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<p class="note">'''Nota''': Esta página es acerca de '''Las configuraciones del foro''' para Moodle 3.0 y más recientes. Para la documentación anterior, vaya a '''[[27/Configuraciones del foro]]''' .</p>
<p class="note">'''Nota''': Esta página es acerca de '''Las configuraciones del foro''' para Moodle 3.0 y más recientes. Para la documentación anterior, vaya a '''[[27/Configuraciones del foro]]''' .</p>
{{Foro}}{{Pendiente de traducir}}
{{Foro}}{{Pendiente de traducir}}
==Añadir y editar un foro==
#With the editing turned on, in the section you wish to add your forum, click the "Add an activity or resource" link (or, if not present, the "Add an activity" drop down menu )and choose ''Forum''.
# This will take you to the forum settings page titled "Adding a new forum".

You can access an existing forum by clicking the configure icon or clicking on the forum and then ''Administration > Forum administration > Edit settings''.
Un profesor puede añadir una actividad de Foro en un curso al [[Activar la edición]] y hacer click en  el enlace para ' Añadir una actividad o Recurso' (o, si no estuviera presente, el menú desplegable de "Añadir una actividad") y seleccionar Foro.
==Configuraciones de la actividad==
To see all the settings expanded, click the link "Expand all" top right.

Give the Forum a name (which students see on the course page) and a description if required. (For the Single simple discussion forum type, your description must include the question or topic you wish to discuss.)
|[[File:fileforumgeneral26.png|thumb|436px|The General settings, expanded by default.]]

===Nombre del foro===
For forum type, see the section 'Which forum do I need?' in [[Actividad de foro]] for further details with screenshots.
A short name of the forum (e.g. "Favourite colour"), which will be displayed on the course homepage.
Provide instructions for your students here so they are clear what they have to do. Click the icon top left to expand the toolbars drag the bottom right of the text box out to expand it.

===Mostrar la descripción en la página del curso===
Clicking the question mark icon [[File:helppopup.png]]next to any setting you don't understand will display extra help.
Enabling this will display the description on the course page just below the link to the forum.
===Tipo de foro===
There are five forum types to choose from:

*A single simple discussion - A single topic discussion developed on one page, which is useful for short focused discussions (cannot be used with separate groups)
===Anexos y número de palabras===
*Standard forum for general use - An open forum where anyone can start a new topic at any time; this is the best general-purpose forum
*Each person posts one discussion - Each person can post exactly one new discussion topic (everyone can reply to them though); this is useful when you want each student to start a discussion about, say, their reflections on the week's topic, and everyone else responds to these
*Q and A Forum - Instead of initiating discussions participants pose a question in the initial post of a discussion. Students may reply with an answer, but they will not see the replies of other Students to the question in that discussion until they have themselves replied to the same discussion.
*Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format

'''Note''': [[News forum]] is a special type of forum that is automatically created with a new course.
El tamaño máximo de archivo que se puede adjuntar a una publicación del foro depende de la configuración del sitio de Moodle. El profesor puede querer un límite de tamaño menor para el foro y debe tener en cuenta las velocidades de descarga de los participantes del curso.

==Anexos y número de palabras==
Si se habilita "Mostrar recuento de palabras", la cantidad de palabras en las publicaciones del foro se mostrará en la parte inferior de cada publicación.
(This setting is collapsed by default)

===Suscripciones al foro===
|[[File:attachmentsandwordcount.png|thumb|292px|Attachments and word count settings expanded]]

Cuando un usuario se suscribe a un foro, significa que recibirá una notificación (según las preferencias de configuración de mensajería del usuario) de cada publicación nueva. Por defecto, las publicaciones se registran aproximadamente 30 minutos después de que se escribió por primera vez. Dependiendo de la configuración de correo electrónico de cada miembro del foro, pueden ser notificados inmediatamente después de que se cierre la ventana de edición de 30 minutos, o en un lote a la hora fijada por el administrador del sitio (ver más abajo).

===Tamaño máximo del anexo===
Las personas generalmente pueden elegir si desean o no suscribirse a cada foro. Sin embargo, el profesor puede optar por forzar la suscripción a un foro en particular, luego todos los usuarios del curso se suscribirán automáticamente, incluso aquellos que se inscriban en un momento posterior.

