionsinformationen: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 103: Zeile 103:
* Support for external blog feeds (synchronised to Moodle blog)
* Support for external blog feeds (synchronised to Moodle blog)

===[[Kommentare 2.0|Kommentare]]===
===[[Kommentare 2.0 (Block)|Kommentare]]===
* User comments (Glossaries, Databases, Blogs, etc) are now all consistently handled  and displayed throughout Moodle, using AJAX if available
* User comments (Glossaries, Databases, Blogs, etc) are now all consistently handled  and displayed throughout Moodle, using AJAX if available

Version vom 24. November 2010, 11:36 Uhr

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Siehe en:Moodle_2.0_release_notes

Erwartete Veröffentlichung: November 2010 (wenn die abschließende Testphase erfolgreich verläuft)

Zwischenzeitliche Veröffentlichungen von Testversionen:

  • Moodle 2.0 Preview 1 - 4. Mai 2010
  • Moodle 2.0 Preview 2 - 17. Mai 2010
  • Moodle 2.0 Preview 3 - 31. Mai 2010
  • Moodle 2.0 Preview 4 - 30. Juni 2010
  • Moodle 2.0 Release Candidate 1 - 21. September 2010
  • Moodle 2.0 Release Candidate 2 - 12. November 2010

Moodle 2.0 enthält eine Vielzahl von neuen Funktionalitäten, bestehende Funktionalitäten wurden teilweise komplett neu implementiert, außerdem wurde unzählige Fehler behoben. Hier finden Sie eine vollständige Liste der Bugfixes für Moodle 2.0.

Dieser Artikel ist eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Neuerungen und Änderungen. Links und Screenshots werden im Laufe der Zeit ergänzt.

Neue Funktionalitäten

Community Hubs

  • Ein Community Hub ist ein Verzeichnis von Kursen für die öffentliche Nutzung oder für private Communities.
  • Der Code ist als separates GPL Plugin für Moodle implementiert.
  • Jeder kann einen Community Hub aufsetzen.
  • Moodle-Installationen können sich bei einem beliebigen Community Hub registrieren (statt oder zusätzlich zu der Registrierung bei moodle.org)
  • Trainer auf registrierten Moodle-Installationen können ihre Kurse in den zugehörigen Community Hubs veröffentlichen bzw. zum Download zur Verfügung stellen.
  • Trainer auf registrierten Moodle-Installationen können in den zugehörigen Community Hubs Werbung für ihre Kurse machen.
  • Trainer können alle öffentlichen Community Hubs nach Kursen durchsuchen und Kurse als Vorlage für ihre eigenen Kurse herunterladen.
  • Nutzer können alle öffentlichen Community Hubs nach Kursen durchsuchen und an diesen Kursen teilnehmen.

Unterstützung von Repositories

  • Moodle 2.0 unterstützt die Integration externer Repositories, in denen Lerninhalte gespeichert sind. Dokumente oder Medien aus diesen Repositories können über ein AJAX Interface einfach in Moodle eingebunden werden.
  • Standardmäßig wird in Moodle 2.0 die Integration von Alfresco, Amazon S3, Box.net, Filesystem eines Servers, Flickr, Google Docs, Mahara, MERLOT, Picasa, Zuletzt verwendete Dateien, Remote Moodle-Installationen, WebDAV Server, Wikimedia und Youtube unterstützt. These are simple to develop, so many more are expected.
  • Sie können auch Dateien von Ihrem Desktop oder durch Angabe einer URL importieren.

Unterstützung von Portfolios

  • Es können nun Daten aus Aktivitäten (Forumsbeiträge, Lösungen zu Aufgaben usw.) in externe Systeme exportiert werden, z.B. in externe Portfolios.
  • Es werden verschiedene Export-Formate unterstützt, z.B. LEAP2A, HTML, Bilder und Text.
  • Standardmäßig wird in Moodle 2.0 der Export nach Box.net, Flickr, Google Docs, Mahara und Picasa unterstützt.


  • Teachers can now specify conditions that define when any activity is seen as completed by a student. For example, when a certain number of posts have been made, or a grade has been reached, or a choice has been made.
  • Teachers can now specify conditions that define with any course is seen as completed by a student. Conditions include activity completion, but could also be by grade, date or a number of other criteria.
  • Teachers and students can see reports that show the progress of any user within a course, or through a series of courses.

Bedingt verfügbare Aktivitäten

  • Der Zugriff auf Aktivitäten kann nach bestimmten Kriterien eingeschränkt werden. Solche Kriterien können sein: erreichte Bewertung, Datum, erfolgreicher Abschluss einer anderen Aktivität o.ä.
  • Man kann eine Abfolge von bedingten Aktivitäten definieren und damit bestimmte Lernpfade innerhalb eines Kurses festlegen.


  • Also known as "Site-wide groups", these are site-wide collections of users that can be enrolled into courses in one action, either manually or synchronised automatically


  • Support for standards-based web services across the entire Moodle code base, allowing the admin to expose particular functions of Moodle for use by:
    • Administrative systems such as HR or SIS applications
    • Mobile clients
  • Framework contains a very high-level of security with a detailed token system and complete control over the range of functions exposed
  • All defined functions are automatically available via:
    • XML-RPC
    • AMF (Flash)
    • REST
    • SOAP (PHP)

IMS Common Cartridge

  • Moodle can now import courses in IMS Common Cartridge format (commonly used by publishers)

Neue Blöcke


  • Moodle unterstützt die Integration von verschiedenen Werkzeugen zur Plagiatsuche, wie z.B. Turnitin.

Verbesserte Kernfunktionalitäten

Kurssicherung und -wiederherstellung

  • Completely rewritten Backup/Restore framework, no longer bound by memory (can work with any size course).
  • Completely new backup format.
  • Improved interface.
  • Backup can be made of whole courses, but also specific sections or activities.


