Hotpotatoes-en txostenak
Ikasleek Hot Potatoes galdetegiak bukatu ondoren, hainbat txosten lor daiteke erantzun bakoitzari nola erantzun zaion ikusteko eta hainbat datu estatistiko ere lor daiteke. The reports are selected using the report selection drop-down menus above the tables where the reports are displayed. These drop-down menus can also be used to select different output formats for the Hot Potatoes reports.
Ondorengo txosten hauek daude eskura:
This report (see example below) is a list of all attempts at this quiz. It shows the picture and name of each user, along with their grade for the quiz and the score, time and duration of each attempt. Attempts may be selected and then deleted if required.
Estatistika sinpleak
This report is a list of all attempts at this quiz, except "in progress" attempts. It shows the picture and name of each user, along with their grade for the quiz, and the score of each question in each attempt. It also gives the average scores of the individual questions and the quiz as a whole.
Estatistika zehatzak
This report shows full details of all attempts at this quiz, except "in progress" attempts. The report contains the following tables:
- the responses table, which shows how each user responded to each question in each of their attempts at the quiz. The responses are color-coded.
- the item analysis table, which lists the responses to each question and the frequency of each response. The frequencies are color-coded.
Click trail report
This report shows details of every click by every student in all attempts at this quiz, except "in progress" attempts. The report can be very large and is intended to be downloaded and viewed in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel. Each row in the table contains information on the identity of the clicks, the questions that were affected (which questions and how many), and the scores. Note that the click trail report is only available if click reporting has been enabled for this HotPot activity. By default this option is disabled.
Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!. (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)