The maximum file size that may be attached to a forum post will first be determined by the Moodle site settings. The teacher may want a smaller size limit for the forum. Server file capacity, student downloading speeds and discouraging images in a document centered discussion are a few reasons to limit file size.
El modo de suscripción y los enlaces de suscripción o cancelación de suscripción aparecen en Navegación> Administración del foro cuando se visualiza el foro. Los profesores pueden cambiar rápidamente el modo a través de las opciones de 'Modo de suscripción' y ver los suscriptores actuales a través del enlace 'Mostrar / editar suscriptores actuales'.

===Número máximo de anexos===
The maximum number of attachments a user can add to their forum post (from 0 to 100) can be specified here.

===Mostrar número de palabras===
Obligar a todos a suscribirse es especialmente útil en el foro de noticias y en los foros hacia el comienzo del curso (antes de que todos se hayan dado cuenta de que pueden suscribirse a estos correos electrónicos).
Cambiar la configuración de "Sí, inicialmente" a "No" no cancelará la suscripción de los usuarios existentes; solo afectará a aquellos que se inscriban en el curso en el futuro. De manera similar, cambiar "Sí, inicialmente" no suscribirá a los usuarios del curso existentes, sino solo a aquellos que se inscriban más tarde.
También hay una configuración de "Suscripciones no permitidas" que impide que los Estudiantes se suscriban a un Foro. Los profesores pueden optar por suscribirse a un foro si lo desean.

If "Display word count"  is enabled, then the number of words in forum posts will be shown at the bottom of each post.

==Suscripción y seguimiento==
====Subscribirse a discusiones individuales del foro====
(This setting is collapsed by default)

In a forum with optional or auto subscription you can choose which discussions to subscribe to by clicking the 'dot' icon to the right of the discussion. An envelope tells you are already subscribed.
|[[File:subscriptionandtracking.png|thumb|267px|Subscription and tracking settings expanded]]
===Modo de suscripción===
When a user is subscribed to a forum it means that they will receive notification (via popup and/or email, depending on the user’s messaging settings preferences) of each new posting. By default, posts are recorded about 30 minutes after the post was first written. Depending upon the email settings of each forum member, they may be sent an email immediately after the 30 minute edit window is closed, or in a batch at a time fixed by the site administrator (see below).
People can usually choose whether or not they want to be subscribed to each forum. However, the teacher can choose to force subscription on a particular forum then all course users will be subscribed automatically, even those that enrol at a later time.
There are 4 subscription mode options:
* Optional subscription - Participants can choose whether to be subscribed
* Forced subscription - Everyone is subscribed and cannot unsubscribe
* Auto subscription - Everyone is subscribed initially but can choose to unsubscribe at any time
* Subscription disabled - Subscriptions are not allowed. 
The subscription mode and subscribe or unsubscribe links appear in'' Navigation>Forum administration'' when viewing the forum.  teachers can quickly change the mode via the 'Subscription mode' options and view the current subscribers via the 'Show/edit current subscribers' link.
* Forcing everyone to subscribe is especially useful in the news forum and in forums towards the beginning of the course (before everyone has worked out that they can subscribe to these emails themselves).
* Changing the setting from "Yes, initially" to "No" will not unsubscribe existing users; it will only affect those who enrol in the course in the future. Similarly changing "Yes, initially" will not subscribe existing course users but only those enrolling later.
* There is also a "Subscriptions not allowed" setting which prevents Students from subscribing to a Forum. Teachers may choose to subscribe to a forum if they wish.
====Subscribe to individual forum discussions====
{{Nuevas características de Moodle 3.0}}
*En un foro con suscripción opcional, Usted puede elegir a cuales discusiones suscribirse al hacer clicken el ícono del 'punto' a la derecha de la discusión. Un sobre de carta le dice a Usted que ya está suscrito.

