Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.11. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Managing plagiarism prevention.

Managing plagiarism prevention

From MoodleDocs

Enabling plagiarism prevention

To make use of plagiarism prevention, the feature must be enabled by an administrator by checking the enable plagiarism plugins box in Administration > Site administration > Advanced features.


Plagiarism prevention plugins

An administrator then needs to install and configure one or more plagiarism prevention plugins in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Plagiarism prevention > Plagiarism settings. Possible plugins include:

Fully supported plugins

These are plugins that support plagiarism detection within the Moodle Assignment, Workshop and Forum activities.

  • Compilatio - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
  • Turnitin - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
  • Ouriginal - Previously called Urkund - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
  • Unicheck - Commercial tool requires paid subscription

Partially supported plugins

These are plugins that currently only support the Moodle Assignment activity.

  • CopyCheck - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
  • PLAGIARISMA - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
  • PlagScan - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
  • Vericite - Commercial tool requires paid subscription

Other tools for managing plagiarism