Código de conducta para los foros de moodle.org

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Moodle.org está encaminado a ser un lugar amistoso, en donde las personas puedan obtener ayuda y aprender acerca de Moodle, y contribuir a hacer a Moodle aún mejor. Por lo tanto, en el interés de mantener un ambiente de aprendizaje productivo, les solicitamos a todos los participantes que sigan este código de conducta. Si no desea hacerlo así, tiene el derecho de no participar.

Antes de escribir en el foro

Lo básico

Elija el foro más apropiado para escribir

Cualquier mensaje que se considere que está en el foro equivocado será movido. As Moodle does not yet include functionality for informing posters when a thread is moved, if you think your post might have been moved, please try a Google search of moodle.org to locate it.

Moodle has a friendly and helpful community where you can ask questions. We ask that you first try to solve any problems by reading the forum and then by posting your question before messaging anyone. For those who don't want messages you have the ability to block new messages from unknown users. Please try to return to the forum to finish solving your issue so that all can benefit or at least post any successes you experience.

Choose an informative subject line

Subject lines are like advertisements. You want helpful Moodlers with solutions to your specific problem to find and read more about your issue.

  • Instead of using a subject line like "Urgent help needed!!!" use a subject line which is specific, such as, "Restore stops with error message 'xyz'".

Present facts and background in your post

Helpful Moodlers like posts that tell a short story that includes basic facts.

  • Provide as much relevant background information as you can in your post
  • If your question relates to a page on your site which is publicly available, you may post a link to it; however please note that out-of-context links (such as in a signature) will be removed
  • Remember to state the version of Moodle you are using

For further advice on how to ensure your question is answered, see Moodle.org forums help.

Provide feedback for others

  • Rate forum posts - In order to help others that may encounter the same problem as you did and encourage people who posted helpful replies, rate forum posts as useful using the dropdown menu below each post (only available when logged in).
  • Once your problem is solved, mark the discussion as [Solved] - Reply to the thread, providing links to the documentation, discussion or tracker issue that helped you. Add [Solved] to the subject line of your post. This ensures that people don't continue trying to answer question unnecessarily, and others who may have the same problem can find the answer quickly.

Buena conducta

Aquí hay algunas buenas prácticas que pueden ser aplicadas por los moderadores.

Escriba su pregunta solamente en un un foro

Escribir la misma pregunta en foros múltiples no es bueno. Solamente se fragmenta el soporte que reciba y hace más difícil que los otros usuarios encuentren la información correcta en el fururo cuando hagan una búsqueda.

If you really feel your topic falls in two forums (e.g. a major development in the Quiz module that may impact other parts of Moodle), pick the most specific (e.g. Quiz forum) and post a small pointer to the other discussion in the second forum (e.g. General developer forum).

Respeto hacia los otros usuarios del foro

Muestre respeto y consideración hacia los otros usuarios en todo momento. Flame y ataques personales serán eliminados.

Por favor respete las decisiones de los moderadores del foro y los facilitadores del curso.

Spam y anuncios no solicitados no están permitidos

Nuestra Policy on Advertising (política respecto a anuncios) explica los contextos en los que se permiten los anuncios. Además, las ofertas de trabajos relacionados con Moodle pueden anunciarse en la Moodle Jobs database. Las demás propagandas y spam] serán eliminados. Los mensajes sin contenido sustancial (ejemplo: "Hola) también serán eliminados.

Signatures in forum posts will be removed as they cause clutter and distract from the information and help provided.

Violaciones al código de conducta

If you come across any spam, unsolicited adverts or any other post that you feel is inappropriate, please report it to a forum moderator (listed in the forum introduction) or course facilitator or email helen@moodle.org.

Posts which violate our code of conduct may be edited, moved to a closed discussions forum or deleted at the discretion of moderators. Moderators and course facilitators are encouraged to discuss issues in the Facilitators Corner.

Spammers or anyone else who persists in violating our code of conduct will have their account blocked.


Whilst moodle.org moderators and course facilitators will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every post. All posts made on moodle.org express the views and opinions of the author and not the moderators or course facilitators (except for posts by these people) and they cannot be held liable.

If you have any comments on our code of conduct please use the página de discusión

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