===¿Leer seguimiento para este foro?===
When you reply to a post you will see a tickbox 'Discussion subscription'. It will already be ticked if you have chosen in your forum preferences to be subscribed to discussions you post in by default. If you have chosen not to subscribe to forum discussions by default, then you can tick this box to be notified of posts from this particular thread.
"Read tracking" for a forum allows users to track read and unread forum posts.
|[[File:forum administration.png|thumb|325px|Don't track unread posts link]]
There are three options for this setting:
* Optional - Students can turn tracking on or off for the forum via a link 'Track / Don't track unread posts' in ''Administration > Forum administration'', or via their profile 'Forum Tracking' option.
* Off - It is not possible to track unread forum posts
* Forced - Tracking is always on in this forum, regardless of user preference or setting. No link in is present in ''Administration > Forum administration''. This setting is only available when the 'Allow forced read tracking' administrative setting is enabled.
(This setting is collapsed by default and will only appear if RSS has been enabled sitewide and for forums)
|[[File:rss25.png|thumb|306px|RSS settings expanded]]
===Canal RSS para esta actividad===
This turns RSS on or off for this forum. When set to “None,” RSS is disabled. When set to “Discussions,” the RSS feed will send out new discussions to subscribers. When set to “Posts,” the RSS feed will send out any new posts to subscribers.
Note: [[RSS feeds]] must be enabled for the site and for forums in order for the RSS settings to appear.
===Número de artículos recientes RSS===
This number sets the number of articles that go out via RSS. If this number is set to 5, then the 5 most recent articles will be sent to subscribers. As new posts (or discussions) get added, the oldest post/discussion gets replaced on the RSS feed. If your forum gets a lot of posts every day, you will want to set this number high.
The administrative cron (admin/cron.php) must run after the forum is created and posts or discussions have been made.  Otherwise the user will receive an error "Error reading RSS data"
==Post threshold for blocking==
(This setting is collapsed by default)
|[[File:postthresholdforblocking.png|thumb|389px|Post threshold for blocking settings expanded]]
===Período de tiempo para bloqueo===
Choose here the time period in which can be blocked from posting more than a given number of posts. (To make a user exempt, give them the capability ''mod/forum:postwithoutthrottling'')
===Umbral de la publicación para bloqueo===
Set the number of posts here that users may add before they are blocked.
===Umbral de la publicación para advertencia===
Set the number of posts here after which users will be warned they are about to be blocked.
(This setting is collapsed by default)
Choose the category in which this forum will appear if ratings are enabled.
(This setting is collapsed by default)

|[[File:ratings25.png|thumb|480px|Ratings settings expanded]]
If [[Canales RSS]] are enabled for the site and for forums, then an expandable section for RSS settings will appear. Here the teacher can turn RSS feeds on or off for that forum.When set to “Discussions,” the RSS feed will send out new discussions to subscribers. When set to “Posts,” the RSS feed will send out any new posts to subscribers.

===Roles con permsos para valorar===
Cron must be working regularly for the RSS feed to work; otherwise participants will see ' Error reading RSS data'.
Forum posts can be rated using a [[Scales|scale]]. By default, only teachers can rate forum posts, though students can be given permission to do so if desired (see Forum permissions below). This is a useful tool for giving students participation grades. Any ratings given in the forum are recorded in the [[Gradebook|gradebook]].

===Tipo de agregación===
===Bloqueo de publicaciones===
Por defecto, los participantes del curso pueden publicar cualquier cantidad de mensajes en los foros. Si desea restringir este número y bloquearlos después de un cierto número o tiempo, la sección expandible 'Umbral de publicación para bloqueo' le permite especificar su elección. También puede enviar una advertencia de que están a punto de ser bloqueados.

You can set an aggregate type, in other words, decide how all the ratings given to posts in a forum are combined to form the final grade (for each post and for the whole forum activity).See [[Ratings]] for an explanation of aggregate types and which one is best for you.
==Calificación del foro completo==
{{Nuevas características de Moodle 3.8}}
{{Urgente de traducir}}
When grading is enabled from here, grading options appear, allowing the teacher to select points or a scale. Advanced grading methods such as rubrics may also be used and can be selected from the forum cog menu / Advanced grading. For more information on grading with forums, see [[Usando Foro]]

===Restrict ratings to items with dates in this range===
=== Valoraciones===
The teacher can allow only posts within a certain date range to be rated. This is useful if the teacher wants to keep students focused on the most recent content and maintain a specific pace within the forum or course.
Forums use a rating [[Escalas|escala]] which you can customise. You can also set a "Grade to pass" which  may be connected with [[Finalización de actividad]] and [[Restringir acceso]] o [[Actividades condicionales]] such that a student will not be able to access a follow up activity until they have obtained a required grade (rating) in the forum.

