Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Block jmail.

Block jmail

From MoodleDocs


jmail is an internal mailing tool for Moodle 2

It supports features like: labels(folders), attachments, reply, forward, print, read and unread messages, etc...

Main features

  • Send messages (TO, CC, BCC)
  • Reply, forward
  • Attachments in messages
  • User names auto-completition when composing messages
  • Bulk user selection
  • Save attachments directly to your Moodle private files
  • Drafts support
  • Moodle HTML Editor integrated
  • AJAX and Rich User Interface
  • Quick search tool
  • Ordering (date, subject, remitent)
  • Pagination
  • Labels (like folder, but a message can be linked to more than one label)
  • Different types of mailboxes
  • Receive copy of your messages to your profile external email account
  • Direct access to all your mailboxes
  • Groups support
  • Message key shortcouts (reply, forward, delete and print)
  • Global inbox
  • Full backup and restore support

Type of mailboxes

General mailbox

The default mailbox in a course. All the users cand send messages to others

Read only mailbox

Selected roles can only read messages (not reply or compose new messages)


  • Override permissions at block or course level for your targeted roles
  • Set block/jmail:sendtomanagers to prevent
  • Set block/jmail:sendtoall to prevent

Mailbox in approval mode

Moderators must approve messages sent by users

Moderators are the users with the permission block/jmail:approvemessages allowed

Setup: Edit the block course settings, Check approval mode

  • Override permissions at block or course level for your targeted roles
  • Set block/jmail:approvemessages to allow for the users you want to be able to approve messages

Mailbox in restricted communication mode =

Selected roles will be able to send messages only to managers (managers are also selected roles)

Managers are those with the permission block/jmail:sendtoall allowed


  • Override permissions at block or course level for your targeted roles
  • Managers (teachers)
    • Set block/jmail:sendtomanagers to allow
    • Set block/jmail:sendtoall to allow
  • Students
    • Set block/jmail:sendtomanagers to allow
    • Set block/jmail:sendtoall to prevent

Mailbox in filtered users mode

The block supports groups for filtering users but additionally in the block settings you can select a profile field of the user for creating groups fitered.

So if you select "Country" and user from Spain will be available to view and send messages only users from Spain

Same for institutions, department, and language

Global inbox

Users will be able to send messages to any user in the system Users will be able to see all their different courses messages in the same page When a user replies to or forward a message, it will be delivery to the original remitent's course mailbox When a user composes a new message, it will be delivery to the system global inbox


  • Go to Admin -> Plugins -> Blocks
  • jmail General Settings
  • Check enable global inbox

Please, note that at site levels all the users has the Authenticated User role by default, so if you want create specific managers you will have to create global roles.


Follow Installing_plugins instructions

How to submit a bug

Go to the bug tracker

Create an account if you don't have one yet

Create a new issue: Project Non-core contributed, type bug

In the component field select Block: Jmail

In version select your Moodle version

Provide as much information as you have, it's good to enable debugging at Admin -> Debugging -> Select Developers level and check "Display Errors" for getting full error traces

How to request a new feature

  • Go to the Plugin Tracker
  • Check in the open issues if your feature have been already requested
  • If not, create a New issue (Component: Non-core contributed modules Issue type: New feature) (You have to register yourself in the tracker)
  • Select the component Block: Jmail and your Moodle version
  • Explain in the Description field your needs
  • If you have funding, you can contact me using the forum or the moodle internal messaging system, since I work for a Moodle Partner we can work on your request.
  • Vote and Watch the issue you have created add a link to the new issue in the forum


While reading an email, the First, Previous, Next, and Last buttons remain grayed out and do not work and the email number remains stuck on 1

This buttons are intended to be used when you have a lot of emails in your inbox and as a result the emails are paginated. You will see this buttons enabled and also an inline set of boxes with numbers for pagination For navigation between emails, please use your keyboards up and down arrows

I didn't receive a copy of the messages in my email account (gmail, yahoo, etc..)

In your course Inbox you have to go to Settings and Enable "Receive a copy of the messages ..." option

I have enabled "Receive a copy of the messages ... " option but still I don't have receive emails

Review your SPAM directory You have specify in your Moodle profile settings that you email is not visible (that prevents Moodle to send any email to you, including jmail ones)

I don't see all the course users in my contact list

  • If you are using custom roles, this roles should be marked as "profileroles" roles in Moodle settings, Site Policies, profileroles option
  • or Refresh the page
  • or log-out and log-in again to refresh cachees


2010 - 2012 Juan Leyva <!/jleyvadelgado>

The following institutions have funded improvements, testing and bug fixes:

See also

Github page

Plugin in

Tracker for bugs reporting

Forum discussion