Managing plagiarism prevention
Enabling plagiarism prevention
To make use of plagiarism prevention, the feature must be enabled by an administrator by checking the enable plagiarism plugins box in Administration > Site administration > Advanced features.
Plagiarism prevention plugins
An administrator then needs to install and configure one or more plagiarism prevention plugins in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Plagiarism prevention > Plagiarism settings. Possible plugins include:
Fully supported plugins
These are plugins that support plagiarism detection within the Moodle Assignment, Workshop and Forum activities.
- Compilatio - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
- Turnitin - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
- Ouriginal - Previously called Urkund - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
- Unicheck - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
Partially supported plugins
These are plugins that currently only support the Moodle Assignment activity.
- CopyCheck - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
- PLAGIARISMA - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
- PlagScan - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
- Vericite - Commercial tool requires paid subscription
Other tools for managing plagiarism
- Acknowledge plagiarism statement access rule - A plugin by the Open University lets you require students to agree to a statement about not plagiarising before starting a quiz.
- Safe Exam Browser quiz access rule - Provides Safe Exam Browser 2.0 integration for Moodle.
- Essay (auto-grade) question type - An additional essay question type that can use a glossary of common errors to detect plagiarized phrases.