Moodle Mobile 2.0 release notes
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Moodle Mobile release notes > Moodle Mobile 2.0 release notes
Release date: 31th July 2015
Complete list of issues for Moodle Mobile 2.0
UI/UX changes and improvements
- Improved User Interface
- Application faster and smoother
- Courses can be filtered
- Application now supports pull to refresh in most screens
- Splash screen now available for different resolutions and orientations
- Infinite scrolling available in Participants, Calendar events, Forum discussions, Notifications (instead of pagination or show more buttons)
General improvements
- App storage no longer limited to 5MB - depending on your device it can be between 50MB and your SD card capacity
- Calendar events can be seen offline
- Complete user profile information is displayed
- The complete user profile can be accessed from every page (participants, forum, messages)
- Settings and preferences are simplified
- * Improved multi-site push notifications
New functionalities
- Local notifications multi-site support (open the site referred to in the notification)
- If the token expires during your session, you are asked to re-enter your password to continue working (instead of having to close the session)
- Resources downloading status is preserved even when the user changes section or pages
New supported plugins and Moodle features
- Activity completion: Activity completion status is displayed and can be updated for courses
- New add-on: Choices - Users can make a choice and view responses
- New add-on: Notes - Teachers can view site, course and personal notes
- New add-on: Book - Users can view books
- New add-on: IMS CP - Users can view IMS content packages
- New add-on: Chat - Users can participate in the live chat via the app (only for sites using simple or Ajax chats; daemon chat not supported)
- New full stack framework (Ionic)
- Add-ons support local CSS and language files
Platforms and Requirements
- Android 4.1
- iOS 7
Complete list of issues
- MOBILE-813 - Email-based Self-registration authentication will not allow users to log into Mobile App
- MOBILE-849 - A Label showing unpredictable height or length of text on default collapsed
- MOBILE-994 - Content not showing up in Android 4.4.2
- MOBILE-1084 - JavaScript is Shows in the course
- MOBILE-1161 - Credentials are not stored in some devices (Galaxy S4 Mini)
- MOBILE-1162 - Side menu addons not seen when adding a new account
- MOBILE-1163 - Course List: invalid response value error with certain characters in course description
- MOBILE-1164 - Minor errors detected while implementing unit testing
- MOBILE-1166 - Clicking on a link in course description collapses the description
- MOBILE-811 - Display larger text for labels in tablet mode
- MOBILE-1125 - If 1 file fails to download, IMSCP and mini site resources aren't loaded
- MOBILE-1132 - Translation for Moodle Mobile
New Feature
- MOBILE-1093 - Notes support at course level
- MOBILE-1094 - Book module
- MOBILE-1118 - Backport chat WS to the local_mobile plugin
- MOBILE-1120 - Add support to mod_choice in the Mobile app
- MOBILE-1121 - Add support to mod_chat in the Mobile app
- MOBILE-665 - Evaluate migrate to Ionic framework
- MOBILE-778 - META: Migrate to Ionic
- MOBILE-1115 - Backport book and IMSCP external services (*_view_*) to the local_mobile plugin
- MOBILE-1119 - Backport choice WS to the local_mobile plugin
- MOBILE-1129 - Release version 2.0
- MOBILE-814 - Review and move the Moodle Mobile 2.0 rationale doc to the developers wiki
- MOBILE-815 - Create a prototype with static data
- MOBILE-816 - Remove or replace the "report a bug" option
- MOBILE-818 - Decide the development process, coding guidelines for the new team
- MOBILE-819 - Decide the new plugin architecture
- MOBILE-820 - Decide what to do with the app storage (data)
- MOBILE-821 - Replace the current moodleWSCall / cache systems with an Angular module
- MOBILE-822 - Move the current libraries to Angular modules, services, etc..
