De MoodleDocs
Esta planificación recoge la última información sobre las nuevas funcionalidades de Moodle. No es 100% real - las funcionalidades pueden variar según los fondos y desarrolladores disponibles.
Nota: Pendiente de Traducir. ¡Anímese a traducir esta página!. ( y otras páginas pendientes)
Version 1.8 - Expected January 2007
- Accesibilidad -
- Full compliance with all major accessibility standards
- Perfiles de usuario configurables - Pukunui Technology
- Allow fields to be added to the user profile.
Version 1.9 - Expected April 2007
- API de repositorios - Open University and
- Abstract all file operations to an API that allows plugins for different external repositories
- Moodle Net - Catalyst and
- Allow users to connect to from one Moodler to another in a peer-to-peer fashion, safely.
- The gradebook system will be revamped for performance, switching from our older "pull" model to a "push" model where all modules will now publish grades as necessary into a central table.
- New groups - Open University
- Site-wide groups, reusable groups, and assigning activities to groups are the major improvements being developed
- Autenticación múltiple - Iñaki Arenaza / Jonathan Harker (Catalyst) / Martin Langhoff (Catalyst)
- Exportación en formato LD - and Open University of The Netherlands
- We plan to have a very simple export for any Moodle course into IMS LD format, as a proof of concept and to help the community start learning about IMS LD.
Version 2.0 - Expected July 2007
- IMS Learning Design -
- Support for importing/exporting LD, converting Moodle activities and sequences of activities into a standard format for sharing, and importing standard sequences into Moodle courses
- Actividades condicionales -
- Allowing dependencies and forced paths through the content
- Metadatos -
- Build on the keywords in 1.6 to provide metadata for all activities and courses, linkable to standard lists of metadata such as State-based learning outomes and curricula
- Providing remote control and access of Moodle services by other systems, as well as sharing of information between Moodle sites with trust relationships.
- API for integrating external systems for managing student information
- Community hub - - Catalyst
- Leverage above improvements into a system to network Moodles together
Note: Moodle 2.0 will require PHP 5.1 as a minimum, because of certain improvements not available in PHP 4.
Version 2.1
- Interface Moodle activities and repositories to help produce portfolios for internal assessment AND external publication