Subir cohortes
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Un administrador puede subir múltiples cohortes desde un archivo de texto en formato CSV (comma separated values = valores separados por comas) en Administración > Administración del sitio > Usuarios > Cuentas > Cohortes > Subir cohortes. Las cohortes pueden crearse tanto en el contexto del sistema (para todo el sitio) o en el contexto de categoría de curso. ¡Nueva característica
en Moodle 2.8!
Una vez que una cohorte haya sido creada, se le pueden añadir nuevos usuarios desde la página para Subir usuarios, usando un archivo CSV formateado apropiadamente.
Proceso para subir cohorte
Aquí está una descripción del proceso:
- Create cohort file for uploading (CSV text file with a 'name' column and the name of each new cohort on a new line)
- Go to Administration > Site administration > Users > Accounts > Cohorts > Upload cohorts'
- Add file to upload
- Upload cohort preview - review settings and check for any errors. If errors are reported with the file, correct as needed.
- Upload cohorts - click "Upload cohorts"
- Upload cohorts results - shows how many cohorts were created
- Upload cohorts results - click "Continue"
- Returns to Upload users screen
The CSV formatted text file containing cohort data to be uploaded. Vea la sección Formato del archivo para el archivo para subir cohorte para información más detallada acerca del archivo para subir cohorte.
Delimitador CSV
The character used as a delimiter between fields in the cohort upload file. The delimiter separates the various fields on a single line. By default, a comma (',') is used as the delimiter; however, other options are available.
- uses the comma character as the field delimiter;
- uses the semicolon character as the field delimiter:
- uses the colon character as the field delimiter\t
- uses \t (tab) as the field delimiter
You can specify the character encoding of the upload cohorts file. The default character encoding is UTF-8.
Contexto por defecto
You can specify the default context to use from a list of available contexts. The default context is the System context (i.e. site-wide). A list of course categories will be listed and one of those course categories can be selected as the default context if one is not provided in the upload cohorts file. If the contextid
(or one of the available fields to lookup the contextid
) is provided, then that value will be used; however, if a contextid is not provided for a particular cohort the default context will be used.
Formato del archivo para el archivo para subir cohortes
The upload cohorts CSV text file has fields separated by a comma (or other delimiter). The first line contains valid field names (preferrably lower case). The rest of the lines (records) contain information about each new cohort.
:Tip: Avoid special characters in field information like quotes or other commas. Test a file with only one record before a large upload. :Tip: You can use a spreadsheet program to create the file with the required columns and fields. Then save the file as "CSV (comma delimited)". These files can then be opened with simple text editors for verification.
Archivo de subida válido para pruebas
Here is an example of a simple valid upload cohorts file: (Column headers on the first line of the file are only highlighted in bold in this example to distinguish it from the rest of the of the data/user details)
name,idnumber,description Class of 2019,2019,Members of the Class of 2019 Class of 2020,2020,Members of the Class of 2020
Campos que pueden incluirse
- Campos requeridos:
- el nombre de la cohorte a crear
- Campos opcionales: Para proporcionar valores diferentes a los valores por defecto incluya uno o más de los siguientes campos opcionales:
- used to specify the context id number of the cohorts you are uploading. For example, the context id number of a particular course category.idnumber
- used to provide an id number for the cohorts you are uploadingdescription
- used to provide a description for the cohorts you are uploadingdescriptionformat
- used to specify the text format of the description. By default, the descriptionformat is set to the recommended value of 1 (FORMAT_HTML); however, values of 0 (FORMAT_MOODLE) and 2 (FORMAT_PLAIN) are also available. These format values are defined in lib/weblib.php.visible
- used to specify whether the cohorts you are uploading should be visible (1) or not (0).
- Campos adicionales : Si fuera necesario, hay algunos campos adicioonales que, aunque normalmente no son usados, pueden llegar a utilizarse. Los campos adicionales típicamente requieren buscar información en otras tablas (como por ejemplo las tablas de contexto o categorías de cursos). Los campos adicionales proporcionan un aforma alterna para encontrar la ID del contexto de la categoría del curso. Se recomienda una dosis extra de precaución al usar estos campos adicionales. La lista de campos adicionales incluye:
- used to specify the name of the context name for each of the cohorts you are uploading.category
- used to specify the name of the category name for each of the cohorts you are uploading. For example, the category name of a particular course category.category_id
- used to specify the course category id (not idnumber) of the category for each of the cohorts you are uploading. For example, the course category id of a particular course category.category_idnumber
- used to specify the course category idnumber (not id) of the category for each of the cohorts you are uploading. For example, the course category idnumber of a particular course category.category_path
- used to specify the course category path of the category for each of the cohorts you are uploading. For example, the course category path of a particular course category.