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At MoodleMoot Spain (June 2018) we asked participants for their input to the MoodleNet project. The slides from that session can be found below, along with feedback captured on post-it notes.

Image shared by Txell Llorach on Twitter

The feedback was captured in 'traffic light' format in both English and Spanish:

  • Green - I think this is great
  • Yellow - I have questions about this
  • Red - I have concerns about this


  • "I love the idea in general. I think that you have to strengthen the connection between Moodle and open initiatives generally and specially with OER. Openness is the future, embrace people involved in it."
  • "Having a place to look for additional resource as sometimes it is quite difficult to find specific content for some courses."
  • "Federated repositories. Can choose not to share something to the whole community. Powerful search engine."
  • "Yes (-: Radio search. Maybe regional."
  • "Sharing contents in two ways. Following people or institutions with the same interests."
  • "Love your idea of sharing like this, would be nice to share exercise and best practises / good examples. With a note of benefit and time used for the exercise."
  • "We can connect with others points of view for others countries."
  • "It's a good project if the majority accept it. Great stuff! Do it!"
  • "Moodle.Net is a great solution to connect know-how between Moodlers!!"
  • "I like Moodle moving up as a global community."
  • "Each institution managing its own node can be a great idea to encourage people to share."
  • "Nowadays forums are mainly focused on developers and admins, it's great to get the teachers to engaged in the community."
  • "Private content vs public content"
  • "Like:
    • Integration between, moodle core & moodle cloud
    • empower educators by sharing resources
    • privacy."
  • "Share resources. Keep in touch with other teachers/educators."
  • "To find common interests. To create new contacts based on these common interests."
  • "Decentralized. Great! Cooperation, synergies :-)"
  • "I like the 1-click to integrate resources into my Moodle course."
  • "Privacy settings"
  • "Focused social network. Social groups with similar interest."
  • Posibilidad de personalizar tu Moodle compartiendo recursos con otros entidades usuarias de Moodle
    • Ability to customize your Moodle by sharing resources with other Moodle users
  • Posibilidad de compartir con personas que tienen perfiles profesionales similares
    • Possibility of sharing with people who have similar professional profiles
  • Contextualizacion
    • Contextualization
  • Fantástico el multi-idioma
    • Fantastic how it handles multiple languages
  • Como docente : es como poder escoger a los mejores colegas del trabajo!
    • As a teacher: it's like being able to choose the best colleagues at work!
  • Good idea! Puede ayudar mucho a la comunidad educativa. Bravo!
    • Good idea! It can be a great help to the educational community. Bravo!
  • Conectividad entre profesores - contenidos profesores
    • Connectivity between teachers - teacher content
  • Comunidades "específicas"
    • "Specific" communities
  • Federación descentralizada
    • Decentralized Federation
  • Idea de réd
    • Idea of a network
  • Conectar "Moodlers"
    • Connect "Moodlers"
  • Público - Privado
    • Private / public

Update: we responded to some of the questions below in this blog post.


