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Alternate icon set

From MoodleDocs
(Redirected from Alternate Icon Set)

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An alternate icon set may be used with any Moodle theme.

An icon set consists of a pix directory containing copies of all files from the moodle/pix directory plus a pix/mod directory containing all activity module icons.

To use the alternate icon set

  1. Amend $THEME->custompix = false; to $THEME->custompix = true; in theme/yourtheme/config.php
  1. Copy the pix directory to the theme folder

That is, in order to use an alternate icon set associated to a specific theme, you need to make a whole tree of icons in the pix subdirectory of the theme. Your pix folder will look like the example below, probably with some more theme-specific pictures included:

-- pix/
-- -- c/
-- -- f/
-- -- g/
-- -- i/
-- -- m/
-- -- mod/
-- -- nuvolaLicense/
-- -- s/
-- -- t/
-- -- u/
-- -- b.gif
-- -- help.gif
-- -- madewithmoodle.gif
-- -- moodlelogo.gif
-- -- moodlelogo-med.gif
-- -- movehere.gif
-- -- spacer.gif
-- -- webding.gif
-- -- webding.png
-- -- some_more.gif
-- -- theme_specific.jpg
-- -- pictures.png

See also