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MoodleNet Scenarios

Current version: 0.1

Last updated: September 2019

The aim of this page is to draw up on the 2018 MoodleNet whitepaper and flesh out some of the scenarios in which MoodleNet may be of use to the education community.



Scenario: I'm Estrella, a K12 teacher from Madrid who is new to Moodle. I'm really busy and need to get up-to-speed as quickly as possible. It's not long before my new classes start, and I can't seem to find the resources I need or answers to quick questions I've got about setting up courses in Moodle!

How MoodleNet can help: Local communities of practice established on MoodleNet can provide support to teachers like Estrella, both online and offline. In addition, discovering resources and interacting with like-minded educators from around the world is a simple and straightforward process. Contributing useful news, resources, and content in areas of expertise is as easy as discovering them in the first place.

Lecturer (university)


Scenario: Hey, I'm Takeshi from Kyoto. I work in a university and been using Moodle for around three years. I've collaborated with two other colleagues at my university to create course content and would like to work collaboratively with members of the wider Moodle community. This would be good for my university and the Moodle community, but also for me as it will bring attention to my work.

How MoodleNet can help: University lecturers like Takeshi can develop strong profiles and portfolios of work through MoodleNet. They can use their activity to demonstrate leadership through taking on moderation responsibilities and ensuring that content is appropriately and openly licensed. Future functionality around crowdfunding also makes that work more sustainable in the longer term.

Trainer (workplace)


Scenario: My name is Bohdan, and I'm a naturalised Canadian living in Vancouver and working as a trainer in the L&D part of a large company. We've got an in-house elearning programme making use of Moodle. I've used other learning platforms before, but not Moodle, so I'm looking to find new and innovative ways to enhance learning experiences with Moodle tools. There are some useful spaces for talking about these things online, but I don't like the way they quickly end up as discussions about politics.

How MoodleNet can help: As a federated social network, MoodleNet communities may span many instances. This means that trainers in corporate organisations can build up networks beyond their own company and share a wide range of content, news, thoughts, and opinions. L&D professionals such as Bohdan can simultaneously demonstrate their value to both their current and future employers.

Learning Technologist (college)


Scenario: I'm a Learning Technologist at a college in Melbourne, Australia. My name is Seung and I really enjoy helping colleagues to use Moodle more effectively. I'm feeling a little isolated, so I'd like to connect with other Learning Technologists to discover promising practices in this area. I've made some contacts via the Moodle forums and LinkedIn but I'd like to strengthen my network.

How MoodleNet can help: No matter the situation within their current institution, Learning Technologists such as Seung can find their 'tribe' via MoodleNet. They can remix content provided by others, translating and localising resources, and keeping the information within resources up-to-date. MoodleNet's intuitive approach makes it easy to find and share what's valuable in practice.

Teaching Assistant (K12)


Scenario: I'm Lúcio, a Teaching Assistant based in Manaus, Brazil. I'm not very technical, but I've been asked to help provide support to students on my school’s MoodleCloud site. That means I need to get up-to-speed on moderation and other features pretty quickly. I've read pages and pages of discussions on the Moodle forums, but I need a bit more help. My school isn't particularly well-funded, so we can't really pay for tailored support.

How MoodleNet can help: By focusing on Open Educational Resources (OER), MoodleNet ensures that useful content is available to all. Future functionality, such as crowdfunding, may also help enthusiastic Teaching Assistants such as Lúcio to spend time creating the resource they and others need. MoodleNet profiles are a great place to link to, showing both credentials and interaction with the community.

Programme Co-ordinator (university)


Scenario: My name is Ammaarah from Soweto, South Africa. I'm a Programme Co-ordinator at a university with deep experience of Moodle and other Open Source Software projects. I created and looked after a successful local Moodle Hub but it seems to have been dying recently. I've got this vision for a much wider network of sharing but don't really want to take on the burden of custom development and all of the administration it would involve.

How MoodleNet can help: More technical users can set up their own instances of MoodleNet, and run them for the benefit of their organisation. Programme Co-ordinators like Ammaarah can be administrators and provide ways to connect local expertise with global knowledge. As MoodleNet is federated Open Source Software, it can both comply with her university’s regulations around self-hosting, while allowing users access to a worldwide network of educators.