Rutas del sistema

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Revisión del 19:54 13 feb 2013 de German Valero (discusión | contribs.) (added page Rutas del sistema)
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Un administrador puede configurar las siguientes rutas del sistema en Configuraciones > Administración del sitio > Servidor > Rutas del istema.

Versión de GD

GD is a graphics library that manipulates graphics. It's used to create thumbnail images from uploaded files and other graphics on the fly. If you don't know what version is installed, leave this on the original setting.

Note: When setting the system paths on Windows systems, use of the 8.3 notation for the path and filename is preferred. So instead of entering c:\program files\path to aspell\aspell.exe, enter c:\progra~1\path~1\aspell.exe. Check the exact 8.3 path using the dir /x command at the prompt.

Ruta hacia aspell

If PSpellSpell is selected as the spell engine for TinyMCE in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > TinyMCE HTML editor then you must specify the correct path to access the aspell binary.

In addition, you MUST have aspell 0.50 or later installed on your server. On Unix/Linux systems use the which program to determine the path:

[root@moodle ~]# which aspell

In this example the path to enter is /usr/bin/aspell.

On a Windows system, download and install GNU aspell together with at least one dictionary and then use the search facility in Explorer to find the aspell.exe file. The path should look like:

c:\program files\aspell\bin\aspell.exe

It can be best to install aspell in c:\aspell or use the 8.3 notation if you are installing in c:\program files so that the path looks like


Ruta hacia dot

Path to dot is for enabling image generation in profiling. The generated graphs are really useful to see what each request does. To have profiling visible (and working), the xhprof extension must be installed in PHP.

Enlaces externos

Vea también

cs:admin/setting/systempaths hu:Rendszerútvonalak