Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Datalynx JavaScript, CSS.

Datalynx JavaScript, CSS

From MoodleDocs

It is possible to add custom JavaScript and CSS code to a datalynx activity.


You can add custom JavaScript in "Manage -> JavaScript". If you use JavaScript, make sure to choose appropriate selectors and classes, in order to only target the specific view where the JS should be used. Also make sure to make a difference between editing mode and view mode of a view. In the following example, the edit view is detected via the presence of an input-tag, that is not present in view mode.

YUI().use('node', 'event', function(Y) { if('.class_only_present_in_a_view') &&'.sws input')){ function werteberechnen(){ var einzel = Y.all('.summeects');


} });

Possibilities to add JS

  • Direct input
  • Link to external JavaScript
  • Upload a JS file


Add custom CSS in "Manage -> CSS"

Possibilities to add CSS

  • Direct input
  • Link to external JavaScript
  • Upload a JS file