Notas de Moodle 3.5.6
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Moodle 3.5
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Historia de las versiones > Notas de Moodle 3.5.6
Fecha de liberación: agendada para 13 de mayo 2019
Aquí está la lista completa de composturas en 3.5.6.
Composturas y mejoras
- MDL-62872 - Atto editor RecordRTC Video no longer erroneously reports the maximum upload size limit has been reached
- MDL-64151 - Courses can be unchecked from course completion in the Boost theme
- MDL-64678 - Assignment grading page scrollable on mobile
- MDL-64988 - Adding a quiz question in a chosen position no longer affected by section headings
- MDL-65170 - User searches within messaging with separate groups mode enabled are correctly filtered
- MDL-63196 - Calendar export includes category events
- MDL-46803 - Resetting a course role retains other roles affected users are assigned in the course
- MDL-63263 - Recycle bin includes user data/submissions within deleted course elements
- MDL-64894 - Items above anchor targets (such as in collapsible topics) can be clicked in the Boost theme
- MDL-65112 - Lesson short answer pages can display iframes
- MDL-65399 - Bulk quiz item deletion prevents deletion of the only question in a section (consistent with individual deletion functionality)
- MDL-64996 - Static analytics models are no longer marked as not trained after changing the default predictions processor
- MDL-65173 - Message notifications are no longer marked as read when a notification email is sent
- MDL-65085 - Analytics insights are sent from a site's no reply account, instead of from an admin account
- MDL-65179 - Web service token last access is updated less frequently
- MDL-64524 - Assignment frequently used comments popup can be scrolled
- MDL-65153 - The course competencies page no longer needs to be refreshed before clicking on newly added competencies
- MDL-64994 - Analytics can use the latest Python machine learning backend
- MDL-65094 - Sites hosted on localhost no longer prompt site admins to register their site
- MDL-29320 - Email case is properly handled during user profile updates
- MDL-29320 - Email case is properly handled during sign-up
- MDL-29317 - Email case is properly handled during grade imports
- MDL-65411 - Descriptions in calendar event modals wrap text and resize images where necessary
- MDL-65484 - Assignment PDF annotations are contained within the window boundaries
- MDL-64979 - Improvements to Behat test reliability on slow machines
Asuntos de seguridad
Details of any security issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.