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Developer meeting July 2018

From MoodleDocs
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Developer meetings > July 2018 meeting notes

Time 13:00 UTC on Thursday, 5 July 2018
Meeting recording to be added
Discussion to be added


  • GDPR and the Privacy API in Moodle - Andrew Nicols, HQ
  • Using the Moodle plugin skeleton generator when implementing the privacy API in your plugin - David Mudrák, HQ
  • Bootstrap 4.0 upgrade - Bas Brands, HQ
  • Reason for messaging backend changes and how migration is handled - Mark Nelson, HQ

Call for community contributions: We will be happy to hear from you! Please share your experience with GDPR / privacy implementation in your institutions and plugins.

Please feel encouraged to raise topics you would like to present / discuss during these meetings. Contact Sander Bangma for details.