Moodle Mobile 3.9.1 release notes
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Moodle Mobile release notes > Moodle Mobile 3.9.1 release notes
Release date: 3 July 2020
New features and improvements
- This is an un-scheduled release due to a bug caused by a localisation issue in the Traditional Chinese language pack.
Complete list of issues
- MOBILE-3461 - iframe-viewer uses a string in hideUntil instead of a boolean
- MOBILE-3462 - Make sure app direction is either ltr or rtl
- MOBILE-3467 - Authenticate using a custom URL scheme not working if site is logged out
- MOBILE-3470 - mod_resource file cannot be opened after PTR in course page
- MOBILE-3458 - Validate URL for custom URLs and QR reader when app has fixed sites
- MOBILE-3459 - Disable QR reader in main menu
- MOBILE-3463 - Add an option to add a new site using URL