Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.3. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: User bookmarks block.

User bookmarks block

From MoodleDocs

The intent of User bookmarks block is to mark pages so that any user role can see them as a list of links.

Moodle Versions

User Bookmarks Block for Moodle 2.4+ (Tested up to 2.5.1)


  • Copy the files into the \blocks folder so that you have a \blocks\user_bookmarks folder.
  • Go to the \admin page and allow the block to be installed
  • Go to home page or any page
  • Turn editing on in any home or course page.
  • Add the block to the page.
  • Click the config button for the block to edit more options

Additional Languages

Create a new Folder and language File based on lang/en/block_user_bookmars.php, (for Example lang/fr/block_user_bookmars.php for French)

Known Bugs

Bookmark Titles may only work with Western European Special Characters (like German Umlaute) that will be converted by php's htmlentities() (so no Japanese or Chinese signs, we're working on that though.)

Useful Links

Moodle Docs for this plugin