==Configuraciones comunes del módulo==
By default, only teachers can rate forum posts, though students can be given permission to do so if desired (see forum permissions below). This is a useful tool for giving students participation grades. Any ratings given in the forum are recorded in the [[Libro de calificaciones]].
(These settings are collapsed by default)

You can set an 'aggregate type'  to decide how all the ratings given to posts in a forum are combined to form the final grade (for each post and for the whole forum activity). See [[Valoraciones]] for an explanation of aggregate types and which one is best for you.
|[[File:cm25.png|thumb|392px|Common module settings expanded]]

See [[Common module settings]] for more information, but note the details below relating specifically to use of forums with groups.
===Otras configuraciones===
Depending on what is enabled for your site and course, you may also need to explore [[Configuraciones comunes del módulo]], [[Actividades condicionales| Restriccción del acceso]] and [[Finalización de actividad]]

===Modo de Grupo===
If your Forum activity doesn't display as you wish, check the site settings below:

===Usando Grupos con Foros===
For 'Group mode' in the expandable Common module settings section allows you to specify how your forum works with groups.  (Note that Single simple discussions cannot be set to separate groups as this feature is not implemented. Use a standard forum instead. )
For more information about using groups with forums, see the documentation [[Usando Foro]]
The '''group mode''' setting has three options:
The '''group mode''' setting has three options:
# No groups
# Separate groups - each group can only see their own group; others are invisible
# Visible groups - each group works in their own group, but can also see other groups
If the group mode is set to separate groups:
|[[File:groupsforum.gif|403px|thumb|Adding a new discussion topic to a forum set to separate groups]]
* Teachers are given the option of adding a new discussion topic for all participants or for a selected group. If a teacher adds a new discussion topic for a selected group, then only group members can reply to it. If a teacher adds a new discussion topic for all participants, then students can't reply to it. (This is to ensure that groups are kept separate.)
* Students can only start discussions for their own group.
* Students can only reply to discussions started by other group members or discussions for their own group started by a teacher.
If the group mode is set to visible groups:
* Teachers are given the option of adding a new discussion topic for all participants or for a selected group. If a teacher adds a new discussion topic for a selected group, then only group members can reply to it.
* Students can only start discussions for their own group.
* Students can only reply to discussions started by other group members or teachers.
Teachers, and other users with the capability [[Capabilities/moodle/site:accessallgroups|moodle/site:accessallgroups]] set to allow, can view and post in all forum discussions, regardless of the group mode setting.
:''Note'': Single simple discussions cannot be set to separate groups (as this feature is not implemented). Instead, a standard forum should be used, with the teacher copying and pasting the same discussion topic for each separate group. If required, a permissions override may be set to prevent students from starting new discussions.
==Restricción del Acceso / Finalización de Actividad==
(These settings are collapsed by default)
These settings are visible if [[Actividades condicionales]] and [[Finalización de actividad]] have been enabled in the site and the course.
==Locally assigned roles==
In ''Administration > Forum administration > Locally assigned roles'' selected users can be given additional roles in the activity.
===Moderador del foro===
A student can be given the rights to moderate a forum by assigning them the role of non-editing teacher in the forum.
# In ''Settings > Forum administration > Locally assigned roles'' click on student
# Select the student from the potential users list on the right, and use the Add button to add them to the existing users list on the left. Multiple users may be selected by holding down the Apple or Ctrl key whilst clicking on the users' names.
See also [[Rol de moderador del foro]].
==Permisos del foro==
Role permissions for the activity can be changed in ''Administration > Forum administration > Permissions''.
Common permissions changes include:
===Enabling students to rate posts===
Click the Allow icon (+) opposite the capability to rate posts and allow the role of student.
===Archivación de un foro===
A forum can be closed / archived so that students may no longer start new discussions, nor add replies, but can still read all the discussions by clicking the Prevent icon (X) for the student role for the capabilities 'Start new discussions' and 'Reply to posts'.
===Guests and posting in a forum===
There are certain things, such as posting in a forum, that guests are never allowed to do, despite the permissions interface suggesting otherwise.
The guest role has some special functionality, for example when a guest user attempts to post in a forum, they obtain the message "Sorry, guests are not allowed to post. Would you like to log in now with a full user account?"
(Note: If guests don't obtain the  "Sorry, guests are not allowed to post" message because they have no reply link, then self enrolment needs enabling in ''Settings > Course administration > Users > Enrolment methods''.)
If you wish guests to be able to post in a forum, you can use the [[Forum poster role]]
==User administration settings==
Users can choose whether or not to track unread posts in their profile settings under 'Forum tracking'. The settings are:
* Yes: highlight new posts for me
* No: don't keep track of posts I have seen
If the user chooses 'Yes: highlight new posts for me' and the forum administrator has set the 'Read tracking for this forum?' to On or Optional then the user will have new posts highlighted for them.
|[[File:forumtracking1.png|thumb|296px|left|Unread posts alert]]