- MOBILE-823 - Migrate: "Add site/log-in" functionallity
- MOBILE-824 - Migrate: Manage accounts
- MOBILE-825 - Migrate: SSO via Moodle
- MOBILE-826 - Migrate: Remote layout/style customization feature
- MOBILE-827 - Migrate: Push notifications
- MOBILE-828 - Migrate: Notifications
- MOBILE-829 - Migrate: Messages
- MOBILE-830 - Migrate: Upload plugin
- MOBILE-831 - Migrate: Calendar events
- MOBILE-832 - Migrate: My files plugin
- MOBILE-833 - Migrate: Participants plugin
- MOBILE-834 - Migrate: Grades plugin
- MOBILE-835 - Migrate: Course contents
- MOBILE-836 - Migrate: Forum plugins
- MOBILE-837 - Migrate: Settings option
- MOBILE-842 - Evaluate the use of ng-cordova
- MOBILE-852 - UI Prototype for Ionic
- MOBILE-853 - Create an orange theme for the app
- MOBILE-856 - Replace the logging system with Angular Logging service
- MOBILE-857 - App translation, i18n
- MOBILE-862 - Add support for activity completion display
- MOBILE-863 - Completion viewed is not set when a user opens a forum in the app
- MOBILE-864 - Add support for logging (launching events) in the app
- MOBILE-875 - Decide with settings/preferences are for specific sites or for the whole app
- MOBILE-876 - Investigate, discuss and decide how to handle split views (tablet vs. phone)
- MOBILE-894 - Define routing/state rules
- MOBILE-914 - Create a new splashscren
- MOBILE-922 - Migrate: app storage
- MOBILE-929 - Migrate config: config.json and MM.config
- MOBILE-935 - Migrate MM.fs (FileSystem wrapper)
- MOBILE-937 - Migrate "My Courses"
- MOBILE-944 - Dev branch review
- MOBILE-945 - Integrate orange theme
- MOBILE-955 - Make $mmSite WS functions work seemless with local_mobile
- MOBILE-956 - $mmFS.calculateFreeSpace not working in iOS
- MOBILE-957 - $ invalidtoken: send an "event" to logout the user
- MOBILE-958 - MM2: Front page in course list
- MOBILE-959 - Side menu's header (user info) doesn't display well in iOS
- MOBILE-960 - Language prefixes change: Use mm.core and mm.component
- MOBILE-961 - Splashscreen while session is being restored and other stuff
- MOBILE-963 - Decide what to do with text filtered
- MOBILE-964 - Cannot login in
- MOBILE-970 - Migrate: Folder plugin (extract it from the contents plugin)
- MOBILE-971 - Style the "init" screen
- MOBILE-972 - Remove the ugly $stateProvider hack in core/main.js in favor of $provide.decorator
- MOBILE-973 - Migrate: contents/sections to a sections components
- MOBILE-974 - Create $mmCourseDelegate that handles support for content plugins
- MOBILE-978 - Improve the loading popup mechanism
- MOBILE-979 - Incorrect language string used for error modal
- MOBILE-980 - Migrate: labels on course content
- MOBILE-981 - mm-format-text breaks updating data
- MOBILE-982 - Missing methods in the list of deprecated methods
- MOBILE-983 - Create a directive for module description
- MOBILE-985 - Scroll broken on participants page
- MOBILE-986 - Migrate the profile from mmaParticipants to a component
- MOBILE-987 - Migrate: URL to an addon
- MOBILE-989 - getMoodleFilePath: using .toInternalURL on a promise (error)
- MOBILE-990 - Allow SCSS in addons
- MOBILE-992 - Create directive to open external links in external browser
- MOBILE-993 - Participants page pull to refresh is not a real refresh
- MOBILE-995 - Implement pull to refresh on sections and section content (and display loading modal)
- MOBILE-996 - Handle offline module icons
- MOBILE-998 - Add support to logging in the new participants addon
- MOBILE-999 - Create a directive to download (cache) pluginfiles
- MOBILE-1001 - Move styles to core and components
- MOBILE-1003 - Review (and fix) grades table styles (MM1 vs prototype)
- MOBILE-1004 - Handle links present in external content using mmFormatText
- MOBILE-1005 - Provide SVG icons of the course modules
- MOBILE-1006 - Migrate: mod_page
- MOBILE-1007 - Implement logging support in course component
- MOBILE-1008 - Force moodlewssettingfilter in moodleWSCAlll
- MOBILE-1010 - Migrate: Upload any type of file in iOS
- MOBILE-1011 - Cached responses are not retrieved if WS call fails
- MOBILE-1012 - Upgrade to Ionic 1.0.0
- MOBILE-1014 - Create a filepool system
- MOBILE-1018 - iOS swipe to go back doesn't work in some views
- MOBILE-1021 - Consider making $mmFilepool automatically handle plugin files
- MOBILE-1022 - Delete the site folder upon site deletion
- MOBILE-1023 - Grades addon: Use course modules SVG icons instead of images
- MOBILE-1024 - Do we need gulp install and git-check tasks?