  • Blocks are now consistently implemented on every page in Moodle
  • No longer any limit to the block regions (in addition to left and right, put them at the top, center or bottom of pages)
  • Any block can be made sticky (appears in all the contexts below, eg throughout a course).
  • Blocks can be "docked" on the side of the screen (if the theme supports it)


  • Support for comments on each blog entry
  • Removal of group-level and course-level blogs (these are converted into forums on upgrade)
  • Support for external blog feeds (synchronised to Moodle blog)


  • User comments (Glossaries, Databases, Blogs, etc) are now all consistently handled and displayed throughout Moodle, using AJAX if available

Enrolment plugins

  • Major improvements in the handling of guests and guest accounts
  • Support for multiple forms of enrolment at the same time
  • More detailed control over enrolment in courses


  • Full support for Unicode file names on all operating systems.
  • Metadata about each file (author, date, license, etc) and what the file is used for are stored in the database.
  • Duplicate files (for example, a large video file use in two different courses) are only stored once, saving disk space.
  • Files are no longer just "uploaded to the course". Files are connected to the particular bit of Moodle content that uses them. (For example, a file may belong to a file resource, a forum post or a wiki page). Access to these files is then controlled by the same rules as as that bit of Moodle, increasing security.

Filter 2.0

  • In the past, you had to use the same filters everywhere in your Moodle site, and this could only be changed by admins.
  • Now, you can have different filters in different courses, activities or categories.
  • For example, you could turn on the LaTeX filter just for courses in the Maths and Physics categories.
  • Or you could turn off glossary linking in the end of course exam.


  • New editor based on TinyMCE
  • Works on more browsers
  • Resizable editing area
  • Cleaner XHTML output
  • Full integration with configured external repositories to import and embed media into text


  • All email sent by Moodle is now treated as a message
  • A message overview panel allows users to control how messages are sent to them
  • Initial message output plugins in Moodle 2.0 include: Email, Jabber and Popups

My Moodle page

  • More customisable My Moodle page with new blocks for showing relevant information
  • Admin can design (and optionally force) site-wide layouts for My Moodle
  • My Moodle page given more prominence as the main "home page" for users


  • Standard "Navigation" block on every page showing contextual links, while allowing you to jump elsewhere quickly
  • Standard "Settings" blocks on every page shows contextual settings as well as settings for anything else you have permissions for


  • User ratings (Glossaries, Databases, Forums, etc) are now all consistently handled and displayed throughout Moodle, using AJAX if available
  • Aggregation of using ratings into activity grades is now standardised in all activities

Rollen und Rechte

  • Improved and simplified AJAX interfaces for defining and assigning roles
  • Improved and simplified interfaces for tweaking permissions in any given context
  • New "Archetypes" concept replacing the "Legacy roles" concept.
  • New archetype "manager" to define the role of most people with system-wide editing rights, separate from "admin" role.


  • All RSS feeds are now secured using a random per-user token in the URL
  • Tokens can be updated by the user at any time (if they suspect a feed URL has been compromised)
  • RSS feeds are now more accurate (eg they support forums with separate groups), and are generated efficiently whenever required


  • Many new themes in the core distribution - see Theme credits for a list
  • All HTML and JS ouput is now far more efficient (server-side caching) and consistent (tableless layout, new CSS, YUI Framework)
  • Themes can change the HTML of the page if they wish
  • Core support for custom menus in all themes (for example at the top of the page)



  • Site-wide user profile page can be customised by users with blocks, news, feeds and so on
  • Course-specific user profile pages show course blocks and standard profile information, plus information for teachers of that course

Verbesserungen bei den Aktivitäten-Modulen


  • Refactored internal code
  • Forms are now standard Moodle forms

Tests und Fragen-Datenbank


  • All the resource types have been refactored into real modules, and cleaned up
    • File - for displaying a file, possibly with supporting files (like a HTML mini-site)
    • Folder - for displaying a collection of documents
    • URL - for displaying a page with a given URL
    • Page - for a single page, edited online using the HTML editor
    • IMS - for showing a regular IMS content package
  • Better XHTML-compliant support for frames, iframes and embedding in all these modules

Lernpakete (SCORM)

  • New SCORM module settings - display attempt status, display course structure, force completed, force new attempt, lock after final attempt - allowing the behaviour dictated to the SCORM object by the authoring package to be changed MDL-11501
  • New reporting interface including sortable/collapsible table with group select box and ability to download in Excel, ODS and text format MDL-21555
  • New SCORM player UI with better navigation, improved performance and better handling of stage size MDL-22951


  • Completely re-written from scratch, based on NWIki from UPC
  • Support for Mediawiki-style syntax, as well as Creole
  • Interface improvements


  • Completely rewritten from scratch
  • Vastly improved interface for managing stages and users


Since Moodle 2.0 is such a major release, we are allowing ourselves some increases in the requirements.

  • PHP must be 5.2.8 or later (it was released 08-Dec-2008)
  • Databases should be one of the following:
    • MySQL 5.0.25 or later (InnoDB storage engine highly recommended)
    • PostgreSQL 8.3 or later
    • Oracle 10.2 or later
    • MS SQL 2005 or later
  • Any standards-supporting browser from the past few years, for example:

Aktualisierung von Moodle

When upgrading to Moodle 2.0, you must have Moodle 1.9 or later. if you are using an earlier version of Moodle (eg 1.8.x) then you need to upgrade to Moodle 1.9.x first. We advise that you test the upgrade first on a COPY of your production site, to make sure it works as you expect.

For further information, see Upgrading to Moodle 2.0.

Für Entwickler: Änderungen in der API

See Development:Migrating_contrib_code_to_2.0

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