The posts will be highlighted in the following places:

* My home page
==Configuraciones del sitio==
* Course page
* Within the forum itself
* In forum discussion threads
|[[File:forumtracking2.png|thumb|447px|left|Click to mark as read]]

==Site administration settings==
A description for the Forum may or may not be obligatory depending on  ''Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Common settings,''

The forum module has additional settings which may be changed by an administrator in ''Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Forum'' and, for 'Maximum time to edit posts', in ''Administration > Site administration > Security > Site policies''.
The forum module has additional settings which may be changed by an administrator in ''Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Forum'' and, for 'Maximum time to edit posts', in ''Administration > Site administration > Security > Site policies''.

===Use email address in reply===
===Publicaciones en foro con tiempo ajustado===
By default, a user's email is set as the 'From' address for forum notifications (unless the user has hidden their email address in their profile) so that recipients can choose to reply personally rather than via the forum. To set noreply@yourmoodlesite.org as 'From' address for all forum notification emails, untick the forum_replytouser checkbox.
===Long and short posts===
The long and short post setting determine how forum posts on the site front page, social format course pages, and user profiles are displayed. (Note: There is currently an unresolved issue - "Site news - forum length setting has no effect for certain users" - MDL-4781.)
===Enabling timed posts===
Timed forum posts may be enabled i.e. having the option to set a display start and end date for a new discussion. Timed posts can then be created by users with the [[Capabilities/mod/forum:viewhiddentimedposts|capability to view hidden timed posts]] (normally admins and teachers).
===Maximum time to edit posts===
This specifies the amount of time people have to re-edit forum postings, glossary comments etc. Usually 30 minutes is a good value. The setting may be changed by an administrator in ''Administration > Site administration > Security > Site policies''.
===Read tracking===
Sets the default 'Read tracking' selection when creating new forums. If 'Forced' is selected, the 'Allow forced read tracking' checkbox (below) must be ticked, otherwise 'Optional' will be the default setting.
===Allow forced read tracking===
With this option set, "Forced" will be an option for "Read tracking" when creating or editing Forums. Forced forums have read tracking enabled regardless of user preference.
This setting can place additional load on servers. With this setting disabled, users who set their profile setting to not track read posts see faster load times of courses pages. With this setting enabled, that performance increase is lost, and all course views see the same performance as if the users personal setting was on.
When disabled, any forums previously set to "Forced" (or "On" prior to Moodle 2.6) will be treated as optional.
===Mark post read after 'X' days===

This setting is forum_oldpostdays and specifies the number of days after which any post is considered to be read. E.g. If this is set to 14 days then any post older than 14 days will be considered read. If you set this to 0 then '''ALL''' posts are instantly considered to be read. If you don't want any posts to be considered read without the user reading them then set a high figure (e.g. 1000)
Se pueden habilitar publicaciones con el tiempo ajustado desde  '' Administración > Administración del sitio > Plugins > Módulos de actividad > Foro''. Los profesores y otros usuarios con la capacidad de  ''mod/forum:viewhiddentimedposts'' pueden entonces configurar un periodo a mostrar por fecha y  ('''a partir de Moodle 3.0''') hora para que aparezca la publicación en el foro.{{Nuevas características de Moodle 3.0}}

