Flat fitxategia: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
(Orrialde berria {{Itzuli gabekoak}} Location: Flat file edit settings link in ''Administration > Courses > Enrolments'' A flat file allows enrolment management ...-(e)kin sortua)
tNo edit summary
(Erabiltzaile berak tartean egindako 2 ekarpen ez dira erakusten)
1. lerroa: 1. lerroa:
{{Itzuli gabekoak}}
{{Itzuli gabekoak}}
Location: Flat file edit settings link in ''Administration > Courses > [[Enrolment plugins|Enrolments]]''
Kokapena: Flat fitxategiaren ezarpenak editatzeko esteka: ''Gunearen kudeaketa > Ikastaroak > [[Matrikulazioa|Matrikulazioak]]''

A flat file allows enrolment management (enrol or unenrol) of existing users in existing course. The file is read one time by Moodle then erased. The file is located in the moodle file structure as a text file and [[Cron]] provides the timing when it is read.   
A flat file allows enrolment management (enrol or unenrol) of existing users in existing course. The file is read one time by Moodle then erased. The file is located in the moodle file structure as a text file and [[Cron]] provides the timing when it is read.   

The site administrator should edit the settings for a flat file if it is enabled.  
The site administrator should edit the settings for a flat file if it is enabled.  
[[Image:Enrolment Flat file options.png|thumb|center|Options for flat file enrolment]]  
[[Image:Enrolment Flat file options.png|thumb|center|Options for flat file enrolment]]  
13. lerroa: 12. lerroa:
You can choose to have a log file send to the administrator and to send a notification to teachers and students.
You can choose to have a log file send to the administrator and to send a notification to teachers and students.

==Flat file structure==
==Flat fitxategiaren egitura==
The file should be structured with the action, role, user id, and course ID number.  Optionally a start time and end time can be added as additional fields.
The file should be structured with the action, role, user id, and course ID number.  Optionally a start time and end time can be added as additional fields.

20. lerroa: 19. lerroa:
[[Image:Enrolment Flat file data.png|thumb|center|Flat file instructions for fields and records]]
[[Image:Enrolment Flat file data.png|thumb|center|Flat file instructions for fields and records]]
==See also==
==Ikusi halaber==
*[[Upload users]]
*[[Erabiltzaileak igo]]
*[[Bulk user actions]] how to download site user information (including userIDs)
*[[Bulk user actions]] how to download site user information (including userIDs)
Using Moodle forum discussions:
Using Moodle ikastaroko foro-eztabaidak:
*[http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=13289 How does flat file work?]
*[http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=13289 How does flat file work?]
*[http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=45514 un-enroll a user from a course]
*[http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=45514 un-enroll a user from a course]


[[fr:Inscription par fichier plat]]
[[fr:Inscription par fichier plat]]

Hauxe da oraingo bertsioa, 09:54, 10 Martxoa 2010 data duena

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Kokapena: Flat fitxategiaren ezarpenak editatzeko esteka: Gunearen kudeaketa > Ikastaroak > Matrikulazioak

A flat file allows enrolment management (enrol or unenrol) of existing users in existing course. The file is read one time by Moodle then erased. The file is located in the moodle file structure as a text file and Cron provides the timing when it is read.


The site administrator should edit the settings for a flat file if it is enabled.

Options for flat file enrolment

The default name and location of the file is .../moodledata/1/enrolments.txt. If you do specify a file path, it should be absolute (eg /var/moodledata/enrolments.txt) and can be read and modified by the webserver process.

You can choose to have a log file send to the administrator and to send a notification to teachers and students.

Flat fitxategiaren egitura

The file should be structured with the action, role, user id, and course ID number. Optionally a start time and end time can be added as additional fields.

The edit field link will give details on how to format the flat file on the Administration > Courses > Enrolments page.

Flat file instructions for fields and records

Ikusi halaber

Using Moodle ikastaroko foro-eztabaidak: