Admin bookmarks block

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 18:21, 16 April 2012 by Donna Hrynkiw (talk | contribs) (Clarified language, added note re Teacher role can't see block contents, removed reference to Teacher role and general block permissions)

The intent of this block is to bookmark pages so that an administrator role can see them as a list of links. For the Teacher role, editing must be turned on for this block to appear, otherwise it is hidden. (As of Moodle 2.2.1+, testing indicates that while the Teacher role can see the block, it cannot see any of the links saved therein.)

Site administration > Plugins > Blocks > Manage Blocks > number of instances will display a list of courses where the block has been installed. The front page will not appear on this list.

It is possible to set the block display properties, just as any other block.