===Changing the subject line of forum notifications===
===Cambiar la línea del asunto de las notificaciones del foro===

Normally when forum subscribers receive emails from forums, the subject line is of the form: Course short name + Subject of post:
Normally when forum subscribers receive emails from forums, the subject line is of the form: Course short name + Subject of post:
Línea 290: Línea 93:

==Vea también==
Los remplazables disponibles para usarse son:
* [http://youtu.be/lTLdIiSxclU The Moodle Forum] MoodleBites video on YouTube
* [http://youtu.be/amyQjAESkZM Moodle Forum Types and Group Mode] MoodleBites video on YouTube
* subject
* forumname
* sitefullname
* siteshortname
* courseidnumber
* coursefullname
* courseshortname

Revisión actual - 13:56 27 jun 2022

Nota: Esta página es acerca de Las configuraciones del foro para Moodle 3.0 y más recientes. Para la documentación anterior, vaya a 27/Configuraciones del foro .

Nota: Pendiente de Traducir. ¡Anímese a traducir esta página!.     ( y otras páginas pendientes)

Un profesor puede añadir una actividad de Foro en un curso al Activar la edición y hacer click en el enlace para ' Añadir una actividad o Recurso' (o, si no estuviera presente, el menú desplegable de "Añadir una actividad") y seleccionar Foro.

Configuraciones de la actividad

To see all the settings expanded, click the link "Expand all" top right.

Give the Forum a name (which students see on the course page) and a description if required. (For the Single simple discussion forum type, your description must include the question or topic you wish to discuss.)

For forum type, see the section 'Which forum do I need?' in Actividad de foro for further details with screenshots.

Clicking the question mark icon helppopup.pngnext to any setting you don't understand will display extra help.

Anexos y número de palabras

El tamaño máximo de archivo que se puede adjuntar a una publicación del foro depende de la configuración del sitio de Moodle. El profesor puede querer un límite de tamaño menor para el foro y debe tener en cuenta las velocidades de descarga de los participantes del curso.

Si se habilita "Mostrar recuento de palabras", la cantidad de palabras en las publicaciones del foro se mostrará en la parte inferior de cada publicación.

Suscripciones al foro

Cuando un usuario se suscribe a un foro, significa que recibirá una notificación (según las preferencias de configuración de mensajería del usuario) de cada publicación nueva. Por defecto, las publicaciones se registran aproximadamente 30 minutos después de que se escribió por primera vez. Dependiendo de la configuración de correo electrónico de cada miembro del foro, pueden ser notificados inmediatamente después de que se cierre la ventana de edición de 30 minutos, o en un lote a la hora fijada por el administrador del sitio (ver más abajo).

Las personas generalmente pueden elegir si desean o no suscribirse a cada foro. Sin embargo, el profesor puede optar por forzar la suscripción a un foro en particular, luego todos los usuarios del curso se suscribirán automáticamente, incluso aquellos que se inscriban en un momento posterior.

El modo de suscripción y los enlaces de suscripción o cancelación de suscripción aparecen en Navegación> Administración del foro cuando se visualiza el foro. Los profesores pueden cambiar rápidamente el modo a través de las opciones de 'Modo de suscripción' y ver los suscriptores actuales a través del enlace 'Mostrar / editar suscriptores actuales'.


Obligar a todos a suscribirse es especialmente útil en el foro de noticias y en los foros hacia el comienzo del curso (antes de que todos se hayan dado cuenta de que pueden suscribirse a estos correos electrónicos). Cambiar la configuración de "Sí, inicialmente" a "No" no cancelará la suscripción de los usuarios existentes; solo afectará a aquellos que se inscriban en el curso en el futuro. De manera similar, cambiar "Sí, inicialmente" no suscribirá a los usuarios del curso existentes, sino solo a aquellos que se inscriban más tarde. También hay una configuración de "Suscripciones no permitidas" que impide que los Estudiantes se suscriban a un Foro. Los profesores pueden optar por suscribirse a un foro si lo desean.