  • Can you share full courses (.mbz files)?
  • Who looks after dead links/resources?
  • Will moodlenet be integrated into our Moodle site?
  • "I don't understand where 'content' will be stored? If I want to share a 500mb video where is this held?"
  • "How is it shared? Just by exporting the content/course and importing it to yours? Can it be customised, adopted, changed, then?"
  • "Membership / top users by context. Infotoxic: loooot of resources. Share with other colleagues. Push to others. LTI?"
  • "How shared courses are updated? Is it possible improve contents in a collaborative way?"
  • "University itself is a very conservative environment so I would like to hear a proposal, steps to integrate this feature into it."
  • "I would like to hear more about it. How the connection will work, especially local, how it will be integrated, how you will measure the usability."
  • "Will MoodleNet include a market place? Like for hiring developers and consultants."
  • "Is it mandatory that someone has to add me to a group? Can I create groups? Can I share content that is outside a Moodle course?"
  • "Will the content and activities be authored or maintained the same way Moodle does? will they be in a different format? Version handling? For us?"
  • "Is MoodleNet available for all Moodle versions?"
  • "How will spam be controlled?"
  • "Will there be any moderation?"
  • "The searches are going to be made only in one language or will allow more than one?"
  • "Search options: could we use tags? Subjects?"
  • "I can't understand how run the technical connection. What do we need to connect our Moodle with MoodleNet?"
  • "How the community will check quality and trustfully of the contents? What will happen with offensive content or fake information?"
  • "What will happen to existing shared resources on"
  • "What kind of resources I can publish? A course? A section? A resource? What's going be the license?"
  • "What about communities that share materials in several languages? How this network will handle this?"
  • "What is the model of economic sustainability of this platform? Answered, but is real?"
  • "Integration of online resources/contents in a Moodle course: how easily can it be done? (example shown in the video)"
  • Sólo se publican recursos? Y prácticas?
    • Only resources are published? What about practices?
  • Te puedes subscribir a un tema sin grupo?
    • Can you subscribe to a topic without a group?
  • Te avisa si aparece un grupo según tus intereses?
    • Does it let you know if a group appears according to your interests?
  • Habrá alguna forma de traducción? Colaborativa o automática?
    • Will there be some form of translation? Collaborative or automatic?
  • Habrá forma de crear proyectos entre escuelas?
    • Will there be a way to create projects across schools?
  • Cómo hacéis para que se puedan compartir contenidos generados con diferentes formatos? Y no quede un contenido Frankenstein?
    • How do you share content generated in different formats? And you're not left with Frankenstein?
  • Funciona con todas versiones de Moodle?
    • Does it work with all versions of Moodle?
  • Son necesarios conocimientos informáticos para integrarse en MoodleNet?
    • Do you need computer skills to join MoodleNet?
  • Es posible geolocalizar a los educadores para facilitar encuentros locales?
    • Is it possible to geolocate educators to facilitate local meetings?
  • Qué papel tienen los partners o posibles empresas comerciales?
    • What role do partners or possible commercial companies have?


  • "Teachers won't want to share anything."
  • "How to verify the quality of resources. Indicators."
  • "Quality of search results? How will you filter out e.g. out-of-date content?"
  • "Copyright of content. Many teachers *cannot* share, even if they want to."
  • "Multilingual support? How will you deal with this, e.g. in tags (for searching)?"
  • "I should be able to have *all* my data erased, aka GDPR."
  • "How do you avoid people share offensive content?"
  • "How to prevent users plagiarism?"
  • "I don't like twitter. And prototype looks a lot with twitter. I don't like FB either I consider them difficult. I want moodlenet to require 5 lines of guidelines."*
  • "Using content from publishers and how to survive to legal copyright. Sometimes the line is too tight or professors just don't care about it. Is this controlled somehow?"
  • "Moderation on discussions. Number of communities/groups, don't know which to apply to."
  • "Timeline: lot of topics. Plan and scheduler. External resources expiry (control)"
  • "Private contents don't want to share. Private collaborations or group."
  • "I am concerned about the reaction of professors since they insist on their privacy and even if you provide it to them, they will refuse it."
  • "How do you know if the contents someone else is sharing are not protected?"
  • "Must be highly relevant to be used."
  • "I don't sure that spanish people want to share content of their platform."
  • "Will you have a critical mass of contributors?"
  • "What will happen to forums? What will happen with small language communities?"
  • "People don't usually want to share their material worldwide, wouldn't this network become a weakly connected private network federation?"
  • "It maybe difficult to get a critical mass of users to make this work, what strategies can be used to engage them?"
  • "How does moodlenet integrate with social media and secure privacy?"
  • "How will check copyrighted content? What will happen if users upload copyrighted content and you use it without know it?"
  • Como asegura buenas prácticas de utilización de recursos? Descargar un curso no es suficiente si no se acompaña de un "como se imparte?" "qué metologia?" "cómo se use?"
    • How do you ensure good practices in the use of resources? Downloading a course is not enough unless accompanied by "how is it taught?" "What methodology?" "How to use it?"
  • Edición y creación de contenidos: como estandarizar?
    • Editing and creation of content: how to standardize it?
  • Autorización de nuestra organización por seguridad informática
    • Authorization by our organization for IT security reasons
  • Privacidad. Como Moodle utilizará las interacciónes y datos publicados?
    • Privacy. How will Moodle use the interactions and data published?