Atto Word import
Atto Word import | |
Type | Atto, Microsoft Word import plugin |
Set | N/A |
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Maintainer(s) | Eoin Campbell |
The Atto Word import plugin is a contributed plugin available from the Atto plugins directory. It can be used to import the complete contents of a Microsoft Word 2010 (.docx) file, including tables, equations, headings and other structural markup, and any embedded images. You can select a file to import, or just drag and drop a Word file in the text area.
At present, this plugin is in beta, so it may not always work. It may be better not to use it on production servers. It supports .docx files only, not the older .doc format. The following Word versions support this format: Word 2007, Word 2010 and Word 2013 (on Windows); Word 2011 and Word 2016 (on MacOS). Note that files in .docm format (i.e. including macros) are not supported.
All language editions of the above versions should also work, including Chinese, Arabic, etc.
Check that your Moodle installation supports XSLT. Log in as Administrator, go to Site administration > Server > PHP info, and view the PHP configuration. Look for the package details for 'xsl'. If they are not present, then you will need to re-configure PHP and re-start the server. To enable XSLT on a Windows Moodle server, open your PHP configuration file (e.g. C:\xampp\php\php.ini) and add the line containing "extension=php_xsl.dll". It may already be present but commented out. On Linux platforms, you may need to create a symbolic link from the file /etc/php5/apache2/mods-available/xsl.ini to /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/20-xsl.ini. Change directory to /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/ and use the command sudo ln -s ../../mods-available/xsl.ini 20-xsl.ini. Alternatively, create a file /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xsl.ini containing the line
Installation and configuration
The Atto Word import plugin can be installed using the normal plugin installation process, and is supported on Moodle 2.7 or higher.
MathML equation support configuration with MathJax
To enable the display of equations using MathML, go to Site administration > Plugins > Filters > MathJax and add the text '<math' to the Additional equation delimiters field.
See also
This plugin is derived from work on a question import format (Word table format) that supports importing Word files to populate multiple entire questions, including all the text fields associated with them. If you are editing quiz questions, using this import format is probably more efficient.