Subscribirse a discusiones individuales del foro

In a forum with optional or auto subscription you can choose which discussions to subscribe to by clicking the 'dot' icon to the right of the discussion. An envelope tells you are already subscribed.


When you reply to a post you will see a tickbox 'Discussion subscription'. It will already be ticked if you have chosen in your forum preferences to be subscribed to discussions you post in by default. If you have chosen not to subscribe to forum discussions by default, then you can tick this box to be notified of posts from this particular thread.


If Canales RSS are enabled for the site and for forums, then an expandable section for RSS settings will appear. Here the teacher can turn RSS feeds on or off for that forum.When set to “Discussions,” the RSS feed will send out new discussions to subscribers. When set to “Posts,” the RSS feed will send out any new posts to subscribers.

Cron must be working regularly for the RSS feed to work; otherwise participants will see ' Error reading RSS data'.

Bloqueo de publicaciones

Por defecto, los participantes del curso pueden publicar cualquier cantidad de mensajes en los foros. Si desea restringir este número y bloquearlos después de un cierto número o tiempo, la sección expandible 'Umbral de publicación para bloqueo' le permite especificar su elección. También puede enviar una advertencia de que están a punto de ser bloqueados.

Calificación del foro completo

¡Nueva característica
en Moodle 3.8!

Nota: Urgente de Traducir. ¡ Anímese a traducir esta muy importante página !.     ( y otras páginas muy importantes que urge traducir)

When grading is enabled from here, grading options appear, allowing the teacher to select points or a scale. Advanced grading methods such as rubrics may also be used and can be selected from the forum cog menu / Advanced grading. For more information on grading with forums, see Usando Foro


Forums use a rating escala which you can customise. You can also set a "Grade to pass" which may be connected with Finalización de actividad and Restringir acceso o Actividades condicionales such that a student will not be able to access a follow up activity until they have obtained a required grade (rating) in the forum.

By default, only teachers can rate forum posts, though students can be given permission to do so if desired (see forum permissions below). This is a useful tool for giving students participation grades. Any ratings given in the forum are recorded in the Libro de calificaciones.

You can set an 'aggregate type' to decide how all the ratings given to posts in a forum are combined to form the final grade (for each post and for the whole forum activity). See Valoraciones for an explanation of aggregate types and which one is best for you.

Otras configuraciones

Depending on what is enabled for your site and course, you may also need to explore Configuraciones comunes del módulo, Restriccción del acceso and Finalización de actividad

If your Forum activity doesn't display as you wish, check the site settings below:

Usando Grupos con Foros

For 'Group mode' in the expandable Common module settings section allows you to specify how your forum works with groups. (Note that Single simple discussions cannot be set to separate groups as this feature is not implemented. Use a standard forum instead. ) For more information about using groups with forums, see the documentation Usando Foro The group mode setting has three options:

Configuraciones del sitio

A description for the Forum may or may not be obligatory depending on Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Common settings,

The forum module has additional settings which may be changed by an administrator in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Forum and, for 'Maximum time to edit posts', in Administration > Site administration > Security > Site policies.

Publicaciones en foro con tiempo ajustado

Se pueden habilitar publicaciones con el tiempo ajustado desde Administración > Administración del sitio > Plugins > Módulos de actividad > Foro. Los profesores y otros usuarios con la capacidad de mod/forum:viewhiddentimedposts pueden entonces configurar un periodo a mostrar por fecha y (a partir de Moodle 3.0) hora para que aparezca la publicación en el foro.¡Nueva característica
en Moodle 3.0!

Cambiar la línea del asunto de las notificaciones del foro

Normally when forum subscribers receive emails from forums, the subject line is of the form: Course short name + Subject of post:


The subject line can be changed - for example to: Course short name + Forum name + Subject by going to Site administration>Language>Language customisation and in forum.php changing the string postmailsubject to

{$a->courseshortname} {$a->forumname} {$a->subject}


Los remplazables disponibles para usarse son:

  • subject
  • forumname
  • sitefullname
  • siteshortname
  • courseidnumber
  • coursefullname
  • courseshortname