Rolling Release Updates

From MoodleDocs
workplacelogo.png This feature is part of Moodle Workplace™, which is available through Moodle Certified Partners and Service Providers only.

This page provides documentation of all improvements in rolling releases. It is expected that these new features will be added to the next major release.

Custom pages

A description has been added to the action option on the custom page to provide more details on the different type of custom pages.

Custom pages - New page menu.png

A viewall capabilty has been added to allow view all pages in the page listing report regardless of audience. This applies to current tenant and global pages. Note that this doesn't mean the user with this capability will see any custom page in the primary navigation, it's just about the custom pages list.

Dynamic rules

The following actions have been added to dynamic rules:

Action name Setting(s) Prerequisite
Delete users None Permission to delete users
Suspend users None Permission to unsuspend users
Unsuspend users None Permission to unsuspend users


The tenant selector has been enhanced and now supports auto-complete. This new feature is particularly helpful on sites with a large number of tenants.

Multitenancy - Tenant selector autocomplete.jpg