- MOBILE-1026 - Error net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND appears in console
- MOBILE-1027 - Webservices fail in a browser window
- MOBILE-1028 - Remove www/build folder contents and add it to .gitignore
- MOBILE-1029 - Integrate new splash screens
- MOBILE-1030 - Create app icons
- MOBILE-1032 - Apply $mmFilepool to My Files and remove getMoodleFilePath
- MOBILE-1033 - Migrate: mod_resource
- MOBILE-1034 - Handle config 'downloadfiles' in Addons and $mmFilepool
- MOBILE-1036 - Decide if we should use native scrolling
- MOBILE-1037 - Allow default value in $mmConfig.get
- MOBILE-1038 - Add in .gitignore dependencies downloaded by bower
- MOBILE-1042 - Create Phonegap Build config.xml file (and include the splash screens and icons inside www/img)
- MOBILE-1044 - Review the www/config.json for deleting unused settings
- MOBILE-1045 - Steps for building and releasing new versions (for Moodle Mobile 2 and onwards)
- MOBILE-1046 - Language variations are not loaded automatically
- MOBILE-1049 - Call to core_user_get_users_by_field has wrong parameters
- MOBILE-1051 - Make mm-format-text work with filters
- MOBILE-1052 - Implement "Mock site": be able to use any stored site
- MOBILE-1053 - Links in the add new site help text don't open in a new browser
- MOBILE-1054 - Add pull down to refresh in the courses view and grades view
- MOBILE-1055 - Migrate: View user grades
- MOBILE-1056 - Upgrade and create new documentation for Moodle Mobile 2
- MOBILE-1060 - The course fullname is not formatted in the courses list view and the course contents page
- MOBILE-1061 - Apply changes from MOBILE-959 again
- MOBILE-1062 - Android's back button can't close the app after login
- MOBILE-1063 - Display Moodle icon on local notifications
- MOBILE-1064 - Hide messages buttons in the profile page when messaging is disabled
- MOBILE-1065 - Store basic user information as a fallback of the current WS for retrieving the user profile
- MOBILE-1066 - Improve mm-format-text (performance)
- MOBILE-1067 - Migrate "Add note"
- MOBILE-1068 - Migrate "Assign" addon
- MOBILE-1071 - UI very slow on Android 4.1 when many courses are listed
- MOBILE-1072 - UI of a course with a lot of content (size M) is very slow
- MOBILE-1073 - Errors with add/remove local_mobile and delegates not updated when changing site
- MOBILE-1077 - "Add contact" button empty if isContact fail
- MOBILE-1078 - $mmWS.downloadFile returns the temporary file entry
- MOBILE-1080 - Forum discussion/posts created by deleted users
- MOBILE-1081 - Remove the preferences option
- MOBILE-1082 - Change plugins order
- MOBILE-1083 - Migrate sites data from MM1 to MM2
- MOBILE-1085 - Create translation files for all the components and add-ons
- MOBILE-1086 - Rename some of the current string identifiers to match MM1 and Moodle
- MOBILE-1087 - Some errors on app translation
- MOBILE-1088 - Rename localized language packs to use - instead _
- MOBILE-1089 - Service or utility to check addons availability/dependencies
- MOBILE-1090 - Files in iOs are not opened using the QuickView framework
- MOBILE-1091 - Fix iframe and icons for files in mod_resource
- MOBILE-1092 - Login username text field needs to disable capitals and autocorrect for iOs and Android
- MOBILE-1095 - Fix regression in remote styles and revision in mod_page/mod_resource
- MOBILE-1096 - Course contents: Failed download is not notified
- MOBILE-1097 - CourseDelegateProvider not treating isEnabled right
- MOBILE-1098 - Allow mm-files and filepool to check outdated using timemodified
- MOBILE-1099 - Files are not copied to the iframe in iOs (mod_imscp, mod_resource doesn't work)
- MOBILE-1102 - Module icon not updated when the user accesses it and then goes back to list
- MOBILE-1103 - Delegates refactoring
- MOBILE-1105 - Support Cordova Android 4.0.2
- MOBILE-1106 - Synchronize a site (update site info, update remote styles, invalidate cache)
- MOBILE-1108 - Rename local_moodlemobileapp strings to match the new english ones
- MOBILE-1109 - External links in inline resources not working
- MOBILE-1110 - Back button not shown on credentials page if no accounts stored
- MOBILE-1111 - Review: Some errors found while testing in offline
- MOBILE-1112 - In tablet view, subview's '$ionicView.enter' events and so are not triggered
- MOBILE-1114 - CSP changes made ionic serve to stop working
- MOBILE-1116 - Fix logging for mod_book
- MOBILE-1117 - User profile button not shown in message discussion in tablet view
- MOBILE-1126 - Last message in a discussion is shown behind the "Send message" bar
- MOBILE-1127 - Rename auto-translated strings to use Template:$a placeholders
- MOBILE-1128 - Calendar events offline: infinite loading keeps showing the same events (from cache)