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Developer meeting July 2014

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 06:49, 14 July 2014 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs) (tense change)

Developer meetings > July 2014 meeting notes

Time 13:00 UTC on Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Meeting room Moodle HQ YouTube channel
Chat Regular Dev chat
Twitter #moodledev

This meeting will focus on development happening outside of Moodle HQ

The meeting will be streamed live on YouTube with chat through the regular Dev chat room and comments on Twitter.


  • Invited speaker: Justin Hunt.
  • Progress on Moodle 2.8
    • Output plan (Sam Hemelryk, Damyon Wiese)
    • User menu (Jetha Chan, Fred Massart)
    • Event Monitor (Ankit Agarwal, Simey Lameze)
    • Report Builder - Source API (Adrian Greeve, John Okely)
    • Gradebook changes (Martin Dougiamas)
  • ???

If you have something you'd like to add to this page, please edit this page or contact Michael d.