Teacher quick guide

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I Moodle har en lärare ansvar för materialet i sin egen kurs. De hanterar ofta också inskrivningar och kan ändra kurssidans layout. Den här snabbstartguiden introducerar Moodles funktioner för dem som har Lärar roll.

Uppläggning av kurs

En kurs är ett utrymme på en Moodle-webbplats där lärare kan lägga till läromedel för sina elever. En lärare kan ha mer än en kurs och en kurs kan innehålla mer än en lärare och mer än en grupp elever. Se (Engelska) What is a course? .

Som standard kan en vanlig lärare inte lägga till en ny kurs. Se (Engelska) Adding a new course för information om hur kurser kan skapas.

Example of a Moodle course using the Boost theme
Example of a Moodle course using the Classic theme

En kurs kan visa sitt material på flera olika sätt eller "format", t.ex. i veckosektioner eller namngivna ämnessektioner. Du kan visa alla avsnitt samtidigt eller bara visa ett i taget. See Course settings for more information, or watch the screencast How to lay out a course.

Course sections may be renamed by turning on the editing and clicking the configuration icon underneath the section name. Sections may also be moved by drag and drop and sections added or removed by clicking the + or - underneath the bottom section. See Course homepage for more information.

You can also add elements, known as 'blocks', to the right, left or both sides of your central learning area, depending on your theme. For more information see Blocks. Remember that blocks will not display in the Moodle Mobile app so, think carefully about which blocks you really need.

Course enrolment

Before a learner can access your course, they must first be authenticated on the site and that is the responsibility of the site administrator.

Enrolment methods

There are several enrolment methods available to a teacher, what is available, again, depends on the site administrator. The admin might enrol students into course automatically, or the teacher might be able to let students enrol themselves. This is the Manual enrolment method. Other options can be seen in the Enrolment methods link and include Self enrolment and Guest access.

Note: Guests can only view the course and its resources; they cannot participate in any activities.

An enrolment key may be set if Self enrolment is enabled so that only students with the key can enter. The screencast Giving learners course access gives more information on course enrolment.


Every course has its own Gradebook which can record scores from assignments , quizzes , peer assessment workshops, 'branching' lessons, SCORM activities and LTI learning resources.

The grader report

Other activities such as forums, databases and glossaries can have ratings enabled which will also then be reflected in the gradebook.

Grade items can be manually created from Course administration > Grades > Set up > Categories and items and it is also possible to import and export grades.

Tracking progress

If completion tracking has been enabled for the site and in Course navigation > Settings, you can then set completion conditions in activity settings. A button with completion requirement information will appear to the right of the activity and a student may either be allowed to check it manually, or the item will show complete once the criteria for that particular activity have been met. Completion indicators (circles) display in the course index and reflect the completion status of each activity, for quick checking.

This feature can be combined with Course completion so that when certain activities have been completed and/or grades obtained, the course itself is marked complete.

Completion buttons and indicators

Badges can also be issued, manually or based on completion criteria to act as a motivator and record of course progress.

Restricting access

A course can be set to display everything to everyone all the time, or it can be very restrictive, displaying certain items at certain times, to certain groups or based on performance in previous tasks.

Options for restricting access

Course items and sections may be manually hidden using the 'hide' icon when the editing is turned on. If Restrict access has been enabled by the administrator then a Restrict access section will display in each course activity and resource, allowing you to choose how and when this item will be revealed, and whether to hide it completely or show it greyed out with the conditions for access.

See also