Read on for Moodle Workplace 4.5 highlights. Full details of the release with technical information can be found in the Moodle Workplace 4.5 release notes.
Better course discovery with Learning Catalogue improvements
Course highlighting
Spotlight specific courses in the Catalogue, calling visual attention to those courses and ensuring that they always appear at the top of the list on the Catalogue landing page
Featured Courses section
The new, customisable Featured Courses section, which appears at the top of the Catalogue landing page, allows you to direct learners to key courses
Automatic price synchronisation
Automatically display course prices in the Catalogue by linking the new “Number” custom course field to course enrolment plugins.
Filter and search field improvements
Range filters
Allow users to filter courses by numerical values that draw from the new Number course custom field. This could be used to allow filtering by price, difficulty level, time commitment, or anything else assigned a numerical value
Checkbox filters
A new Catalogue filter tied to the Checkbox custom course field
Highlight active filters
When using Catalogue filters, active filters are now highlighted with a visual cue, improving search functionality
Customise labels for fields and filters
Improved options for hiding or customising labels for Catalogue display fields and filters means the Catalogue can be more fully adapted to meet an organisation’s course discovery needs
More personalised multi-tenancy
Custom Tenant domains
No longer an experimental feature, tenants can now each be associated with a custom domain
User Tour Tenant selector
A new tenant selector option for User Tours allows you to create tenant-specific User Tours
New options for site customisation
New Start page options
You can now choose the Learning Catalogue or Custom Pages as the default Start page for your site
Custom Start Pages
A new type of Custom Pages that allow you to fully customise the default start page for your site
Unlisted Custom Pages
Create Custom Pages that do not appear in the main navigation, but can be linked to throughout the site
Easily copy URL for Custom Pages
New action that allows you to copy the URL for a specific Custom Page right from the list of Custom Pages
Simplified people management
Allocate users to Programs and Certifications from the Team Overview block
Users can now be allocated to Programs and Certifications directly from the Team Overview block
Add a new user in the “People” tab
New users can now be created directly from within the “People” tab of the Organisation Structure
New “User is manager” Dynamic Rules condition
A new "User is Manager" Dynamic Rules condition allows admins to create automations for managers of any type
More accurate Organisation Structure Dynamic Rules conditions
Conditions and actions for positions and departments in Dynamic Rules are only available if there are corresponding positions or departments in your organisation
Improvements for large sites
Better interface for moving users between Tenants
Effortlessly bulk-transfer users with an intuitive new modal interface
Adding tags to Dynamic Rules
Dynamic Rules can now be organised with tags, making management and categorization easier for Admins
Improve Department and Position selectors
By adding search functionality and displaying the hierarchical path from the Organisation Structure, improves navigation and use for Positions and Departments anywhere in the site where you need to make selections for automations
Improvements for learners
Simplified access to learning reports
The “Learning” section in a user’s profile now provides a clear, visual warning indicator for overdue Programs and Certifications
Session availability filter for Appointments
Appointment activity sessions can now be filtered by “Session availability,” a feature that helps optimise scheduling for both learners and instructors
Improvements for site management
Create courses within Program content editing
Create new courses directly while editing a Program
Include date when manually certifying a user
You can now input a certification date when manually marking a Certification as complete for a user, an improvement that helps organisations update historical completion data
New “username” placeholder for notifications with Dynamic Rules
Enhance site communication by using the new “username” placeholder in Dynamic Rules notifications
Use Textarea user profile field for Dynamic Rules conditions
A new option to select Textarea user profile fields as a Dynamic Rules condition
New “Workplace” plugins filter in Plugins Overview
Moodle Workplace plugins are now distinctly categorised as “Workplace” plugins on the plugins overview page rather than "Additional"