Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Datalynx settings.

Datalynx settings

From MoodleDocs

This page describes the settings available for a single Datalynx activity. These settings can be accessed directly after adding the activity to a course. After the activity has been setup for the first time, the settings can be accessed in two ways:

  • Via the Block Administration, if you are in the activity: "Administration -> Datalynx activity administration -> Edit settings".
  • On the course page: Turn editing on, click on the editing symbol just right of the activity name.
    Edit settings



The name of the datalynx instance (e.g. “Activity: Photo of the week”). The text entered is displayed on the course page as the text of the link to the activity.


The description of the datalynx is optional and may include a description of the content of the datalynx, instructions for participating in the activity. If you check the checkbox "Display description on course page", the description will be shown on the course page just below the name. The description won't be displayed within the activity itself.


Available from

If enabled, this time appears in the course calendar. Students can not enter the activity before this time.


If enabled, this time appears in the course calendar. Students can enter the activity after this time but whether they can not add new entries. To Enable this feature simply tick the Enable checkbox and set the date and time as desired. Notes on Date Settings Both the Available from and Due dates are displayed for learners in the datalynx details, but the Due date is also marked in the course Calendar as a visible reminder for participants and provides a link to the activity.


The duration of the activity from its Available-from time. With the a specified duration the due date is calculated automatically as 'Available from' plus the product of the duration (minutes) and the number of intervals.

Number of intervals

Together with the Interval setting, the Number of intervals allows the instructor to set up the datalynx as a periodic activity. For example, with a one-week interval duration and the number of intervals set to five, the datalynx will function as a weekly activity ending after five weeks. By default, the number of intervals is set to 1 and disabled. It may be enabled by specifying an interval. With specific interval and number of intervals the due date is calculated automatically (see Interval above). All the entries settings (e.g. max entries, required entries etc.; see below) are per interval. For example, the activity is set to ten one-week intervals and maximum entries is set to one, participants may add up to one entry every week up to a total of ten entries by the end of the activity.



Choose how to rate entries: You can use different scales or points for rating. You can add scales via "Administration -> Site administration -> Grades -> Scale".

Grading method

This defines how the grade is being calculated. For example if you grade more than one entries, the overall grade can be the maximum rating or the average rating of all the posts of a participant. Mor on that: Moodle Grades FAQ

Entry settings

Maximum entries

The maximum number of entries a participant may add to the activity. This setting may be useful for applications such as essay/structured assignment and periodic reports. It also prevents from flooding the activity with unnecessary or spam entries.

Required entries

The number of entries each participant is required to enter before the activity may be considered complete. The participant will see a reminder message upon entering the activity if s/he has not submitted the required number of entries.

Group entries

Entries will be added with group info but without author info. This settings requires group mode.

Editing time limit

The time limit (minutes) within which a user without manage entries capability can update or delete a new entry. -1: Unlimited. 0: The entry cannot be updated or deleted after submission. N: The entry can be updated or deleted within N minutes (where N is any positive number, e.g. 30).

Common module settings

See Common module settings

Restrict access/Activity completion

(These settings are collapsed by default) These settings are visible if Conditional activities and Activity completion have been enabled in the site and the course.

If enabled on site level and course level, datalynx offers completion tracking. For datalynx you can set a completion criteria: The number of approved entries. You have to activate "Require approval" in the "Entry settings"