
13行目: 13行目:

学生または教師のログインを盗もうとする試みを管理者に警告するため、この設定を有効にします。When set, a link stating the number of failed logins appears in the top right corner of the page when an administrator logs in. Click the link to access the login error page.


2013年6月6日 (木) 23:31時点における版

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida


「設定 > サイト管理 > サーバ > 更新通知」にて、管理者はサイトのMoodleコアおよび寄贈プラグインの更新通知を設定することができます。詳細は利用可能な更新通知をご覧ください。


管理者は「管理 > サイト管理 > セキュリティ > 通知」にて、管理者はログイン失敗通知を設定することができます。




If you're concerned about login failures, you can set up email notification for administrators or any/all users who can change the site configuration.


This sets the number of failed logins for a given user from a single computer that will trigger notification.

Note: The number of failed login attempts that result in account lockout may be set in Administration > Site administration > Security > Site policies (new in 2.5).


The version of Moodle used may be found in Settings > Site administration > Notifications.

Other notifications listed on the page may include

  • "Alpha" development code warning
  • Cron not run for at least 24 hours
  • Database tables are using MyISAM database engine - see Migration from MyISAM to InnoDB for advice on what to do
  • "Enabling the PHP setting display_errors is not recommended on production sites because some error messages may reveal sensitive information about your server." What you do about this is not explained. Making a php.ini file with "display_errors = off;" in it in the folder "with the script" (?) is one suggestion found by googling, but that may depend on your server.
  • Site not yet registered
