Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.11. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: New for students.

New for students

From MoodleDocs

If you are a student on Moodle, here's a quick overview of the changes you can expect to see when your Moodle site is using Moodle 3.11

  • ActivityCompletion311.png

    Clear view of tasks and deadlines

    View activity dates and completion criteria on the course page

  • 311CompletionWithinActivity.png

    Never miss a deadline or task

    View activity dates and completion criteria in the activity page.

  • StudentManualCompletion.png

    Streamlined manual completion

    Mark complete from within the activity and go directly to your next task

  • StudentQuizPass.png

    Quiz pass grades

    View pass grades when accessing a Quiz.

  • PlayRate.png

    Audio / Video playback rates

    Control how fast sound and video files play back.

  • QuizMinMaxStudent.png

    Essay word limits

    Be alerted when submitting too few or too many word in a Quiz Essay.