Moodle Mobile 2.2 release notes
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Moodle Mobile release notes > Moodle Mobile 2.2 release notes
Release date: 10th September 2015
Complete list of issues for Moodle Mobile Moodle Mobile 2.2
- Updated Ionic to version 1.1.0
- Errors are now triggered only the first time they happen
- Some third party core library errors are now omitted
- Improved display of Book and IMS Content Packages (scrolling and iframe size problems fixed)
- App use prevented if required user data such as first name is missing
- Keyboard is now automatically closed when submitting some forms to prevent Ionic errors.
- mod_folder errors in Moodle 2.8 fixed
- Assignment descriptions are now visible in versions prior to 2.9
- In old Moodle versions the participants list is now correctly displayed
- Implementation of $mmCourse#getUserCourses to retrieve user's courses
- Code generation for notifications are now processed in a queue to avoid race conditions
- Back button is now shown in subviews after using side menu web/help
- Existing notifications are reset during upgrade to avoid the error reported in MOBILE-1148
- Sanitization rule fixed to avoid overriding the Ionic rule
- Errors related to invalid/null ids in the storage fixed
- Forum refresh when request failed throws an error fixed
- For large book pages, the user is no longer forced to scroll up to see new pages
- Safari browser DOM IDBDatabase Exception 8 fixed
- Fix for warning $translateSanitization: No sanitization strategy has been configured
Complete list of issues
MOBILE-1145 - issue after iOS Update - course contents are not rendered
MOBILE-1148 - Local Notifications make the app crash for some Android devices
MOBILE-1155 - URL Resource not working
MOBILE-1168 - Back button not shown in subviews after using side menu web/help
MOBILE-1182 - Uncaught DataError: Failed to execute 'put' on 'IDBObjectStore'
MOBILE-1185 - Forum: Refresh when request failed throws an error
MOBILE-1187 - Safari browser: DOM IDBDatabase Exception 8
MOBILE-1189 - mod_imscp: Having a large description makes iframe smaller
MOBILE-1191 - mod_folder: Error in Moodle 2.8
MOBILE-1194 - Unable to access moodle mobile app
MOBILE-1198 - Cannot access students in my classes
MOBILE-1205 - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'contains' of undefined
MOBILE-1212 - Error reported via the app: null is not an object (evaluating 'm.offsetX')
MOBILE-1215 - Error reported via the app: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
MOBILE-1216 - Error reported via the app: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: StatusBar
MOBILE-1217 - Error reported via the app: Uncaught Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $mmaNotificationsProvider <- $mmaNotifications
MOBILE-1218 - Multiple error modals cannot be closed
MOBILE-1234 - Hidden Activities in course showing in Moodle Mobile App
MOBILE-1177 - Our $compileProvider href sanitization rule overrides Ionic's
MOBILE-1178 - Update ionic to version 1.1.0
MOBILE-1184 - Improve error reporting feature
MOBILE-1186 - For large book pages, the user is forced to scroll up to see new pages
MOBILE-1188 - Assignment descriptions not visible
MOBILE-1190 - Warning: $translateSanitization: No sanitization strategy has been configured.
MOBILE-1197 - Don't allow using the app if required data is empty
MOBILE-1209 - Release version 2.2