

翻訳中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2006年9月5日 (火) 15:29 (CDT)







通常、リソースは、Moodleナビゲーションがトップフレームにある標準的なフレームウィンドウに表示されます。設定により、このフレームを取り除き、通常のウェブページのようにリソースを表示することができます。あなたが希望するウィンドウサイズを指定してください。多くの利用者は、まだ平均的な画面解像度800 x 600を使用しています。ほとんどの場合、初期のウィンドウサイズを600 x 480 程度の小さなサイズに設定することが最良です。これらのフィールドを空白にした場合、新しいポップアップウィンドウはクリック元と全く同じサイズになります。


Note: parameters are quite an advanced feature. Some knowledge of how web forms pass information to web pages is required.

The parameter settings are completely optional, and are only useful when you need to pass some Moodle information to the resource file or web site. If you define any parameters they will be passed to the resource as part of the URL (using the GET method). The left column allows you to choose information to send, and the right column allows you to give it a name. Note that the user information will be from the user who is looking at this resource, and the course information is from the course that this resource is part of.

An example is to send users to the URL http://www.google.com/search. This is the page that returns search results for your Google searches but, if you go there directly, without specifying what you wish to search for, you just get the standard Google search screen. Google expects a parameter called q that tells it what to look for. If you select a parameter, any will do but in this example we'll use Surname, and give it the name q then every user will see a page of search results based upon the Surname stored in their profile.

A slightly more useful example can be seen on the front page of Moodle.org. The Documentation link (second from the top on the left-hand side) uses paramaters to add the language specified in the user's profile to the link. Try changing your language before clicking on the link and see where you end up. (Bear in mind that if no MoodleDocs exists for a language, you will be redirected to the English documentation).

In general this feature provides a powerful way to connect Moodle to external web resources that are logically divided up by Geographic Region, Course or User details etc. For example you may already have all your past course papers available ordered by course code. This allows a standard course template to be created that points to different places when the course code is changed. If the external source cannot accept connections in the standard format that Moodle provides, and you have access and control over the external source, then a server add-on called mod_rewrite could be used to make them interoperate.

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