Wiki development
Ludo's DFwikiteam in UPC-Barcelona leaded by Jordi Piguillem are working in the new Wiki module for Moodle 2.0
Development process and testing
First alpha release
Howto install
Works with Moodle 2.0 devel tested Nov 9th, 2009
Copy the Mod/wiki folder into the moodle's Mod/wiki folder (replacing completelly the folder) And you may also copy the contents of the /blocks folder into the /blocks folder of the moodle 2.0. A clean install worked fine, so far.
Main Features in this version
This version features a functional wiki featuring Creole 1.0 parser, Mediawiki like parser, and HTML WYSIWYG page edition. The teacher can let the students choose the page format of make mandatory one format. The blocks don't work very well. As you may see the page differences engine has been borrowed from OUWiki. A migration engine is in place, but requires heavy testing.
Needs heavy testing
Migration from Wiki, NWiki and ouwiki form Moodle 1.9.6
Bugs reported
Place your complaints here
Design and tecnical stuff
Database design
Changes compared to OU wiki
- used section titles instead of byte ranges
- section titles must bu unique on each page
- synonyms table
- text format in versions table (and maybe caching field for parsed text)
- Do we need one wiki per student mode?
- page lock option
Formats, Editors & Filters
Implemented in core.
We need filtering before and after conversion to HTML.
New mforms editor element should support all types of formats.
Responsible for conversions and diffs.
Should use section titles instead of byte ranges.
Version & diffs
Diffs not part of wiki code anymore, instead handled by format plugins.
We need general comments framework - to be used in blogs, glossary, database mod, assignments and wiki.
- do we need attachments? yes
- threads? no
- edit timeouts like in forum? yes
- some more capabilitites
Group mode can be used for emulation of one wiki per student mode.
General grading support for assignments and wikis with group grading mode.
Grading is handled by gradebook plugins. Grading means the act of setting final grade. This is not a peer review.
Gradebook plugins may use ratings, display overview of all pages, all contributions, etc.
Optional peer review - ratings, could be something like proposal for final grade.
Two different types of ratings - open on wiki pages view, the other on versions history page. First for rating of page as the result of collaborative work, the other rating of individual contributions.
File handling
Supported in moodle core (file handling, editors, etc.).
Only basic restore support for 1.6-1.9. Full support only for 2.x
Core tags library.
- Index map - ideally graph, text too?
- Add new or missing page
- List of orphaned pages
- My contributions
- Search?? better to have generic search
- standard tags (nothing special)
- navigation
- full list of pages
view, edit, comment, change locking, manage (general)
we need to store the template in database, we need it in group mode
portfolio and repository API