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This page provides links to prototype sites demonstrating new features that will be included in coming versions of Moodle.

We would love to hear what you think of these new features! After exploring the sites, please post your feedback in the Future major features forum.

New projects and prototype site demonstrations

Calendar usability improvements

Description As part of the UX improvements for Moodle 4.0, we are working on updates to the calendar.

The main aims for this project are to make the calendar, calendar block and subscription management more intuitive, easier to use and improve accessibility.

Project Tracker Tracker epic containing all related issues
Prototype Calendar usability improvements demo
Target Version 4.0

Course creation improvements

Description As part of the UX improvements for Moodle 4.0, we are working on making the like easier on creating and editing courses.

The main aims for this project are to improve the user experience of creating and editing courses in Moodle helping teachers to create and organize their courses. Adding new cool features like course index will allow teachers an easy way to view course structure, add new sections and activities, reorganize them and so on.

Project Tracker Tracker epic containing all related issues
Prototype Course creation improvements demo
Target Version 4.0

Navigation update

Description We are updating the navigation around Moodle.

The main aim is to reduce the cognitive load associated with navigating around a Moodle site. For anyone that is new to using our LMS, there are a lot of settings that are immediately present and possibly not relevant. We are going through and improving the layout of the navigation from the front page all the way to how different activities are displaying settings and buttons.

Project Tracker Tracker epic containing all related issues
Prototype Navigation prototype demo
Target Version 4.0

Timeline block improvements

Description As part of the UX improvements for Moodle 4.0, we are working on improving the timeline block.

The main aims for this project are to improve the layout of information within the timeline block to make it easier to extract important information, replace pagination with "show more" (lazy-loading) functionality, and to provide bug fixes that improve the overall usability of the block.

Project Tracker Tracker epic containing all related issues
Prototype Timeline improvements demo(Note: The timeline features are demonstrated on the same Moodle site as the calendar improvements mentioned above).
Target Version 4.0

Site admin presets

Description As part of the UX improvements for Moodle 4.0, we are working on helping administrators to enable/disable features and plugins easily to simplify their Moodle sites.

The main aim is to adapt and integrate the third-party plugin "Admin presets", created by David Monllaó and maintained by developers from Pimenko.

Project Tracker Tracker epic containing all related issues
Prototype Site admin presets demo
Target Version 4.0

How to contribute

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Moodle User Experience (UX) Forums

Description As part of the UX 4.0 release, the UX team are establishing a presence on the platform in order to collaborate and communicate with the wider Moodle Community.

We're looking forward to working with you and sharing what we learn and what we do!

More User Experience Forum Want to shape the Moodle future with us?.
Project Tracker Moodle UX 4.0 tracker issues and epics
Prototypes 4.0 Desktop Navigation UX Project

4.0 Mobile Navigation UX Project

Target Version 4.0

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Moodle Tracker

Description This is where we record and manage all issues related to Moodle and related systems.

It's not just for developers! :-) All users should use this system to report problems or new ideas for Moodle and help us make it better.

More Moodle Tracker Want to shape the Moodle future with us?.

Moodle Users Association

Description MUA's mission is to support the growth of Moodle by providing a strong and united voice to users, giving direction and resources for new developments.
More Join MUA Shape the future of Moodle today..

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Other Moodle demo sites

QA Moodle Demo

Description It is updated daily at 13:00 UTC with the latest fixes for testers to test and do a final check for any problems.

Every hour (on the hour) the database and files are reset.

Moodle Version The latest Moodle dev release!

School Moodle Demo

Description This demonstration site gives you the opportunity to explore Moodle in action as a manager, teacher, student, parent or privacy officer with realistic content.

This site is reset every hour on the hour so anything you "break" will get fixed.

Moodle Version The latest Moodle stable release!

Sandbox Moodle Demo

Description This site is a plain installation of Moodle using the Boost theme.

This site is reset to its blank state every hour, on the hour.

Moodle Version The latest Moodle stable release!

See also

  • Roadmap - for an overview of new features planned for the next release
  • Releases - for all official releases of Moodle, grouped by branch in reverse chronological order