Boost theme

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Boost is the default theme for recent Moodle sites.

  • Boost is easy to configure using industry-standard Bootstrap presets, with Bootstrap 4, built-in SASS compiler, automated RTL support, preset files, new templates which make it easier to customise Moodle components. Share your presets on MoodleNet.
  • Note that Boost does not support submenus in the custom menu setting.
  • If you see that the content area in Moodle 4.0 is 830 px wide, you can fix it:
Login as admin
Navigate to Site administration > Appearance > Themes> Boost
Click the 'Advanced settings tab'
In Field 'Raw initial SCSS' add
$course-content-maxwidth: 1200px;
$h5p-content-maxwidth: 1200px; "