Moodle 2.5 release notes/Performance tests
From MoodleDocs
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The comparison tests are between a 2.4.3+ site (Build: 20130425) and the same site upgraded to 2.5beta+ (2013050800.00, 66d6221f9ac9319b9f106643afc571930bade41e to be more specific) with the default new settings values, including badges enabled by default.
Test results
Database reads | Database writes | Time used | Files included | KiloBytes | Session size | getstring() calls | |
Moodle 2.4.3+ site (Build: 20130425) | 1832.8 | 28.4 | 69.7 | 2810 | 3434.9 | 375.1 | 6681.5 |
Moodle 2.5beta+ (Build: 20130502) | 1748 | 28.4 | 64.6 | 2734 | 3467.5 | 406.2 | 6708.4 |
Site info
- All of Moodle's advanced features enabled but web services
- Debug level set to NONE
- Default cache stores
- Sessions stored in the database
- The frontpage settings are:
- Without being logged: List of courses
- Being logged: Enroled courses (same behaviour than 'List of courses' in 2.4, showing only the ones where the user is enroled)
- Site numbers:
- 1.000.000 total users
- 67 courses
- 25000 role assignments
- Tested course numbers:
- 8761 role assignments
- 126 course modules
Test plan
- JMeter 2.3.4
- 100 threads (using a CSV file with the users login data)
- 10 ramp up period
- A web server (Apache 2) and a database server (MySQL) in the same internal network
Adding to being enroled to the tested course, the 100 users (enroled as teachers) used for the tests, were also enroled to 10 other random courses.
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