MoodleDocs:Guía de Estilo

De MoodleDocs


  • Por favor añada por lo menos una categoría a cada página tecleando una o varias de las siguientes expresiones al final del artículo:
[[Category:Profesor]], [[Category:Administrador]], [[Category:Desarrollador]]


  • You are encouraged to illustrate documentation with screenshots. Please use the official Moodle demo site, or any other site or course using one of the standard themes, and ensure that the screenshot is as small as possible.
  • Screenshots may be uploaded using the toolbox Upload file link.
  • Please do not apply effects such as borders, watermarks or drop shadows to screenshots. This will allow others to add or replace screenshots over time and still maintain a consistent look and feel to articles.
  • For help on image placement and adding an image caption, please refer to the Wikipedia:Picture tutorial.